Before Lin Chen and the others, they had been to Wangliu Valley in Dongming City. The scenic area of ​​Wangliu Valley was famous for its willow trees. The whole mountain was full of lush willow trees.

And this Bixi Valley, as the name suggests, has a lot of clear streams in this scenic area.

After getting close to Bixi Valley, you can hear the sound of gurgling water everywhere, and the streams are either big or small.

The stream was rushing, washing the beach, and many stones and fine sand at the bottom were washed clean.

Because it is summer, the mountains of Bixi Valley are full of greenery, which is worthy of the Bixi Valley's green character, as beautiful as jasper.

"Wow..." After Xia Miaoyan got out of the car, looking at the green valley and the clear stream, she stretched out and let out a long breath.

After 1.8 people come here, they will feel very comfortable and very comfortable.

Ouyang Chuying and Lin Chen also got out of the car, and the little girl Xiaohui also stepped out of her calf and jumped out of the car.

"There are so many rivers, Sister Xia, Xiaohui is so hot, can we go to the river to catch small fish?" Xiaohui ran to the front and asked with her big black eyes staring at the clear stream below.

At this moment, in the creek below, many people are playing in the creek, catching small fish in the creek with their bare hands.

Xia Miaoyan walked to Xiaohui, saw Xiaohui's eyes shining, she nodded and said, "Okay, Sister Xia will take you there."

To go down to the stream below, you need to buy a ticket. Lin Chen went to the ticket office, bought a ticket for each person, and walked together to the gate of Bixi Valley Scenic Area. .


823 What a big fish [3 more for subscription]

Bixi Valley is a very good summer resort. Now is the peak tourist season, and there are quite a lot of people who come to Bixi Valley for tourism.

The parking lot is full of cars, and after entering the gate of the scenic spot, you can also see many people coming and going.

It's almost noon now, when the sun is going to be hot, Lin Chen and the others wanted to find a place to have lunch, but Xiaohui's eyes lit up at the stream below, so she went to play under the stream first.

Going down the steps, I walked into the large stream below. Walking on the stones of the stream, you have to be careful, because many of the stones are covered with moss. If you are not careful, you will easily slip and fall.

This creek is very large, and most of the creek is shaded because it is blocked by mountains and trees.

Xiaohui held her trousers, not Xia Miaoyan, and trotted in this stream on her own.

Feeling the coolness of Bixi Valley, Pei Qian said softly, "I've been busy with the case lately, and it's been a long time since I relaxed like this."

When Xia Miaoyan heard the words, she said to Pei Qian, "Officer Pei, you are from Pingwang County, should you come to Bixi Valley often?"

"No. 11" Pei Qian shook her head and said, "After joining the public security team, I rarely come here. One is that I have come to play, and the other is that I don't have time."

"Then it's time to have fun this time." Xia Miaoyan smiled.

Lin Chen and the others all stepped on this stream with their bare feet, and some daring little fish would swim to Lin Chen's feet and bite them with their fish mouths.

Xiaohui, who was standing in the water with her bare feet, saw the little fish swimming over and biting her little feet, she immediately opened her chubby little hands, counting one, two, three in her mouth, and then those little hands Suddenly, he grabbed the small fish in the water.

It's just that although the little fish is close to people, its speed is also extremely fast, and its tail is wagging.He moved away from Xiaohui's little hand and swam elsewhere.

"Oops..." Xiaohui didn't catch the little fish, her hands fluttered in the air, she sighed and frowned.

Here Xiaohui was catching fish in the stream, while Lin Chen, Ouyang, Chuying, Pei Qian, Xia Miaoyan and the four found a big rock and sat down there.

After chatting for a while, Xia Miaoyan touched her hungry stomach, she pointed to the beach opposite the creek, and said, "There are barbecue grills and food there, otherwise we shouldn't go there at noon. After eating at the restaurant, let’s have some barbecue by this creek?”

"In this kind of place, the barbecue ingredients are not that good, right?" Ouyang Chuying muttered. As the daughter of the Ouyang family, she is somewhat hypocritical, and can't compare with Xia Miaoyan.

"You can rest assured." Pei Qian, a local, spoke up. She said, "I have eaten the barbecue here a few times before, and the ingredients are still very fresh. Those fish are all caught from downstream, and The price is not expensive, or we will do it ourselves at noon and eat barbecue."

The three women didn't have any opinion, and looked at Lin Chen with their inquiry eyes.

Lin Chen naturally agreed, and then the three girls stepped on the cool stream, crossed this large stream, and walked towards the beach.

The barbecue equipment by the beach is not expensive to rent, and it will help you make the coal well, and the ingredients are also dressed with bamboo sticks.

At this moment, there are many people doing barbecues on the river beach. Lin Chen is still sitting on a big rock and enjoying the scenery. The three daughters, Xia Miaoyan, Ouyang Chuying, and Pei Qian, are busy with today's lunch over there.

Xiaohui, who was busy catching fish in the creek, caught a fish with her efforts, or by coincidence.

After Xiaohui caught the fish, she was extremely happy, and hurriedly ran towards Lin Chen as if offering a treasure.

"Brother, brother, I caught a fish, a really big fish."

Xiaohui said, she has come to Lin Chen, she spread out her chubby little hand, and showed Lin Chen the fish sauce in her hand.

Lin Chen looked down and saw that the fish in Xiaohui's hand was only the size of her little finger, and there was no meat on her body at all.

"Is this fish too big?" Lin Chen asked.

Xiaohui nodded her head vigorously and said, "This is already a big fish. I'll show it to my sisters."

After finishing speaking, Xiaohui held the small fish in her hand and walked towards the beach excitedly.

Seeing that Xiaohui went to Xia Miaoyan and the others, Lin Chen lay on the big rock he was sitting on, looked at the clear sky, listened to the sound of running water in his ears, closed his eyes and took a rest.


On the road in Pingwang County, three luxury cars appeared.

The three luxury cars are a black Rolls-Royce, a red Porsche, and a Mercedes-Benz SUV.

These three luxury cars are all license plates of Mohai City. The three luxury cars are driving on the road. In Pingwang County, they can still attract the attention of others, but if they are in Xihang City, it is very different.

Three luxury cars drove to the Public Security Bureau of Pingwang County. A man and a woman got out of the car. The man was tall and haggard. There is a lot of red blood.

"Sister, wait for me here, I'll go in and find out about Lin Chen." Ling Feng said to Ling Xiaoqiao, and then quickly ran in towards the county public security bureau.

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