Gao Antong and Ma Yuankai have been dating for a few months, and they have such a deep relationship that Gao Antong planned to kill those indifferent people for his willingness to take risks. There is also a reason for this.

Gao Antong grew up with her father and lived in a single-parent family, which she and Ma Yuankai have in common.

The most important thing is that after Gao Antong's father passed away, she worked outside and met her first boyfriend who pursued her. At that time, when Gao Antong lost her father, she was very empty and scared, and she had no sense of security in this world. .

After the appearance of her first boyfriend, she gave her the light of day and let her rely on her to live in this world, no longer so hesitant.

At that time, Gao Antong was only 17 years old. In the real sense, she was still a minor.

She had that kind of relationship with her first boyfriend. After the two lived together, Gao Antong became pregnant unexpectedly.

The first boyfriend was very disgusted with Gao Antong's pregnancy. He took Gao Antong to the hospital to have the baby beaten. After Gao Antong rested for a month, the two began to have sex again.

Not long after, Gao Antong became pregnant again.

After her second pregnancy, the first boyfriend also asked her to have an abortion. There was an accident during the abortion, and Gao Antong was bleeding heavily. The doctor went to find her boyfriend and asked him to pay for the operation.

Gao Antong's boyfriend said that he would go to withdraw money immediately, but as soon as he left, he never came back and abandoned Gao Antong.

During that operation, Gao Antong used up all the savings in her card. After she came out of the hospital, she never saw the man again.

Gao Antong wanted to find someone to rely on, a girl like her was very insecure.

So after she recovered, not long after, she fell in love again.

This time, the second boyfriend treated her very well and took care of her. After six months of dating, the two became pregnant.

Gao Antong was afraid that this boyfriend would be like the first boyfriend and didn't want children. She was very afraid.

In the end, the second boyfriend was very happy, saying that the child was going to be born and that he would earn money to support him together.

Gao Antong longed for a life with children in the future, but when he went to the hospital for an examination, the second boyfriend learned from the doctor that Gao Antong had had two miscarriages, and this pregnancy, the fetus was very unstable.

Gao Antong didn't tell him about the past. His second boyfriend felt that he had been deceived, and he couldn't accept a woman who had an abortion.

So he left [-] yuan to Gao Antong and asked her to have an abortion by herself, and he didn't care about anything else.

After that, Gao Antong dated another boyfriend, but he also disliked her having an abortion and finally abandoned her.

After three failed relationships, all of which were abandoned by men, Gao Antong began to fear love, fear of men, and fear of starting a new relationship, and then tasted the feeling of being abandoned again.

She closed herself up for more than a year, daring not to fall in love.

After Ma Yuankai appeared, this honest and kind boy attracted her attention.

Ma Yuankai and bartender Abin pursued her. She felt that Abin was unreliable. Although Ma Yuankai was rich, he was an honest person.

So before starting a relationship with Ma Yuankai, she told Ma Yuankai all her previous experiences, and told him that if he minds, the two should not start.

What Gao Antong didn't expect was that Ma Yuankai didn't mind that.

The two soon started dating formally. Because they grew up in a single-parent family, they had a lot of topics in common. Gao Antong could see that Ma Yuankai really loved herself.

Gao Antong is very happy, and finally has a man who loves him deeply and accepts him. He looks forward to a happy life with Ma Yuankai in the future, just like Ma Fu looks forward to his son and daughter-in-law to support him in his later years.

It can be said that Ma Yuankai is the only support for Gao Antong and Ma Fu in this world.

However, the fire took Ma Yuankai's life.

After Gao Antong saw Tao Zhengshun's video on the photography enthusiast forum, she saved it, then found Ma Fu and showed him the video.

So, under the guidance of Gao Antong, a smart girl, the two began to prepare for revenge.

Gao Antong's criminal evidence is the scene photo of Tao Zhengshun's death.

As Lin Chen guessed, when Tao Zhengshun was killed, it was Ma Fu's first crime. Gao Antong was afraid that he would be in a hurry to reveal his flaws and the police would find clues, so when he committed the crime for the first time, she followed him to guide him. Ma Fu committed the crime.

With Gao Antong's first guidance, Gao Antong did not participate in the next three killings.

The two had plans to be found by the police, and Ma Fu took the initiative to say that once they were found by the police, he would bear all the consequences and do not want Gao Antong to go into this muddy water.

As long as Gao Antong will come to visit the graves of their father and son during the Qingming Festival in the future.

When Gao Antong and Ma Fu revealed all this information, the interrogating police officers and Lin Chen who were present fell silent slightly.

This case is very difficult to evaluate, but it is indeed Gao Antong and Ma Fu who have violated the law.

The confession was recorded, and everything was settled. When Lin Chen turned around and was about to leave the interrogation room, Gao Antong suddenly said to Lin Chen, "If it wasn't for you, this group of Lian Yuankai's lines would have been checked by someone who had manipulated their hands and feet. The rubbish police who can't come out are the ones who can't catch me."

"You are a detective, you caught me, I should have hated you, but you paid Yuan Kai justice, I want to say thank you to you."

Hearing Gao Antong's words, Lin Chen waved his hand and walked out of the interrogation room.

After the group left the interrogation room, Ouyang Chuying said to Lin Chen: "The case is completely over, and the journey we have been procrastinating has begun.".


820 Breaking the Threshold [4 More Subscriptions]

When Lin Chen heard what Ouyang Chuying said, he nodded slightly and said, "Well, let's go tomorrow."

Originally, Lin Chen and the others set off today, but in order to catch Gao Antong and the bartender Abin, they delayed another day.

When Director Hou heard Lin Chen's words, he immediately asked, "Mr. Lin, are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes." Lin Chen said yes.

When Director Hou heard the words, he said, "Can I delay your time tonight? Our Public Security Bureau held a press conference on the case to officially announce the final result of the case to the outside world. I hope you can participate in this press conference, Mr. Lin."

Lin Chen heard this and said, "Okay."

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