One foot is about 33 centimeters. If the ice layer reaches this thickness, it is very safe for people and cars to walk on it.

In winter, after the Daqing River freezes, this is where many children from nearby villages love to play.

However, adults are not happy for children to come to ice skating and play. If parents find out, they will be beaten.

Nevertheless, in winter, children will still play on the ice without telling their parents.

The ice layer in winter is not every day, and every place is very thick. In this river, people play on the ice and children fall. In this Daqing River, they drowned in winter. Several people.

520 An old man said: "The car is driving on the ice of the Daqing River, how stupid people would do this. Although it is cold in winter here, it can't compare to the northernmost place. The big object like the car is driving on the ice. On the surface, it's easy to fall off."

"Yeah." Another man said, "Anyway, I have been planting the land for so many years, and I have never seen anyone drive a car on the ice of the Daqing River."

"I've seen it before," a young man said. "I've seen a car drive on the ice in this river before, but it was very cold that time, and their car drove up safely."

Hearing this, Pei Qian looked at the young man. This man was diving with a flashlight and found Liu Gang, a college student with a dead body in a car under the river.

Pei Qian knew that this was one of the reporters. Pei Qian glanced at Liu Gang and said to him, "You are the student who reported the case, right? You dived so deep with your bare hands, it seems that you have good water skills?"

Seeing this beautiful police elder sister, Liu Gang was a little shy: "Hehe, when I was young, my grandfather often came to fish in this river, my grandfather was very good at water, and I was taught by my grandfather. At that time, my grandfather fished, I'm swimming right next to me."

Liu Gang's voice just fell, when suddenly, a rough and wrinkled hand landed on his shoulder. .


854 The rickety old man [2 more for subscription]

Pei Qian was originally facing this Liu Gang, her eyes fell on this young college student, and she talked to him to understand the case.

The rough, wrinkled hand that suddenly appeared on his shoulder made Pei Qian slightly stunned.

This hand, very rough, covered with wrinkles and age spots, could tell at a glance that it was the palm of an old man.

After Liu Gang felt the hand on his shoulder, he immediately turned his head and called the owner of the hand with a smile, "Grandpa."

When Liu Gang called out grandpa, Pei Qian also followed the rough old hand on Liu Gang's shoulder and saw the old man standing behind Liu Gang.

The old man was not tall, with a hunched back. He was wearing an old-fashioned short-sleeved shirt, faded trousers, and rubber slippers on his feet. His wrinkled face was full of writing. The vicissitudes of time.

Listening to Liu Gang's words, this old man is the grandfather who taught him to swim and likes to fish just now.

Just at this time, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying walked up to it, and also saw Liu Gang standing in front of Pei Qian, and Liu Gang's grandfather.

Liu Gang's grandfather nodded to Liu Gang and said, "Xiao Gang, what's wrong here, I just finished working in the field, and I saw a lot of people around here."

Liu Gang immediately pointed to the Daqing River below and said, "Grandpa, I was looking for you too. Let me tell you, I was swimming in the river with the people in the village just now, and then I found the place in the middle of the river. There is a car under the water. , There was still a person sitting in the car, and when I was diving, I was startled when I saw that person."


After hearing Liu Gang's words, Liu Gang's grandfather's turbid eyes widened slightly, and the hand that was lightly resting on his grandson's shoulder also grabbed Liu Gang's shoulder with a sudden force. .

Liu Gang's grandfather's expression was obviously a little flustered, and there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes. His old eyes immediately followed the direction his grandson pointed.

After looking in the direction his grandson pointed, Liu Gang's grandfather narrowed his eyes again.

"Aiya...〃¨..." Liu Gang cried out in pain and said, "Grandpa, what are you doing, I'm going, it hurts me."

Hearing his grandson's words, Grandpa Liu withdrew his gaze towards the river, and rubbed his grandson's shoulder with his rough hand.

"Uh, grandpa will rub it for you, won't it hurt?" said Grandpa Liu.

Liu Gang shook his head and said, "It's fine, it won't hurt very much."

When the grandfather and grandson were talking, Lin Chen, Pei Qian, and Ouyang Chuying all looked at them.

After Liu Gang told his grandfather that a car was found in the river and there was a corpse in the car, the old man's expression changed immediately, he was a little panicked, and the hand on his grandson's shoulder was squeezed subconsciously. a bit.

Grandpa Liu Gang's performance inevitably aroused Lin Chen's idea.

The onlookers here, when they learned that a car was found in the river with a body in the car, they were all surprised and curious, and moved towards this side.

However, Liu Gang's grandfather was a little flustered and frightened, and grabbed Liu Gang's shoulder hard. His subconscious behavior was really abnormal.

Pei Qian glanced at Lin Chen, and Lin Chen looked back at her, neither of them said a word.

After Grandpa Liu rubbed Liu Gang's shoulders twice, he said to Liu Gang, "Xiao Gang, let's go home."

Liu Gang said, "Grandpa, go back first, and I'll stay here to have a look. I found someone sitting in the car. The police may have something else to ask me."

It's good that Liu Gang didn't say this. As soon as the words came out, Grandpa Liu's tone became severe.

He glared at Liu Gang and said, "The police are already here, what else is there to do with you here, go, go back, I need your help at home."

Grandpa suddenly became a little angry, which made Liu Gang a little confused.

"Go back." Grandpa Liu urged Liu Gang again.

Liu Gang stretched out his hand and scratched his head, replied with a sound, and was about to go home with his grandfather.

The surrounding villagers didn't care about the conversation between the grandfather and the grandson, but Lin Chen and the three of them kept observing.

Seeing that Liu Gang's grandfather was leaving, Pei Qian immediately said, "Wait."

Hearing Pei Qian's words, Liu Gang stopped, but Liu Gang's grandfather was still walking forward.

The old man took a few steps and found that his grandson was not following behind him. He also stopped, turned his head, squinted at Liu Gang, and said, "Why did you stop?"

Seeing Grandpa's angry look, Liu Gang pointed at Pei Qian with some embarrassment, and said, "This policeman told me to wait."

"She told you to wait, but I told you to go, why didn't you go?" Grandpa Liu said angrily.

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