"Let's not talk about the power of my friend Gong Tianlu in Xihang City. Their Gong family and the biggest power in Mohai City are also closely intertwined."

This Young Master's words seem to be for peace, but after listening to what he said, he can hear the meaning of threat.

The other three young masters, Brother 513, nodded slightly after hearing this.

Among the five of them, Gong Tianlu would be the leader. He said what he said, because the Gong family was able to reach this point because of the great power in Mohai City.

The Gong family has the support of that big force, so they dared to walk sideways in Xihang City, and almost no one or force dared to move their Gong family.

After all, their Gong family is doing things for the great power of the Devil Sea, and moving the Gong family is equivalent to not giving face to that great power.

The ten female car models also looked at Lin Chen with some pity.

The young man in front of him was indeed very handsome, so handsome that their hearts were trembling. He was also very good at fighting, and he easily kicked away such a sturdy bodyguard. Those bodyguards in front of him were like turkeys.

However, he was not fighting ordinary people. That Gong Tianlu's family had an intersection with the Ling family, the largest family in Mohai City.

These peripheral girls will know about the big families in Mohai City, and they will know about the Mohai Ling family, of course, because they learned from the gossip of those people when they accompany some high-ranking sons and buddies to bed.

Although they have no concept of the Mohai Ling family, they can be called the first family of the Mohai, and that force must be very terrifying.

Now that Lin Chen has provoked Gong Tianlu, he can only do it for a while. When Gong Tianlu reports the injury to his family, Lin Chen will be finished.

Lying on the ground, Gong Tianlu, the only uninjured hand, clenched his fist slightly.

Although he was beaten by Lin Chen and succumbed in his mouth, he was ten thousand unwilling in his heart.

He suffered so much humiliation here today, and he, Gong Tianlu, must count it back ten times and a hundred times on Lin Chen.

Of course, Gong Tianlu would not let go of the three women beside Lin Chen.

This son-in-law's words made Ouyang Chuying glance at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at him and asked, "Gong Tianlu's family has an intersection with the biggest power in Mohai City? Which one do you mean by the biggest power?"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the young master immediately said in a humble and arrogant manner: "That big force is relatively high-level, I don't know if you have heard of it, that big force is the Ling Family of the Demon Sea, the Ling Family of the Demon Sea's major families. Family."

When it came to the last sentence, the younger brother's tone was a bit cold.

It was as if the arrogant Mohailing family belonged to his family.

When this son-in-law was talking about the greatest power in the Devil Sea, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying thought of the Ling family's head.

Ouyang Chuying was amused. These guys thought that the power of the Ling family was as big as the sky. In fact, the power of the Ling family was really huge.

However, how can the Ling family be so powerful? Ouyang Chuying knows that the Internet industry (bbcg) of the entire Ling family has been hacked by Lin Chen, and the Internet industry has not recovered until now.

Now the Ling family is in a state of turmoil because of this incident, and there is nothing they can do about Lin Chen.

"It turned out to be the Ling family from the Demon Sea." Lin Chen nodded.

The young man asked curiously, "Do you know the Demon Hailing family?"

"I know." Lin Chen nodded.

This Young Master and the other Young Masters all had suspicious expressions on their faces, obviously a little disbelieving. After all, the big family of the Demon Sea is not a person of that level.

When the ten peripheral women saw Lin Chen saying they knew, they still seemed so calm. Many of them had a thought in their hearts, that is, Lin Chen pretended to be calm, or that he didn't know the concept of the magic sea Ling family at all.

When the young master was about to continue talking, suddenly a female car model stepped forward and said, "Oh, I remember, I said why he is so familiar, his name is Lin Chen, the one who solved the case, I watched it last night. He solved the white chrysanthemum murder case in Pingwang County, and it's amazing."

Another female car model also said suddenly: "Yes, I also remembered when you said that. He is the Lin Chen who solved the case. He is a detective. He seems to have solved many cases."

The words of the two female car models made the hotel owner and the front desk staff look at Lin Chen.

After the news of the white chrysanthemum murder case was broadcast, it caused quite a stir, but some people didn't like to watch the news. The hotel owner, the front desk lady, and these young masters had never seen the news.

After hearing the words of the female car model, the son who was standing in front of Lin Chen said, "Oh, so your name is Lin Chen, and you are a detective."

After learning that Lin Chen was a detective, this young master had a contempt in his tone.

The other young masters and the remaining female car models didn't take it seriously. A detective, even if he can solve the case, he is just a detective.

If he provokes someone he shouldn't, then his fate is only a dead end.

"It turned out to be a detective, Lin Chen? I've never heard of it..." said a female car model.

"I don't like watching the news, what kind of chrysanthemum, homicide, I'm not interested." Another female car model said.

"I thought, which company's big and young..." A female car said with slight contempt.

After learning that Lin Chen was a detective who solved the case, a young man with a big back came over and said to Lin Chen, "Detective Lin Chen, I don't know how you are a detective at such a young age, but , what I want to tell you is that what you just did will cause you a lot of trouble."

As soon as the boy's voice fell, three luxury cars with Mohai license plates were parked in the open space in front of the hotel. .


831 Hotel meeting [2 more for subscription]

Of the three luxury cars with the Magic Sea City license plate, the first is a black Rolls-Royce, the second is a red Porsche, and the third is a Mercedes-Benz SUV.

The car stopped, and after the Rolls-Royce door opened, a man and a woman immediately got out of the car, raised their heads, and looked at the door of this hotel.

The man and woman who got out of the car were naturally Ling Xiaoqiao and Ling Feng from the Ling family. They went to the Pingwang County Public Security Bureau to determine Lin Chen's whereabouts, and under the guidance of the security of the scenic spot, they learned that Lin Chen and the others were coming. Arriving at this hotel, after all, Lin Chen's group of handsome men and beautiful women are very memorable - deeply impressive.


In the hotel lobby, after learning that Lin Chen's identity is a detective who solved the case, Gong Tianlu's group of sons were obviously very disappointed in Lin Chen's identity, let alone detectives, even if they were police officers and minor officials_ .

To beat him Gong Tianlu like this, he will have to pay the price he deserves.

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