Lin Chen walked to the counter and asked for four rooms, all of which were the best on the third floor, facing the stream.

Because it is peak season, the price of the room is not cheap.

After Lin Chen paid the money, he went to the bathroom to relieve himself.

When the lady at the front desk was checking them in, many black Mercedes-Benz cars came to the door of this hotel along the small road in Wangliu Valley.

The doors of these cars opened, and a group of men and women descended from above.

Among this group of men and women, the men's clothes are very unusual, and the women's clothes are gorgeous, revealing, and have heavy makeup on their faces. Although that face looks good, it is a typical Internet celebrity face. It has no features at all. Forgotten kind.

There were five men and ten women in this group, as well as several burly bodyguards.

Among the five young people, the leader was a young man with sunglasses. His name was Gong Tianlu. In the second-generation circle in Xihang City, he, Gong Tianlu, could be regarded as the number one person.

The other four young people around Gong Tianlu are also from the second-generation circle in Xihang City. As for the ten girls in bright and scantily attired, they are just tools for these five sons to have fun together tonight.

· · Flowers · · ·

As the second-generation son-in-law, they don't need to worry about money. They have nothing to do all day, so naturally they have to carry out some fun activities to be happy.

Tonight's event of five men and ten women was decided by them a few days ago. The final choice of event location, after being suggested, was set in this best hotel in Bixi Valley.

Green mountains and green waters, gurgling water, here, while admiring the beautiful scenery, smelling the fresh air, and wanton promiscuity, it is really unpleasant.

Gong Tianlu turned his head and glanced at the ten girls. These girls were carefully selected by him. Usually, they are all popular car models and models in various auto shows.

These girls are not the best for Gong Tianlu's buddies, but their body and appearance are all tolerable. It's still a different taste to come together.


"Let's go, make a reservation, let's walk in the Bixi Valley, cultivate and cultivate our sentiments." Gong Tianlu said, and then took the first step towards the hotel.

The hotel owner was in the lobby watching Lin Chen and the others check in. When he saw a group of people walking in outside the door, he immediately greeted him.

When he saw the face of the young man walking in the front, the hotel owner was slightly taken aback, and hesitantly asked, "Uh... yes... is it Master Gong?"

When Gong Tianlu saw the owner of the hotel, he nodded slightly and said, "It's me. Today we came to play with friends for two days, and we packed the third floor of the hotel."

Gong Tianlu had stayed in this hotel before, and he lived in one of the best rooms on the third floor. This time, they were going to gather a crowd to be promiscuous. Naturally, it was the best place to pack the next floor.

The owner of this hotel knew Gong Tianlu and also knew the ability of this young master. After hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Oh, Master Gong, why don't you say hello to us in advance when you are coming? , let's clean up the hotel a little bit more, so we can look forward to your visit."

"and also……"

"What else?" Gong Tianlu asked, seeing the hotel owner's face a little embarrassed.

The hotel owner pointed to Ouyang Chuying, Xia Miaoyan and others who were standing at the counter, and said, "Master Gong, you want to book the third floor, but those guests have just opened rooms on the third floor."


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Gong Tianlu saw that the hotel owner was a little embarrassed, and thought what was going on.

Unexpectedly, it was because the room on the third floor was given.

This kind of thing is nothing to him, Young Master Gong.

Gong Tianlu glanced at Ouyang Chuying and the others, who had their backs to him, and then said to the hotel owner, "Is this still a problem? They opened a room and let them get out, or just change the room?"

"That's right, let them change rooms, we don't need to teach you about this trivial matter, right?" said another son.

Originally, Ouyang Chuying, Pei Qian, Xia Miaoyan and the others, after Gong Tianlu walked in, only Pei Qian and Xia Miaoyan glanced over there. Ouyang Chuying didn't care about the group of people who walked in.

However, after hearing Gong Tianlu's words, Ouyang Chuying looked at him coldly. "Five Twenty Seven"

Who is Ouyang Chuying, the favored daughter of the Ouyang family in the magic sea, the hotel she stayed in, someone else wanted her to get out, is this possible?

Maybe it is possible, but the person who wants her to get out must have a great background. Obviously, this Gong Tianlu does not have a great background.

Because of Gong Tianlu's words, Ouyang Chuying, Pei Qian, and Xia Miaoyan looked at him almost at the same time.

When the three of them turned around, Gong Tianlu and the other five young masters were immediately dumbfounded.

During their two-day activities, the ten car models they found were good-looking people, and they had to have a physique.

With makeup on, it's totally worthy of the word "beauty".

But there is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with the three in front of them, their appearance is too far behind.

Pei Qian is a little better, and the looks of Xia Miaoyan and Ouyang Chuying can definitely be thrown away from those ten car models and still can't find the north.

The eyes of the five young masters suddenly lit up, beautiful, these three beauties are really beautiful.

A son-in-law also turned his head to look at the ten car models behind him. The rouge fans behind his heart were completely eclipsed.

Ouyang Chuying saw the outfits of the five young people, and looked at the ten scantily clad women behind him. How could people at Ouyang Chuying's level not know what they wanted to do with the entire third floor.

Pei Qian could also see it, but Xia Miaoyan didn't think about gathering people and promiscuous.

After Ouyang Chuying turned around, the lady at the front desk handed the completed housing receipt and room card to Ouyang Chuying.

"Miss, all right, your room card." said the lady at the front desk.

Ouyang Chuying took the room card and was about to go upstairs.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, Gong Tianlu's voice rang out: "Wait a minute."

After hearing this, Ouyang Chuying paused slightly, turned around, looked at Gong Tianlu, and said, "What's wrong?"

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