For a family as big as the Ling family, the family relationship network is intertwined and the energy is amazing.

If someone dares to hack all their websites like this, the Ling family will be furious and will use all means to make that person pay the price they deserve.

After all, those websites were one of the major sources of income for the Ling family.

However, the person who hacked their server was Lin Chen, a guy with a background in Kyoto.

Ling Jiaming didn't dare to touch Lin Chen, nor did he dare to touch Lin Chen's company. The reason for this was that the Ling family took the initiative to attack Lin Chen's company, but they were counterattacked by Lin Chen. ate.

Ming did not dare to touch Lin Chen, and secretly did not dare to touch Lin Chen.

For the entire Ling family, the only way to restore those servers and recover the huge losses is to find Lin Chen, negotiate with Lin Chen, and see what conditions can allow Lin Chen to restore all the servers under the Ling family.


In a mansion of the Ling family, Ling Guohao, the future leader of the Ling family, was sitting on a soft leather sofa with his wife beside him, making tea for him.

At this time, Ling Guohao's male secretary had a gloomy face, walked up to Ling Guohao, and said, "Boss, just now, the stocks of two listed companies under our family fell to the limit again."

When Ling Guohao heard the male secretary's words, his hand holding the teacup froze slightly.

After a pause for a second or two, Ling Guohao drank all the tea in the teacup.

It has been several days since Lin Chen hacked the servers of all the Internet companies under the Ling family. In the past few days, the stocks of two of the listed Internet companies have been falling, and it has been the limit for two consecutive days.

This kind of economic loss is something the Ling family is unwilling to bear.

Ling Guohao looked cold and said, "Ling Xiaoqiao and Ling Feng, these two bastards, if it wasn't for them, they wouldn't have caused such a thing. Now that kid Lin Chen is deliberately avoiding it, so our Ling family suffers in vain. After so many days of losses, I will have to make compromises with him."

"When did our Ling family suffer from this kind of uselessness?"

When Ling Guohao's wife heard this, she said with a worried expression, "Have you used various channels to find Lin Chen? How could a living person not know his whereabouts?"

Ling Guohao didn't speak, the male secretary saw this and immediately said: "Lin Chen's company does not disclose Lin Chen's whereabouts, and no one sees him in Lin Chen's house, we want the Municipal Public Security Bureau to locate him. Look at Lin Chen's location."

"But... the director and deputy director of the Public Security Bureau both refused the request to locate Lin Chen, hey..."

Hearing this, Ling Guohao's wife was slightly surprised: "The director of the city bureau has a close relationship with our Ling family, just simply locate Lin Chen's position. Why are you unwilling to help?"

Ling Guohao put the teacup on the coffee table, shook his head, and said, "It's not that I don't want to help, it should be that I don't dare to help. That kid Lin Chen's background is in Kyoto, the old man meant to compromise with him, so we can only compromise. "

"I just hope that boy Lin Chen won't open his mouth and bite a piece of meat from our Ling family."

Several people were talking in the living room when a figure suddenly rushed down from the upstairs.

This figure is Ling Guohao's son Ling Kun.

Just when Ling Guohao was upset, he frowned when he saw his son rushing down, "What are you doing frizzy, can't you walk slower?"

Son Ling Kun took a deep breath and said, "Dad, I know where Lin Chen is."

Hearing Ling Kun's words, Ling Guohao was slightly stunned and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

Ling Kun said: "No, how could I joke about this kind of thing, it was just sent to me by my subordinates, Dad, look."

After speaking, Ling Kun handed the tablet in his hand to Ling Guohao.

After Ling Guohao took the phone to look at it, Ling Kun said, "This is a news conference about a serial murder case. In the past few days after Lin Chen disappeared, he participated in the detection of a serial murder in Pingwang County, Xihang City. case."

"I just looked at the process of this case and the process of solving it. I have to say that Lin Chen's brain really doesn't know how long it is. I admire him for all kinds of analysis and reasoning."

Ling Guohao, his wife, and the male secretary watched. At the same time, other members of the Ling family also learned about the news conference of the White Chrysanthemum murder case and where Lin Chen is now from various channels. Location.

In the past few days, the Ling family has suffered heavy losses, and they have been looking for Lin Chen's trace.

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Now that there is finally news of Lin Chen, it is natural to take action.


Mo Ling Network Technology Company, in the president's office, there is a beautiful girl with a graceful figure and a beautiful and refined appearance.

The girl's face was very haggard, and she was in a trance at this moment.

At this time, the door of the president's office opened, and Ling Feng pushed in. He excitedly said to Ling Xiaoqiao, "Sister, sister, there is news about Lin Chen. He is in Pingwang County, Xihang City."

Ling Feng thought that her sister would be very happy when she heard the news, but Ling Xiaoqiao didn't react at all.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Ling Feng asked Ling Xiaoqiao.

Ling Xiaoqiao's face was bitter: "I already know about this, Dad just called and asked me and you to get up immediately and go to Pingwang County to find Lin Chen, Dad said, no matter what method I use, even if I put me in, it will be fine. Let Lin Chen restore those servers of our family."


"Otherwise, Grandpa's anger, Dad and the others can't bear it. The assets of our Ling family's Internet company have shrunk by more than [-]%..."

Hearing the terrifying figure of shrinking by more than [-]%, Ling Feng's eyes were about to fall.

When Ling Xiaoqiao saw that her younger brother was speechless, she gave a wry smile, took out a cosmetic bag from the drawer, and said, "Put some makeup on, and go to Pingwang County. As long as Lin Chen can agree to negotiate, I'll be a little offended, and it's fine. ."

After Ling Xiaoqiao finished speaking, she started to put on makeup.

Her foundation is very good, her facial features are exquisite, her body is enchanting, and although she is somewhat different from Xia Miaoyan, Ouyang Chuying and the others, she is also the kind that fascinates men without paying for her life.


In the early morning, the eyes fell on the ground of Pingwang County. Lin Chen, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

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