"Okay." Pei Qian nodded. As the deputy captain of the criminal police in Pingwang County, Pei Qian was very familiar with local online forums.

Soon, Pei Qian opened several web pages with her browser, all of which were local news websites and social forums in Pingwang County.

Lin Chen took the phone and checked it quickly. After reading what Pei Qian opened, Lin Chen searched again. After several minutes, Lin Chen handed the phone back to Pei Qian.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Your police don't care about the spread of this case on the Internet. After the car was discovered yesterday, there were related posts on the Internet yesterday. As of today, these local forums and news websites have all kinds of news. Report on the sinking car case."

"Deleting the post now has no effect on blocking the case. Netizens are only paying attention to the case, wondering if it was suicide, homicide, or accident. If they delete the post, the trend of public opinion will change. In this case, only Can you delete it?"

Hearing this, Pei Qian nodded again. What Ouyang Chuying said was reasonable, and what Lin Chen said was also reasonable.

"I'll take a look." After listening to Lin Chen's words, Ouyang Chuying took Pei Qian's phone and looked at it.

The first thing Ouyang Chuying saw was a news post, a local news website in Pingwang County, which was mentioned in the news.

At noon yesterday, a group of children swimming in the Daqing River found a car in the middle of the river with a corpse sitting in the car.

The first photo in the news is of a crane salvaging a sunken car at the bottom of the river.

The second photo is of the car surfacing.

The third photo is of the car landing.

The fourth photo shows the corpse sitting in the driver's seat. The driver's seat has been mosaicked.

The fifth photo is of Lin Chen and the others squatting on the ground for an autopsy, with mosaics.

In the sixth photo, two stacks of banknotes were found from the storage box at the front of the car. The two wet stacks of banknotes were caught by a police officer and faced Lin Chen and the others. The photo was very clear.

The seventh photo is of police trying to open the trunk.

The eighth photo is also an attempt to open the trunk.

The eight photos in this news are very clear and can be seen clearly, except for the one who took the corpse and rewarded the mosaic, which cannot be seen clearly.

After watching for a while, Ouyang Chuying frowned slightly and said, "Many people are paying attention to this case, and there are still a few posts to vote to guess whether this case is suicide, homicide or accident, although the bets are all forum coins. , it’s not worth the money, so it’s just for fun, but it can be seen that they are very concerned about this case that sank at the bottom of the river three years ago.”

· · Flowers · ·

"Then don't delete it." Pei Qian sighed and said, "After I took over this case, I only allowed a dozen police officers to join the investigation of this case, and neglected the circulation on the Internet. Well, it's my fault. ."

The case has now been exposed by the media and netizens, and the pressure is unstoppable. Presumably, the murderer will soon know about this matter, and it will be a lot more difficult to catch the murderer.

Pei Qian blamed herself a little. She felt that she didn't take this into consideration. If she had thought about it earlier, there would not have been a chance for those posts to appear.

After the three said a few words, Lin Chen said to Pei Qian, "Don't blame yourself, it's useless. In this case, we will hurry up to investigate the case, and don't let the murderer have too much time to react."


"What are you going to do next?" Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and asked.

Lin Chen said, "Go to Liu Yiyi's house and meet her mother."

"Okay, let's go now." Pei Qian said, "Tell her mother Liu Yiyi's corpse was found, and then take her to the Public Security Bureau to conduct a test and comparison with the corpse's DNA to further confirm her identity."

According to Liu Yiyi's physical features during her lifetime, it can be determined that the corpse is her, but she still needs to go through the procedure and test the DNA to make the identity accurate.

Several people immediately got into the car and were about to drive towards Liu Yiyi's house.

The car had just been on the road for a few minutes when Lin Chen's cell phone suddenly rang.

Lin Chen's cell phone was in his pocket, so he didn't bother to get it while driving.

So he said to Ouyang Chuying, who was sitting next to him, "Hold me your phone."

Ouyang Chuying put his hand into Lin Chen's pocket, took out his mobile phone, glanced at the screen, and said to Lin Chen, "Unfamiliar number in Pingwang County."

After speaking, Ouyang Chuying pressed the answer button.

"Hello." After pressing the amplification button, a boy's voice came from the speaker.

Upon hearing this voice, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying's eyes lit up.

"Does your grandfather want to understand and is willing to tell us what he knows?" Lin Chen said.

The boy who called was Liu Gang who found the body after diving. .


882 Witness Confession 【Subscription】

After discovering the car under the Daqing River yesterday, the arrival of Liu Gang's grandfather Liu Jiankang made Lin Chen and the others suspect that the old man might know something about Liu Yiyi's death and wanted him to tell the police.

Who knew that the old man Liu Jiankian was very stubborn and had opinions on the police. Even if he knew something, he would not say a word to the police.

After seeing the old man's stubborn temper, Lin Chen and the others didn't force it. Before leaving, they told him that if they were wronged by the police, they could say it, they would try to help him, and left the number to Liu Gang.

Now that Liu Gang is calling, it must be because the stubborn old man is willing to speak.

"Yes, Comrade Police." Liu Gang's voice came, apologetically, and said, "But he didn't tell me, he just asked you to come to the house, I don't know if you have time to come."

"May four three" Lin Chen smiled: "Yes, we'll come over now."

"Okay." Liu Gang answered and immediately ended the call.

After putting down the phone, Pei Qian said, "That stubborn old man is finally willing to speak."

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and said, "Let him say it, but there is a price. I don't know what the grievances he has suffered from the police are."

"I'll be there in a while, and I'll know after listening to him." Lin Chen turned around and quickly drove towards the location of Xiazhuang Village.

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