After taking it, Lin Chen took a sip and praised: "... um, not bad, delicious, much better than Pei Qian's roasted corn."

When Pei Qian heard Lin Chen's words, her nose almost crooked: "My roasted corn is not delicious, why did you eat all of it?"

"I didn't say it wasn't delicious." Lin Chen explained, "I just said that Miaoyan's grilled fish is better than your corn in terms of heat and ingredients."

When Xia Miaoyan heard Lin Chen's praise, she smiled sweetly.

Pei Qian looked at Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan again, thinking that Xia Miaoyan and Lin Chen were so close, and it was normal for Lin Chen to deliberately praise her, and he was too lazy to care.

Immediately, Xia Miaoyan handed another bamboo stick to Xiaohui.

On this bamboo stick, there was a small fish the size of a pinky finger. After the small fish was roasted, its body shrunk, and there was no more meat.

Seeing this poor little fish, Lin Chen asked, "couldn't this be the one Xiaohui caught just now?"

As soon as Xiaohui came to this small stream, she kept catching fish (Li De's), and after catching a small fish just now, she showed off everywhere.

Xia Miaoyan smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, just now she showed us the fish she caught. I said the fish was too small, so she let her go. The little girl said that she took a lot of effort to catch it. Yes, reluctantly let it go."

Xiaohui held the bamboo stick happily, the small fish on the bamboo stick was her trophy.

Xiaohui said: "These little fish are not good at all. It took me a long time to catch them. The little fish made me angry, so I want to eat them."

Xiaohui's words attracted a chuckle from Xia Miaoyan and the others.

"Then eat slowly, Xiaoyu is not good, but it has a lot of spines." Lin Chen reminded Xiaohui.

However, Xiaohui jumped off the stool, walked to Lin Chen's side, and handed the poor little fish on the bamboo stick to Lin Chen.

"Brother, eat first and see if the fish I caught is delicious," Xiaohui said. .


825 A pile of minced meat [2 more for subscription]

The little fish that Xiaohui caught was the size of her little finger, and there was not a bit of meat in total. If Lin Chen took a bite, the fish would be gone.

Lin Chen didn't really want to eat it, but Xiaohui's appearance was like offering a treasure. If she didn't take a bite, the little girl would be unhappy again.

So Lin Chenxiao took a bite on the fish, and Xiaohui saw that Lin Chen took a bite of the fish, and hurriedly asked, "Brother, is the fish that Xiaohui caught delicious?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded at Xiaohui and said, "It's delicious."

Hearing Lin Chen say delicious, Xiaohui laughed happily, ran back to her seat and sat down, carefully eating the small fish with many thorns.

Xia Miaoyan was busy baking things. She said to Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian who were helping out, "Sister Ouyang, Officer Pei, go eat. It's good to have me here alone."

Xia Miaoyan likes cooking by nature, and she likes cooking in any form.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying are not as good as Xia Miaoyan in terms of barbecue. After hearing her words, the two did not refuse, said ok, and sat beside Lin Chen.

After Pei Qian ate two bites of skewers, she glanced over Ouyang Chuying and Lin Chen and asked, "Do you want beer?"

"No." Ouyang Chuying shook his head, and Lin Chen also waved his hand, expressing no interest in 533 beer.

Seeing this, Pei Qian said, "Since I don't want beer, I'll go buy some iced drinks."

After Pei Qian finished speaking, she ran to the store over there to buy some drinks. The drinks were all ice-cold, and the drink bottles were full of small drops of liquefied water.

When Pei Qian put a bottle of drink in front of Xiao Hui, the little girl immediately put down the skewer in her hand, held the drink in her hands, and said sweetly to Pei Qian, thank her sister.

Several people were eating barbecue and drinking drinks.

After Lin Chen ate for a while, seeing that Xia Miaoyan was still baking something there, she stood up and walked over without coming to eat.

"Miaoyan, go eat, I'll come here." Lin Chen walked over to Xia Miaoyan and snatched the skewers from her hand.

Xia Miaoyan wiped the sweat on her forehead, and glanced at Lin Chen with her smart eyes: "Master, can you? Don't burn it."

"Don't worry, it's just something to bake, it's not difficult for me." Lin Chen said with a bit of confidence.

Xia Miaoyan touched her stomach and was indeed a little hungry, so she said yes and walked over to eat.

If Lin Chen didn't bake some (bbcb) things, he would bring them to them, and after all the ingredients were cooked, they sat down and ate together.

When she was about to eat, Xia Miaoyan held a grilled squid in her hand. She looked at the beautiful Bixi Valley, and then set her eyes on Pei Qian, saying, "Officer Pei, many scenic spots are There are all kinds of legends, this Bixi Valley is so beautiful, are there any myths and legends?"

When Pei Qian heard Xia Miaoyan's words, she chuckled and said, "No, there are no myths and legends in Bixi Valley in Pingwang County, but..."

When she said only two words, Pei Qian lengthened her tone, and there was a bit of a sell-off in it.

Ouyang Chuying and Lin Chen looked at Pei Qian calmly and waited for her to speak, but Xia Miaoyan couldn't help it and asked, "But what?"

"But six or seven years ago, a pile of minced meat was found in a cave in Bixi Valley," Pei Qian said.

"Minced meat?" Xia Miaoyan murmured, "Human minced meat?"

"Yeah." Pei Qian nodded and said, "After the forensic doctor arrived at the scene, he collected the minced meat and brought it back to the forensic laboratory to piece it together. Made up of a female corpse."

"Is the murderer not caught?" Lin Chen asked Pei Qian suddenly.

Hearing this, Pei Qian asked, "How did you know?"

Lin Chen said: "From the time you bring up this case and the expression on your face, generally only unsolved unsolved cases will make people memorable and unforgettable."

"Well." Pei Qian explained: "That case has indeed become an unsolved case. The police have determined the identity of the victim, contacted the victim's family, investigated the victim's interpersonal relationship, and thoroughly investigated all suspects with motives for committing the crime. , but nothing came of it."

"So far, the case has not been solved."

"One of the things that puzzled our police is why the murderer came to Bixi Valley to throw his body. Six or seven years ago, Bixi Valley was also a scenic spot, but the conditions at that time were not very good, and the entire Bixi Valley was not installed. Any surveillance, that makes that case even more difficult."

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