When she heard the police looking for her, she immediately became very flustered. After Lin Chen and the others noticed her expression, they knew that Wu Xiaojuan must know something.

Compared with interrogating Shi Mingjun, it is much easier to ask things out of her mouth.

"Miss Wu Xiaojuan, hello, we have been here before, and you already know our identities. Now I want to invite you to the door with us. I have something to tell you." Lin Chen said to Wu Xiaojuan.

Wu Xiaojuan grabbed the tray of dishes with one hand, the clothes on her body with the other hand, and touched her hair again, looking flustered.

"Ah...have something to tell me...what do you want to tell me?" Wu Xiaojuan's voice changed.

When the police are investigating a case, they like to meet such suspects the most, and it is better to interrogate them.

"yes.". Guo Yuan also said quite curiously: "Mr. Lin, you took Ming Jun away, and now you are here to find Xiaojuan. What are you here for?" "

Lin Chen glanced at Guo Yuan, did not respond to him, but said to Wu Xiaojuan, "It is not convenient to speak here, please come to the door with us."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and walked downstairs.

Ouyang Chuying followed behind Lin Chen, Pei Qian glanced at Wu Xiaojuan who was standing there worried, and said, "Miss Wu, please come with us."

Wu Xiaojuan glanced at Pei Qian, nodded, said a good word, and then went on.

Pei Qian followed Wu Xiaojuan and observed the girl.

After arriving at the door, Wu Xiaojuan looked at Lin Chen and asked, "You...what are you looking for from me?"

Lin Chen put his hands in his pockets and said to Wu Xiaojuan, "Your boyfriend Shi Mingjun has already recruited us about that matter. He told us the whole story, but we can't completely believe what he said. Now, we want to know your confession. See if you can match him."

"Uh...ah..." After Wu Xiaojuan heard Lin Chen's words, her eyes suddenly widened, and she took a step back subconsciously, the panic on her face was evident.

"Let's talk." Pei Qian said, "If your confession matches Shi Mingjun's, it proves that he didn't lie to us."

Ouyang Chuying just looked at Wu Xiaojuan and didn't speak.

After Wu Xiaojuan was silent for a few seconds, she asked Lin Chen, "You...how did you know that I knew about that? Did Mingjun ask you to ask me?"

"Don't worry about it, just tell us what happened, and try to be as detailed as possible." Lin Chen didn't want to explain to her that if you cheat someone, you have to make your words very vague, so that he has room to imagine and connect other things together. , which is effective.

If it's too detailed, don't let that person see the clues, and they won't be able to deceive.

When Wu Xiaojuan heard the words, she hurriedly said: "Okay, I said, I said, Ming Jun didn't mean it, he said that it was the person who was sorry for him first, and then he treated him like that."

Wu Xiaojuan's words immediately gave Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying a lot of room for imagination. Wu Xiaojuan's words were also vague. Her vague words could be linked to Liu Yiyi's death.

Liu Yiyi first felt sorry for Shi Mingjun, but Shi Mingjun was unwilling and killed her.

Under the expectations of Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying, Wu Xiaojuan said, "It should have been last month. I was going to watch TV at home that night, and Mingjun wanted to go shopping, so I let him go by himself, I didn't want to go. "

"But he said it's boring to go shopping alone. If he doesn't walk with me, others think he's a single dog."

"I had to go shopping with him. We went to a KFC first and bought me a hamburger. I wanted a drink at the time, but Mingjun said that I had gained weight recently and he wouldn't allow me to drink."

"... There were still a lot of people in our KFC at that time. Mingjun and I waited for half an hour to get our stuff. After we got out of the KFC, we walked and ate burgers. I..."

Hearing this, Lin Chen showed a helpless expression on his face. He looked at Wu Xiaojuan and said, "Don't go into detail about these insignificant things, just focus."

At this moment, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were not so curious about what Wu Xiaojuan was going to say next.

Because Wu Xiaojuan recalled what happened a month ago, and Liu Yiyi was killed more than three years ago, the timing of the two is not at all compatible.

"Oh, good." Wu Xiaojuan responded and said, "Then let me say the point. We played on the street until more than ten o'clock at night. On the way back, we met a drunk man."

"Originally, I didn't care about the drunk man. He walked past us with a smoky smell and walked into a dimly lit alley, but (Wang's) Mingjun stood there and didn't move. "

"I asked him why he didn't leave, and Mingjun's eyes were fixed on the drunk. He whispered to me that he was severely beaten and hospitalized a few years ago, and one of them was the drunk. ."

"I was very surprised when I heard it. Mingjun let me go first. He held his breath for a few years, so I can't just let it go."

Wu Xiaojuan glanced at Lin Chen, a little cowardly: "I wanted to stop him, because I didn't know what he was going to do next, but he didn't stop me, so he found a brick and followed the drunkard's Behind, rushed into the alley."

"I was standing at the entrance of the alley. Ming Jun took a brick and smashed the drunk man's head several times, and then the man fell down. When Ming Jun ran out, there was a lot of blood on his hands."

"After that incident, I was very scared, Mingjun told me that it was fine, but I didn't expect...".


880 The message came out [2 more please subscribe]

Wu Xiaojuan glanced at Lin Chen, and said timidly: "I didn't expect that you still found us..."

After Wu Xiaojuan finished speaking, she hurriedly said to Lin Chen: "Comrade police officer, Ming Jun is usually a very easy-going person, has a good temper, and treats me well. He would do something to the drunk man because of the drunk man a few years ago. and others sent him to the hospital."

"You may not know this. A few years ago, Mingjun offended his former boss. After being beaten up by his former boss, the former boss ordered him to be sent to the hospital. That drunk, One of those people who put him in the hospital at the time."

"At that time, Mingjun said that he had called the police, and the police would leave it without evidence. At that time, he was also impulsive, and those people treated him too much, so he did that."

What Wu Xiaojuan said, Lin Chen and the others naturally understood.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying looked at each other, and it seemed that Lin Chen was right again, and Lin Chen's previous speculation was correct.

After seeing Shi Mingjun for the first time, he was so nervous because Shi Mingjun thought the police came to him because the drunk man was smashed to death by him.


"Comrade policeman, Ming Jun is really just impulsive, and it is the person who can't handle him first. Is that drunk man okay now? My salary will be paid soon, we are willing to lose money, please, don't arrest Ming Jun. Is it?" Wu Xiaojuan began to plead with Lin Chen and the others.

She was very scared, her eyes were misty, and she was about to cry. It could be seen that his relationship with Shi Mingjun should be very good.

Lin Chen said to her, "Is the matter finished?"

"Well, it's over." Wu Xiaojuan nodded.

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