"What about other things?" Lin Chen asked again.

Wu Xiaojuan thought about it for a while, and said in doubt: "Other things? What other things, I have said everything that should be said."

Hearing this, Lin Chen turned to look at Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying. Only Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying could understand the meaning in his eyes.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't speak, Wu Xiaojuan said anxiously, "Comrade police officer, is the drunkard seriously injured? Can I go and apologize to him and ask for his forgiveness?"

Lin Chen didn't answer Wu Xiaojuan's words, but asked Wu Xiaojuan, "How long have you been with Shi Mingjun?"

"How long?" Wu Xiaojuan was slightly stunned. He was worried that Shi Mingjun would be severely punished, but he didn't expect Lin Chen to ask such a question.

"I think about it..." Wu Xiaojuan looked like she was thinking, and after a while, she replied, "It's not bad, it's been about three years."

"After Shi Mingjun was sent to the hospital that time, you were with him soon?" Lin Chen asked again.

Wu Xiaojuan said, "I didn't know Ming Jun when he was sent to the hospital by those people. It was only after Guo Yuan introduced him to work in this hotel that I got to know Ming Jun."

"Three years ago, when you and Shi Mingjun were together or in contact, did you think he was abnormal for a while?" Pei Qian asked Wu Xiaojuan.

Liu Yiyi was killed on January 1 three years ago. If she directly asked Wu Xiaojuan about January 17 three years ago, whether Shi Mingjun had an alibi, strange behavior or something, she would definitely not remember.

Asked when they first got together, that time was almost the time when Liu Yiyi's accident, Wu Xiaojuan might have some impressions, but not necessarily.

Wu Xiaojuan fell into thought again, but soon, she said: "Uh... I can't remember what happened three years ago, anyway, in my impression, Mingjun is a very good boy, and he is nothing strange. place."

"By the way, why did you suddenly ask what happened three years ago, what happened three years ago?"

"It's nothing." Lin Chen said, "Just a casual question."

"Oh." Wu Xiaojuan snorted and her face was still full of worry.

Wu Xiaojuan began to plead for Shi Mingjun again, (bbbj) begged the police to let him go, she was willing to lose money, and then compensate the drunken man to get his forgiveness.

In this regard, Lin Chen just said that the police already knew the situation and asked her to go back to work first.

After Wu Xiaojuan left, Pei Qian said, "Lin Chen, you guessed it right, Shi Mingjun was so nervous when he saw us at first, because he smashed a person who had sent him to the hospital with a brick."

"After he heard that it was because of Liu Yiyi, he was full of confidence and his voice became louder. He even took the initiative to confront Liu Yiyi because he was not the murderer of Liu Yiyi at all."

Ouyang Chuying said: "Could it be that this Shi Mingjun is not the murderer and has nothing to do with Liu Yiyi's death?"

"For now." Lin Chen said: "Shi Mingjun should not be the murderer of Liu Yiyi. When Liu Yiyi's accident, he was already with this Wu Xiaojuan."

"Liu Yiyi and Qian Deyi went to bed, and Shi Mingjun hated them both, but after starting a new relationship, a normal man's resentment will quickly disappear a lot."

"Because he has a new partner, he has spiritual support. According to common sense, Shi Mingjun, who started a new relationship at that time, did not need to kill Liu Yiyi."

Pei Qian sighed lightly: "Qian Deyi is not a murderer, and Shi Mingjun doesn't look like a murderer now. The two most suspects are no longer suspicious now. Who would be the murderer?"

After Lin Chen heard Pei Qian's words, a smile quickly appeared on his face.

Pei Qian hurriedly asked, "What are you laughing at, did you find anything?"

Lin Chen said: "Your words gave me a little inspiration."

"My words gave you inspiration? What inspiration?" Pei Qian was a little confused.

Ouyang Chuying was also a little curious. Just when Lin Chen was about to speak, Pei Qian's phone suddenly rang.

The phone call interrupted Lin Chen and the others. After Pei Qian picked up the phone and said a few words, her face became not very good-looking.

"Okay, I see." After Pei Qian finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Ouyang Chuying asked Pei Qian.

Pei Qian glanced at Ouyang Chuying and explained to her: "This case of sinking a car at the bottom of the river is currently a secret, and the case has not been reported to the public. However, like the last white chrysanthemum murder case, let's salvage it in the Daqing River. When the car was sinking, the process was filmed, and all the information about the body in the car was posted on the local forum in Pingwang County."

Lin Chen and the others will use the interrogation method of cheating the suspect, because this case is kept secret, only a few people know about it, and the murderer should not know it.

Now the case has spread, both good and bad.

The disadvantage is that the murderer knows that the car has been salvaged, which will make him vigilant and take some preventive measures. .


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As for the benefit, after the case spreads, the police can expand the scale to inquire and investigate. If anyone has witnessed the sinking car in the river, they will also provide the police with clues after seeing the news.

Just like some murder cases, at the beginning, due to the bad nature of the case, many people died, and the leaders concerned were afraid of taking responsibility, so the case was kept secret ~ for investigation.

I have been investigating the case for a long time in a state of secrecy, and spent a lot of police force, but I have not achieved the slightest gain.

As a result, after the case was announced, the police quickly received calls from several enthusiastic people, saying they could provide some clues.

In the end, the murderer was caught in the clues provided by the enthusiastic people, and the case was successfully solved.

There are many cases like this. After Pei Qian learned the news, she was also mixed, wondering if this case should be widely circulated.

Pei Qian looked at Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying and said, "Lin Chen, Chuying, do you think we should immediately ask those news websites and forums to delete their posts and forbid any news of this case from being disclosed on the Internet?"

Ouyang Chuying didn't even think about it, and said, "The murderer committed the case three years ago. He has lived peacefully for the past three years. The current murderer must be very relaxed, and he thinks that no one will find the river bottom. the sinking car, and he will not be caught by the police."

"In this state, if we come into contact with the murderer and interrogate him by deceiving him, it will be easy to gain something."

"If this case spreads out and the murderer knows about it, it will be difficult to find out. Therefore, my suggestion is to block the news and delete news and related posts on the Internet."

Pei Qian nodded slightly when she heard what Ouyang Chuying said. What Ouyang Chuying said was similar to her inner thoughts.

Lin Chen said to Pei Qian, "Do you have any relatively large local forums and news websites in Pingwang County, open them up and show them to me."

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