In Lin Chen's arms, there was a girl with fluttering long hair. The girl pouted at the moment, hugged Lin Chen, and slept very sweetly.

This girl is naturally Xia Miaoyan.

Last night, after Xia Miaoyan coaxed Xiaohui to sleep, she came to Lin Chen's place. She was going to go back to the house after she was done with embarrassment.

As a result, who knew that Lin Chen would take so long, Xia Miaoyan was tossed to pieces and fell asleep on Lin Chen's bed.

"Miaoyan." Lin Chen called Xia Miaoyan. .


822 Looking for you [2 more for subscription]

After Lin Chen called Xia Miaoyan, Xia Miaoyan still fell asleep peacefully, her long eyelashes trembled lightly, and she had no intention of waking up.

Lin Chen had no choice but to put one arm around Xia Miaoyan, while the other hand reached to the bedside table and picked up the phone.

I glanced at the time, it was eight o'clock in the morning, it was already late, and I had to leave for Bixi Valley.

So Lin Chen called Xia Miaoyan a few times again.

"Miaoyan, Miaoyan..."

After a few more calls, Xia Miaoyan finally opened her sleepy eyes.

Xia Miaoyan, who had just woken up, was still a little rigid in her thinking, her eyes were slightly squinted, and she looked cute and cute.

After more than a minute, she yawned and asked Lin Chen, "Master, what time is it?"

Lin Chen deliberately teased her: "It's still early, it's only eleven o'clock in the morning."

"May [-]" Hearing Lin Chen's words, Xia Miaoyan's sleepy eyes that couldn't be opened suddenly widened.

"What, it's eleven o'clock? Oh, why did you sleep so late? I didn't go back last night, Xiaohui must have woken up." As Xia Miaoyan said, she subconsciously lifted the quilt and was about to get up.

But when her thoughts were just clear, she didn't expect that because of what she did with Lin Chen last night, she was completely naked.

Xia Miaoyan, who was standing beside the bed, had fair skin and a very good figure, which was clearly seen by Lin Chen again.

Lin Chen is nothing, anyway, after watching it many times, the little girl Xia Miaoyan is still very embarrassed, she quickly grabbed the bath towel and wrapped it around herself.

Xia Miaoyan's hurried appearance made Lin Chen a little funny. He asked, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

Xia Miaoyan turned her head to look at Lin Chen and said, "Well... I'm just sorry, what's the matter?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said nothing, then Xia Miaoyan grabbed her clothes and quickly changed them.

After she was changed, Lin Chen said slowly, "Don't be so nervous, Xiaohui is definitely not awake yet."

"It's eleven o'clock, why haven't you woken up yet?" Xia Miaoyan muttered, "Sister Ouyang must have woken up too. Maybe I'll go out for a while and be bumped into by her."

"We met when we met. It's not a shameful thing for us to be together." Lin Chen shrugged and said, "Besides, it's only eight o'clock, and they haven't gotten up yet."

As Lin Chen said, he stretched out the screen of the mobile phone in his hand towards Xia Miaoyan.

When Xia Miaoyan saw that it was really only after eight o'clock, she breathed a sigh of relief, then stamped her feet angrily, and rushed towards Lin Chen on the bed.

"Master, you lied to me on purpose, let's see how I deal with you." Xia Miaoyan rushed towards Lin Chen aggressively, looking like she wanted to look good on Lin Chen.

But how could she be Lin Chen's opponent, Lin Chen turned over and pinned Xia Miaoyan under him.

After playing for a while on the bed, Xia Miaoyan went to the next room, and Lin Chen also got up to wash and put on clean clothes.

When I was ready to pack my things, I left the hotel and headed to Bixi Valley.

At more than nine o'clock, Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, Xia Miaoyan, and Xiaohui walked out of the hotel and went to a breakfast shop across the road to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, go back to the hotel, pack your luggage, and leave.

Lin Chen's car was parked in front of the hotel, Ouyang Chuying was sitting in the passenger seat, and Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui were sitting in the back seat of the car.

"Oh, oh, you can go and play..." Xiaohui slapped her little hand, and she looked very happy when she was sitting in the car.

When Lin Chen was about to start the car, suddenly a police car stopped beside Lin Chen's car.

The window of the police car rolled down, and Pei Qian's smiling face was revealed.

Seeing Pei Qian coming, Ouyang Chuying said, "Captain Pei, are you here to see us off?"

Pei Qian smiled and said, "No, it was Director Hou who gave me a task this morning. I will accompany you on your travel itinerary in Pingwang County. You won't let me follow you, will you?"

When Lin Chen heard the words, he immediately said, "How come, if you don't come, I was just looking for you."

Pei Qian, who was sitting in the police car, was slightly stunned after hearing Lin Chen's words, and said, "Looking for me? Is there anything you want to do with me?"

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded, and then said: "But since you want to follow us to Bixi Valley, don't rush to talk about it, it's getting late, let's go."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he started the car and drove off according to the route guided by the car navigation.

The police car driven by Pei Qian followed Lin Chen, and the two cars moved forward quickly...

In the Audi Q5, Ouyang Chuying, who was sitting in the passenger seat, glanced at Lin Chen and asked, "Why are you looking for Captain Pei for something?"

"It's nothing, and it's nothing important." Lin Chen said, without explaining the reason for looking for Pei Qian.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't say anything, Ouyang Chuying stopped talking.

The car drove fast on the road, and the more it drove, the more remote it became. After a long time, the black Audi Q5 and the police car driven by Pei Qian stopped in front of a scenic area with green mountains and rivers.

This scenic spot with green mountains and green waters is exactly the destination of Lin Chen's trip, Bixi Valley.

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