"Because the flow of this river is very gentle, the source is on the side of Bixi Valley, and the flow of water at the source is not large. The river wants to push the car that fell upstream here, only the rising water can explain it."

"But, if the water is flooded, the water will be filled with sand, gravel and soil. In the turbulent flood, this car must have been washed in the river and rolled in the river, covered in bruises and bruises."

"You look at this car carefully, there are no scratches or dents in the hood, roof, trunk lid, and above the door frames."

"Rolling around in the flood, being washed by sand and gravel, and bumping around, will there be no scratches and dents on the body?"

When Lin Chen said these words, the eyes of these people were all looking at the body of this black Buick.

Indeed, as Lin Chen said, there are no dents or scratches on the body of this Buick. They have seen the cars that were taken away by the flood and then picked up again. . .

That kind of car was fished up with dents and scratches from rocks and gravel.

They never thought of this before Lin Chen brought it up.

"It makes sense." Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and nodded.

Pei Qian also nodded, but did not speak.

Lin Chen walked to the front of the Buick sedan, pointed to the front of the car, and said, "Look at the front of this car and around the bottom of the car."

"The front of the car has slumped after the impact, and the underside of the car also has scratches and dents from the impact."

"Why are there no dents and scratches in the higher parts of the car, such as the hood, roof, trunk lid, etc., but there are places around the front and the bottom of the car?"

"It's very simple, because when the car hit the middle of the river, the ice broke and sank."

"It sinks in this situation, because the engine is in the front of the car, the heaviest part of the car is the front of the car. After falling into the water, the front of the car is the most downward, and the rear of the car is tilted in the water, and after falling to the bottom of the river , it is also that the front of the car hit the rocks at the bottom of the river first, and then the bottom of the car body contacted the rocks at the bottom of the river, which caused the traces of this collision."



When he said the word "and", Lin Chen paused slightly, and said, "The water of this Daqing River has always been very gentle, the water flow at the source is not large, and the banks on both sides of this river have not seen any rises. The traces left by the flood, I personally feel that this river does not look like a river that will swell."

"You can also ask the nearby villagers to see if the river has swelled in the past two or three years. If it has not swelled, this section of the road is the only intersection that can go down to the river. If the car wants to sink in the middle of the river directly opposite here, it can only be the second possibility."

Lin Chen's words are easy to understand, and Pei Qian said, "Well, this part of the road is the only place where you can drive down to the river, and you can't get down anywhere else. This car must have sunk to the center of the river from here, since it is from here. There is only the second possibility to fall in the middle of the river."


853 Some doubts 【Subscribe】

"Mr. Lin is right." Zhou Xiong also said: "We didn't care about the scratches or dents on the car just now. Based on these, this car should be in the winter when the river froze and the car drove to the river. the center position, and then it sank."

"If it's winter." Ouyang Chuying said, "Then why is this female driver wearing so light and thin? It's not like wearing in winter at all. The black cloth pants on the lower body are cold in autumn. Not to mention the freezing weather by the river."

"That's where the problem lies." Lin Chen said, "It is now certain that the way the car sank was when the car hit the ice, and the ice shattered and fell. The weather was so cold at that time, why did this happen? How could a female driver dress so little? That's suspicious."

"Yeah...Why is this female driver wearing so little clothes?" Pei Qian also muttered to herself.

After muttering, she looked at the corpse on the ground over there, and sighed: "This corpse has been dead for too long, and there are no clues left on the body, just a corpse, which is difficult to investigate. "

"There is something suspicious." Lin Chen said slowly.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhou Xiong and the others all looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said, "It's the distance between the seat and the steering wheel when the corpse is sitting in the driver's seat."

"Just now, a female police officer who is about the same height as the female driver has tried it. At that distance, sitting in the car with her hands on the steering wheel is awkward and difficult to control."

Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and said, "You think the seat and steering wheel are so close because the female driver may be thinner than the policewoman, but even if she is thinner than the policewoman, at that distance, It is still difficult to control the steering wheel, and even the movement is not free, why doesn't she adjust a distance that is comfortable for her?"

"In the car, except for two stacks of money and some paper pulp in the front storage box, there is nothing, and there is nothing to prove the identity of the female driver."

"We can think about it carefully, in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, why does this female driver dress so thinly? Why does she drive the car on this icy river? Does she not know the danger? Why is her car seat so close to the steering wheel? That kind of Distance, it's not easy to drive at all, why is there nothing in the car that can prove her identity?"

"One more thing, why does a female driver have such a coincidence in her car that she has a 38 cm long adjustable wrench weighing a few pounds?"

"The window on the passenger seat was really smashed by the female driver with a adjustable wrench?"

Lin Chen's series of questions made everyone silent.

Soon, a young police officer said: "According to Mr. Lin's analysis, it is indeed a bit strange that the female driver's car fell into the river and died. It seems that we need to investigate it carefully."

"Mr. Lin." Zhou Xiong looked at Lin Chen and said, "What do you mean, it's very likely that this female driver didn't die accidentally, but because of another cause?"

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "I suspect he killed him."

"I also suspect that it was homicide. My thoughts have always been similar to Mr. Lin's, but I didn't say it before." The young policeman before said again, his thinking is very active, and he thinks faster than others.

Of course, when Zhou Xiong heard what he said, it was an afterthought.

After everyone discussed a few more words, in the end their opinions were unified by Lin Chen, that is, the female driver was most likely killed by him, and this case still needs time and energy to investigate.

In fact, even if Lin Chen doesn't speculate based on the condition of the car body, as long as the forensic doctor brings the corpse back to the forensic laboratory, he can determine the approximate time of death of the corpse, so that it is determined that it is winter. These.

It's just that Lin Chen observed more carefully than them, and his ability to find clues was stronger than them.

Zhou Xiong and Pei Qian immediately walked to the side of the road above and asked people in the nearby village again.

The first question to ask these people is whether the Daqing River will freeze in the cold winter.

In this regard, not only the elderly villagers have the right to speak, but also many children have the right to speak.

The old men said that in winter, there is basically no water flowing down the upper part of the river, and there is also a dam in the lowermost part of the Daqing River.

In winter, the water flow of the Daqing River is much gentler than it is now, and a thick layer of ice will form on the river surface.

An old man said that in the coldest year, the ice on the Daqing River was one foot thick, and it was difficult to break the ice layer with an axe.

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