"Haha..." Ouyang Ming smiled, with deep meaning in his eyes, and he didn't say a word.

At the same time, several other big families in the magic sea are also talking about Lin Chen at the moment.

Wanjia, Wan Ruiqiang, who lost face in Tianhai City last time, is playing golf with his father and uncle on a golf course.


Wan Ruiqiang, who was holding the golf club in his hand, made a smooth and perfect movement, and slammed the golf ball out of the ground.

The fully automatic machines shot the balls one by one, and Wan Rui shot the balls one after another. Judging from his unstoppable movements and expressions, he was holding back his anger at the moment.

After playing all the balls, Wan Ruiqiang also stopped angrily.

At this time, his father came over and said to him, "Lin Chen has come to Mohai, and the company has also moved here, do you know?"

"Dad, I see." Wan Rui nodded vigorously, remembering the scene of being slapped by Lin Chen in Tianhai City.

As a junior of the Wan family, Wan Ruiqiang is considered outstanding among the Wan family.

When he was beaten like that by Lin Chen, Wan Ruiqiang naturally felt resentment in his heart and was unwilling, but grandpa and the others said that they could not provoke Lin Chen, and Wan Ruiqiang had no choice but to swallow this breath, who called himself Unfortunately, I have to run to vent my anger on Ouyang Chuying.

"You don't have any thoughts of dealing with Lin Chen now, do you?" Wan Ruiqiang's father asked.

"No..." Wan Ruiqiang replied.

"I have also dismissed it, and stay away from him in the future." Wan Ruiqiang's father said coldly.

"Understood." Wan Rui nodded vigorously, and he asked again, "Dad, what is Lin Chen's identity? Why didn't grandpa say anything?"

"Don't worry about it so much, just take care of yourself. Although our Wan family has a big business, there are still many people that we can't afford to provoke." Wan Ruiqiang's father finished speaking and walked towards the stadium in front Went away, leaving Wan Ruiqiang standing in the same place lost.


Lin Chen didn't know that the people of those families in the Demon Sea were talking about him.

At this moment, he is walking in the glass aisle of the underwater world with Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui.

The aisle is neither wide nor narrow, the aisle is full of sea water, all kinds of marine creatures swim in the water, and divers interact with the creatures in the water.

After Xiaohui came here, her big eyes were overwhelmed, and when she saw the huge fish, her mouth opened wide and she was very surprised.

After walking for a while, Xiaohui pointed at her big shark with one eye, and said to Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, "Brother and sister, this shark is so big, bigger than the big fish I caught from the reservoir. Big."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Xia Miaoyan smiled, immediately took out her mobile phone, and said to Xiaohui, "Don't move, my sister will take a picture for you."

As Xia Miaoyan's mobile phone clicked, Xiaohui pointed at the big shark outside the glass, and the big shark looked at a photo of her, which was recorded in the mobile phone.

After taking the photo, Xiaohui ran over. She glanced at the photo of herself and the big shark in her phone and asked Xia Miaoyan, "Sister, can you send the photo to my father? I want to tell him that I saw the big shark. Shark."

Xiaohui's face was full of happiness and hope, and Xia Miaoyan was slightly moved when she heard it.

After looking up at Lin Chen, Xia Miaoyan smiled at Xiaohui: "Okay, when we go back in the evening, we will send the photo to your father."

"Okay." Xiaohui jumped up happily: "Sister Xia, when you send the photo to dad, tell him again that Xiaohui misses him and ask him to come pick me up quickly."


Xia Miaoyan put down her hands, hugged Xiaohui gently, and asked, "what's the matter, aren't you happy with your brother and sister?"

"Happy." Xiaohui grabbed her two little hands and said, "It's just that I miss my dad, and my dad misses me too. I want to go home with my dad, and I also miss my classmates in kindergarten."

Lin Chen immediately changed the subject, there was a place selling ice cream in front of her, and asked her if she wanted ice cream.

Children's resistance to ice cream is very low. When Xiao Hui heard about the ice cream, she immediately forgot about her father.

After playing around in the underwater world, the time has come to the afternoon.

A group of three walked in the bustling downtown area, stopping from time to time to buy something, Xiaohui didn't want to hug her, she was walking in front, Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan followed, when they encountered a car and crossed the road, she They will stand in place obediently and not dare to walk around.

Today, Lin Chen accompanied them around the Bund, walked a lot, and ate a lot of snacks. After returning to the hotel in the evening, he was very tired.

When Lin Chen came out of the shower, the phone on the table rang.

The word Shen Qiu was displayed on the screen. After Lin Chen pressed the answer button, Shen Qiu's voice came from there: "Boss, the procedures for your villa have been completed, and the full payment will be made. I will have someone pick it up tomorrow. Clean up the villa, I suggest you check in the day after tomorrow."


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With the three successive confessions, the main culprits of the White Chrysanthemum murder case, Ma Fu and Gao Antong, learned that Ma Yuankai's death was not an accident, but that after the bartender Abin touched the wire, the two of them Almost crazy.

Previously, the police concluded that Ma Yuankai's fire was caused by an aging circuit and a short circuit.

The house that Ma Fu bought was a second-hand house, and it had not been renovated since he bought it, and he did not doubt the cause of Ma Yuankai's death.

Although after a detailed interrogation, the original intention of bartender Abin to sneak into Ma Yuankai's house was to cause some economic losses to Ma Yuankai, and he never thought of killing people.

But after all, it was Abin's behavior that killed Ma Yuankai.

Gao Antong and Ma Fu hated Abin very much. The two of them roared and shouted in the interrogation room. They wanted to stand up from the stool, go to the bartender Abin to settle the account, and devoured him alive.

But unfortunately, the police in the interrogation room would not let them do that.

The emotions of the two were very excited. After being controlled by the police, their excited behavior gradually subsided after a long time.

Immediately, the police officers began to focus on interrogation of Gao Antong and Ma Fu.

After the interrogation, Gao Antong said many things about her and Ma Yuankai.

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