066 Suggestions from Deputy Director Sun [Subscribe]

Hearing Miao Yunfei's words, Lin Chen nodded and said, "No problem, as long as you don't torture him severely."

After chatting a few more cases with Miao Yunfei and the others, Lin Chen said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Take me to see Qi Hongyuan."

Zhang Tian'an agreed, then walked out of the conference room and took Lin Chen to the room where Qi Hongyuan was.

Qi Hongyuan was placed in a detention room. Because of Lin Chen's relationship, the police treated him very well and didn't embarrass him any more.

After Qi Hongyuan saw Lin Chen, he stood up from the stool, his face was haggard, and he said to Lin Chen, "Old classmate, are you here to take me away? I don't want to stay here, but the police won't let me. Walk."

"You still have suspicions on your body now, just bear with it, you will be able to go out in a few days." Lin Chen reached out and patted Qi Hongyuan on the shoulder, and said to him.

Qi Hongyuan nodded, he suddenly grinned, and said, "The bad thing here is not freedom, but there are also good things."

Seeing Qi Hongyuan smiling happily, Lin Chen asked, "What's a good place?"

"It's the food that the police gave me, it's better than my cousin's aunt's cooking." Qi Hongyuan said seriously with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Lin Chen felt a little sad in his heart. He said, "The meals given by the police are not very good. When you can go out, I will invite you to a restaurant to eat."

"Okay, okay, but I also have money." Qi Hongyuan said, patted the wallet in his pocket, and said, "Old classmate, after you treat me to a meal, I'll treat you to it."

Lin Chen glanced at Qi Hongyuan's trousers, and thought of the old wallet with only a dozen wrinkled pieces, no bank cards, and a few playing cards.

"Well, you will also invite me to eat then." Lin Chen said with a smile.

Zhang Tianai had already left the room, Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan sat down, and after the two chatted for a while, Lin Chen got up and left.

After walking outside, Zhang Tianan saw Lin Chen coming out, and she asked, "Have you finished chatting with your classmates?"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Well, you can go now."

The two walked towards the outside together, and while walking, Zhang Tianai turned to look at Lin Chen and asked, "Lin Chen, I have a question for you."


"You said earlier that Qi Hongyuan's cousin was not the murderer, did you just judge that he didn't have a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Zhang Tianan asked, blinking his big eyes.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "The position of the sofa we are sitting is right in front of the man's room, and from my observation, he should not be the murderer."


Not long after Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai left the Public Security Bureau, several cars stopped at the entrance of the Public Security Bureau.

After the door was opened, a group of people got out of the car. The head was Miao Zhengxiong, mayor of Tianhai City and director of the Public Security Bureau, and the other was Deputy Bureau Sun of the Public Security Bureau.

The two had just returned from a meeting with the city government. During this meeting, the focus was naturally on the four recent serial killings at bus stop booths.

After Mayor Miao and Deputy Bureau Sun walked into the Public Security Bureau, in the lobby of the Public Security Bureau, they saw Miao Yunfei who had just walked out with the documents.

"Comrade Xiao Miao." Miao Zhengxiong looked at Miao Yunfei and asked, "Is there any progress in the murder case at the bus stop booth?"

After Miao Yunfei saw her father and Deputy Director Sun, she showed the respect she should have, nodded, and said, "That guy Lin Chen has just been here, and he gave us a very useful clue."

"Oh?" Deputy Bureau Sun's eyes lit up, and he said, "Lin Chen just left? It's really unfortunate, I still owe him a meal."

"What clues did Lin Chen provide?" Miao Zhengxiong asked.

"Come with me to the conference room." Miao Yunfei led the group and walked into the conference room.

When Lin Chen was reasoning in the conference room just now, the surveillance camera in the conference room was not turned off, and the whole process of Lin Chen's reasoning was recorded.

Miao Yunfei operated the computer twice, and the pictures and audio of Lin Chen's reasoning from standing here just now were played from the computer.

The conference room was very quiet, Miao Zhengxiong and Deputy Bureau Sun listened quietly, and the policemen who followed the two also stood by and watched.

After Lin Chen in the video finished reasoning about the clue, Miao Zhengxiong and Deputy Director Sun showed surprise and admiration in their eyes.

"The clue that Lin Chen gave us is that the murderer has severe OCD. Based on this, we will intensify our investigation." Miao Yunfei said.

Deputy Director Sun and Miao Zhengxiong nodded slightly. Miao Zhengxiong looked at Deputy Director Sun and said, "Old Sun, I am even more in favor of the suggestion you made in the conference room."

Deputy Bureau Sun laughed and said, "I have been thinking about that suggestion for a long time, I just don't know if he is willing to accept it or not."

The police officers on the side were very curious and wanted to know what suggestions Deputy Director Sun put forward at the meeting.

Miao Yunfei asked, "Mayor, Deputy Bureau, what advice are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." Miao Zhengxiong shook his head, turned and walked out of the conference room.

Deputy Bureau Sun smiled at Miao Yunfei and walked away.


After leaving the police station, it was almost evening.

Today is a cloudy day. After the evening, the sky is densely covered with dark clouds. The sky is gloomy and it will rain soon.

Zhang Tianai asked where Lin Chen was going now, Lin Chen controlled the steering wheel with both hands, and said, "Find a place to eat."

They randomly found a noodle shop, and the two ordered two noodles, and then ate.

Halfway through the meal, the sky was completely dark, and a flash of lightning suddenly lit up in the sky, followed by the rumbling sound of lightning.

Zhang Tian took a mouthful of noodles, looked up at Lin Chen's expressionless face, and said, "It's going to rain soon, is this the end of today's action?"

"You want to go home after get off work?" Lin Chen asked.

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