But it's a person who weighs more than [-] pounds. When he arrives at Lin Chen's side, he is like a ball. He can kick it away with one kick. Looking at Lin Chen's appearance, it is still effortless.

The faces of the four young masters suddenly changed, and they became very ugly. Originally, they wanted to wait for the bodyguard to beat Lin Chen, and then they came to do it, but they didn't expect that this guy would be able to fight like this.

Compared with the nervousness of this young man, the ten car models standing behind them were different. Their small mouths became O-shaped, and they were surprised and didn't know what to say.

"This...¨〃..." Pei Qian was stunned. Although Lin Chen was chasing Ma Fu in the forest before, he showed his extraordinaryness.

But it was the first time that Pei Qian saw Lin Chen's real shot.

As for Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan, they were much calmer. In fact, they had already guessed that Gong Tianlu would end up like this.

Lin Chen took a step and walked towards Gong Tianlu who was smashing his body on the coffee table.

Gong Tianlu's spine has been broken, and now the pain is unbearable, and tears are about to fall.

He saw with his own eyes that Lin Chen kicked his bodyguards one by one, and now that Lin Chen walked towards him again, Gong Tianlu was so frightened that his body was trembling slightly.

"You...what are you doing?" Gong Tianlu asked in a trembling voice, lying on the broken coffee table.

"It's nothing." Lin Chen looked at him and said, "It's just that this guy caught my friend's attention and made me very unhappy."

Hearing this, Gong Tianlu glanced at the four friends over there.

He scolded those four friends bastards in his heart, Lin Chen walked towards him, how come no one came to help, even if he didn't dare to come, you can call someone, stand there stupidly, there is a fart use?

"You..." Gong Tianlu took a deep breath, endured the pain, and said, "You dare to do something to me, do you know who I am? I am..."


When Gong Tianlu said the word "I am", Lin Chen's foot lifted and landed hard on Gong Tianlu's left leg.

As Lin Chen's feet fell, Gong Tianlu was sitting on his lap, and there was a sound of broken bones.

Gong Tianlu's leg bone was broken, and the originally straight leg took on a curved shape, and the broken bones could be seen, and the sharp corners protruded toward the flesh.


Gong Tianlu's eyes were about to split, and he screamed and screamed up to the sky. His leg bone was forcibly trampled off.

As Gong Tianlu screamed, Lin Chen's voice rang out: "Whoever I want to beat, whoever you are."

The four young masters over there were so frightened that they didn't dare to speak. Without the complacent attitude they had before, the ten female car models stretched out their hands to cover their mouths, not daring to look at Gong Tianlu's broken leg.

The owner of the hotel knew Gong Tianlu's identity, and when he saw the dignified Young Master Gong being beaten like this, he was also anxious for a while.

I wanted to go up and persuade him a few words, but I was afraid that Lin Chen would be unhappy, so I also tried to give myself two words.

I wanted to call the police, but some of Gong Tianlu's good friends didn't move, so why bother to worry about it.

After hesitating for a moment, the hotel owner sighed secretly, still standing where he was, daring to take any action.

"...his, am I fucking you, you are stunned, do you know who I am? You do it to me, you know what's going to happen, am I fucking you!"

Gong Tianlu, who had regained his strength, endured the pain of the broken spine and leg bones, and shouted loudly at Lin Chen.

He was really angry in his heart. He originally came here to have a small party, but he met Ouyang Chuying and the others.

Not to mention being played by Ouyang Chuying, and now being beaten like this by Lin Chen, and let the ten car models and others see it, if this matter spreads out, how can he raise his head in the circle in the future? come.


In the face of Gong Tianlu's abuse, Lin Chen said nothing, raised his second foot and landed on Gong Tianlu's other leg.

Gong Tianlu's legs and bones were broken, and Lin Chen didn't intend to stop, so he stepped out the third time and broke Gong Tianlu's right hand.

Gong Tianlu, who broke two (Li De's) legs and one hand, finally didn't dare to be stubborn.

He was sore with snot and tears, and cried out: "Don't hit, don't hit, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

"Since I know it's wrong, I apologize to my friend." Lin Chen said.

Gong Tianlu felt extremely humiliated. He was beaten like this by Lin Chen, and he had to apologize, but it would be impossible if he didn't apologize. If he didn't apologize now, his last hand would be trampled off by Lin Chen.

So, Gong Tianlu wiped the snot and tears from his face with his only hand, and looked at Ouyang Chuying, Pei Qian, and Xia Miaoyan.

He tremblingly said: "Several, several...Yes...I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have offended you."

Ouyang Chuying's face was cold, Xia Miaoyan ignored Gong Tianlu, and Pei Qian frowned deeply, worried in her heart.

It's not easy for Gong Tianlu to see at home. Lin Chen's way of labeling him like this will definitely be troublesome. .


830 Never heard of 【Subscription】

Pei Qian was unaware of Ouyang Chuying's background and Lin Chen's abilities.

What she was worried about was that if this Gong Tianlu was really big, Director Hou wouldn't be able to protect Lin Chen well.

Even if it can be maintained, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble. This time, Lin Chen and the others have lost their interest in their itinerary.

After Gong Tianlu apologized, he looked at Lin Chen begging for mercy, hoping that Lin Chen would not do anything to him again.

At this time, one of the four brothers over there, he hesitated for a long time, and finally stepped closer to Lin Chen's side.

After approaching Lin Chen, the young man said to Lin Chen, "Sir, don't be so angry yet."

Lin Chen heard the words, and looked at this young master.

After feeling Lin Chen's gaze, this young man was a little frightened, but he still said: "We were offended just now, so I'm here to accompany you, but it's a little bit too bad for you to beat our friend so badly. Can't tell, can't it?"

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