When Liu Jiankang saw that his son and daughter-in-law had not returned overnight, he was very worried. Although he was sick, he still gritted his teeth and got up to find his son and daughter-in-law.

Just when he was not far from the house, the police came.

Seeing the police looking for him, Liu Jiankang suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

With a trembling voice, he asked the police what to do with him. The police told him that his son and daughter-in-law were in a car accident when they were riding their bikes last night.

When Liu Jiankang heard the news, he fainted on the spot. When he woke up, he saw that he was already lying on the bed, and several policemen stood by his bedside and asked him about his condition.

During the conversation with the police officers, Liu Jiankang learned that the death of his son and daughter-in-law was not an accident.

At that time, the motorcycle that Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law were riding was knocked down by a car, and then the car ran over the two of them. The positions of the two bodies were different. crushed.

After hearing the news, Liu Jianjian was trembling with anger. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the policeman's hand, begging them to do justice for him and catch the man who deliberately drove his son and daughter-in-law to death.

The police officer who handled the case also held Liu Jiankang's hand tightly and said to him, "Don't worry, our people's police will give you a fair deal for this matter."

On the same day, Liu Jiankang delivered Liu Gang to the people in the village. He followed the police car to the morgue. In the morgue, he saw the bodies of his son and daughter-in-law.

He also heard the forensic doctor talking with some police officers, saying that his son and daughter-in-law had multiple crushing fractures on his son and daughter-in-law.

According to the scars on the two people, it can be judged that the wheels of the car had been repeatedly rolled on them.

If Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law were killed by a car, it was just a traffic accident, but they were maliciously crushed to death by a car, which could convict the driver of murder.

According to the investigation, the police learned the license plate number of the car, and the owner was a man named Gong Feiyue.

At that time, it was very likely that Gong Feiyue drove into Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law, and then Liu Jianjian's son and daughter-in-law got up from the ground and went to have a theory with Gong Feiyue (good money).

Maybe there was a conflict in words, so Gong Feiyue drove the two to death.

In the Public Security Bureau, Liu Jiankang knelt down to the police officers who were handling the case, begging them to do justice to him. The police officers also solemnly expressed to him that the murderer would be brought under the law, and he would not be allowed to go unpunished.

Liu Jiankang was waiting for the news of Gong Feiyue's arrest from the police, but soon, several other policemen came to tell him that his son and daughter-in-law were in an accidental car accident, and they were not obeying the traffic rules. The owner of the car is not responsible.

There has been a [-]-degree change in the statements of the previous policemen and the statement of the few policemen now.

At first, the police identified that his son and daughter-in-law were killed by someone maliciously, but now they say it was just a traffic accident, and the responsibility rests on his son and daughter-in-law, which makes Liu Jiankang bear it. .


885 I went to investigate 【Subscribe】

Therefore, Liu Jiankang said that the previous statement was not like this. The previous police said that his son and daughter-in-law had been deliberately killed by someone named Gong Feiyue.

These police officers told him that the previous judgment was wrong, and the current judgment was correct. Moreover, the driver who caused the accident was not called Gong Feiyue, but Zhang Kang.

Liu Jiankang scolded these police officers for talking nonsense. The investigation was so clear before. He had also been to the morgue and heard the forensic doctor's judgment on the corpse. How could the crush injury be caused by a single bump?

Those police officers insisted on the result, Liu Jiankian didn't want to pay attention to them, he had the contact information of the previous police officers, so he contacted them.

As a result, Liu Jiankang did not contact them, and learned that the previous police officers who handled the case had been suspended. It is unknown where they are and when they will be reinstated.

Although Liu Jiankang is an honest and honest farmer, how could he not see the truth in it.

The judgment and investigation of those police officers before were absolutely correct. His son and daughter-in-law were run over to death by someone maliciously using a car, and that Gong Feiyue must be the murderer.

The reason why there was a big reversal, the driver became a man named Zhang Kang, this must be the rich and powerful Gong Feiyue, who settled the police and found a scapegoat.

Liu Jian 793 Kang's son and daughter-in-law are gone, he naturally wants to seek justice. He has done a lot and worked hard, but in the end, he can't do anything about the death of his son and daughter-in-law.

They could only watch helplessly as those police officers classified the death of their son and daughter-in-law as a traffic accident, and received a small amount of compensation.

By the time I got to this point, Liu Jiankang, a rickety old man, was already in tears, unable to utter a word.

He cried so sadly that tears ran down his wrinkled face and fell on the loess ground.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were touched by this old man. If what he said was true, Gong Feiyue could suspend the police officers who initially investigated the case, and changed the malicious killing to a traffic accident, and the main responsibility lies with Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law. here.

Needless to say, that person named Gong Feiyue was definitely not simple.

"How many years ago?" Pei Qian asked Liu Jiankang, who was tearful.

Liu Jiankang wiped away tears and replied, "Xiaogang is 20 this year. It has been almost fifteen years (bbcf) since what happened when he was 5 years old."

"Fifteen years..." Pei Qian shook her head when she heard the number: "I was thirteen years old at the time, and I was still in junior high school."

Ouyang Chuying said: "Fifteen years ago, I was almost in elementary school..."

Liu Jiankang choked and said, "Fifteen years ago, if I hadn't gotten sick that night, if I hadn't let them buy me medicine, that kind of thing would not have happened."

"I think I killed my son and daughter-in-law. I have never dared to tell Xiaogang the truth. I am afraid that he will hate my incompetent grandfather. I am afraid that he will know the truth of my parents' death and will Shade and pressure from childhood."

"So, Xiaogang still thinks that his parents died in a car accident."

When Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying heard the words, they immediately understood why Liu Jianjian gave up Liu Gang when he was talking about this.

Lin Chen looked at Liu Jiankang and asked, "You should have gone to investigate, that Gong Feiyue, right?"

"Yes." Liu Jiankang nodded and said, "I started investigating him fifteen years ago, and I'm still investigating him now. I'm an old farmer, and I don't have any channels to investigate, but I still found out that the man is named Gong Feiyue. Yes, they do business in Xihang City."

"He started a big company called Gong's Real Estate or something. I also saw him on the news and shook hands with those officials. I know that this person must be very powerful. I am an old farmer, how could it be possible? will be his opponent."

"What I can do, what I can make up for, is to train Xiaogang to be an adult, and see if I can earn a house for him, so that he can marry a daughter-in-law in the future. In this way, I can also go See my son and daughter-in-law, and give them an explanation."

Pei Qian murmured, "Gong Feiyue, Gong's real estate?"

After thinking for a while, Ouyang Chuying's eyes lit up slightly. She looked at Lin Chen and said, "I didn't expect it to be Gong Feiyue from Gong's Real Estate. What a coincidence."

Lin Chen heard the words and immediately understood what Ouyang Chuying meant.

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