The conversations that a few people had talked about before were all quite light-hearted topics.

After Pei Qian mentioned the unsolved case of throwing a corpse in Bixi Valley, they all discussed the case.

While discussing and eating, at this time, a girl's voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Chen.

"Hello, may I ask, are you the detective Lin Chenlin?"

The voice was very soft. After hearing the voice, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the others, who were originally talking, turned their heads and looked in the direction from which the voice came from.

Lin Chen also turned his head to look, he saw that behind him stood two girls who looked like college students.

These two girls are quite handsome. Although they are not as good as Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian, they are also very pleasing to the eye.

When the two girls saw Lin Chen turn around, their hearts were pounding, and they didn't dare to meet Lin Chen's eyes.

"You know me?" Lin Chen asked.

"En," the girl who spoke said: "I know, of course I know you, we just read the news report that you solved the white chrysanthemum murder case yesterday, not only me, but I think many people in our Pingwang County know each other. and you."

Lin Chen said a few words to these two girls who were excited and shy. They gave Lin Chen each one of you, and they were typical little fans who liked Lin Chen.

The two of them didn't have high requirements. They asked Lin Chen if he could take a picture with them. After they went back, they would better brag about it with their classmates and make them envious.

Lin Chen didn't refuse, just took a picture together, no problem.

After the two girls took a photo with Lin Chen, they left with great gratitude.

As soon as the two girls left, Ouyang Chuying said blankly, "Those two little girls like you very much."

"Master is handsome and capable. It's no wonder girls don't like it." Before Lin Chen responded to Ouyang Chuying's words, Xia Miaoyan said it first.

Hearing this, Pei Qian smiled and said, "Miaoyan, you really praise your master."

"I'm telling the truth." Xia Miaoyan said firmly.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "Well, Miaoyan still has vision."

A few people chatted a few times, cleaned up the garbage, and prepared to leave the stream here and go to the valley of Bixi Valley. .


826 Check in hotel【3 more subscriptions】

The small stream in front of Bixi Valley is just an appetizer of this scenic area. The really good scenery is still in that green valley.

There are many hotels in the valley of Bixi Valley. The best hotel is built on the edge of a lake in the valley. This hotel is the best in the valley in terms of location, scenery and facilities.

They couldn't finish visiting Bixi Valley in one day. Lin Chen and the others were going to play in Bixi Valley for two days before leaving.

The place to stay tonight is the best hotel in the valley.

After a few people packed up by the beach, they stepped on the cool water in the creek and walked towards the shore step by step.

After putting on the shoes, we headed towards the valley.



Walking on the mountain road in Bixi Valley, all kinds of birdsong and insects are lingering in my ears. There are green and verdant plants on both sides of the road, as well as some ancient buildings built in the mountain forest.

Bixi Valley will be developed into a tourist attraction. Apart from the good scenery, there used to be several villages here.

Later, those villages moved away, leaving behind many old buildings, which are now protected.

You can also visit those old buildings while admiring the beauty of the valley.

Some old buildings are built by the river, some are on the hillside, and some are hewn out of a house directly on the cliff to live in.

Walking on the mountain road, there were many people coming and going. After walking for a while, Xia Miaoyan was too tired to walk. She supported her waist and found a place to sit down.

"Miaoyan, what's the matter?" Ouyang Chuying asked Xia Miaoyan when she saw that she couldn't walk.

Xia Miaoyan replied, "the waist is so sore and tired that I can't walk anymore."

"Backache?" Pei Qian asked strangely, "How can you have backache at such a young age? Have you been doing any physical work recently and hurt your waist?"

Xia Miaoyan didn't expect that when she said something about her backache, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying would care so much, and Pei Qian would come over to show her.

Xia Miaoyan glanced at Lin Chen at the back, and said to herself that she did not do any physical work. The backache was not because of being tossed by her master last night.

"Officer Pei, no need, my waist is fine, I'll just rest for a while." Xia Miaoyan said.

Several people rested in place for a while before continuing to set off.

From the entrance of the scenic spot to the valley, there is actually a cement road. Cars can enter, but ordinary cars are not allowed to enter.

If tourists come to play, they must choose to walk. If they drive directly into the valley from that path, they will lose the fun of playing.

After visiting a few places, Pei Qian pointed to a hotel below and said, "There are quite a lot of tourists today, let's go and reserve the hotel first, in case there is no room, that hotel is in Bixi Valley. The best."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, it's okay to go to the hotel first.

Several people then walked towards the hotel below.

This hotel has three floors and the fourth floor is the rooftop, where guests can go up to enjoy the night view of Bixi Valley at night.

Although this hotel is the best hotel in Bixi Valley, it still has some gaps with those star-rated hotels built in big cities.

After Lin Chen and the others entered the lobby of the hotel, the hotel owner greeted Lin Chen and them with a smile.

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