When Lin Chen was about to speak, Liu Jiankian raised his head, looked at the three of them, and said, "The police officers who gave me justice back then have been suspended, so many years have passed, I don't know how they are doing. , but they are good people."

He looked at Lin Chen and said, "Young man, you can see my prejudice against the police. You are very powerful. You said yesterday that you are willing to help me. I know that you are the same as the first few police officers who found out the truth. Nice guy."

"That Gong Feiyue is very powerful, and I never thought that you guys could really help me uphold justice. I asked Xiaogang to call you here, mainly because I wanted to tell you what happened three years ago, and maybe it would be helpful for you to handle the case. Help, I've done a good thing."

"Secondly, after telling you about the backlog of things in my heart, I feel much better. I have never had the courage to tell Xiaogang this. If I don't tell you today, I may take this matter into the coffin. already."

Pei Qian immediately said: "Old man, don't worry, as long as what you said is true, I will re-investigate this case."

When Pei Qian said this, he had no confidence, because he knew how huge the company of Gong's Real Estate was, and although his parents had great achievements in their careers, they didn't want to provoke those of Gong's Real Estate.

Liu Jiankian waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, don't check it out. If you keep checking it, I'm sure your jobs will be lost. I can tell this today, and I feel much happier. I had a problem with my attitude yesterday, I'm sorry to you, I've been stubborn for many years."

Ouyang Chuying laughed, she said to Liu Jiankian: "Old man, when you meet other police, you may not be able to investigate the case of your son and daughter-in-law, but when you meet Lin Chen, you can rest assured, that Gong Feiyue's son, he was beaten all over the floor by Lin Chen a few days ago, and he knelt down and begged for mercy."

Lin Chen had a light smile on his face and didn't speak.

Pei Qian was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked, "The second-generation rich Gong Tianlu that Lin Chen fought in Bixi Valley, is he Gong Feiyue's son?"

Ouyang Chuying nodded: "The Gong family is an industrial distribution of the Ling family. I remember the helm of the Gong family is Gong Feiyue.".


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Gong Feiyue's surname was Gong, and the second-generation rich who was beaten by Lin Chen was also surnamed Gong. Pei Qian naturally linked the two together.

Coupled with Ouyang Chuying's words, it can be confirmed that the Gong Tianlu that Lin Chen beat in Bixi Valley a few days ago is the son of Gong Feiyue that the old man said.

"It's a bit of a coincidence." Lin Chen said.

However, Liu Jiankian looked at Lin Chen and the three with a blank expression, and he didn't quite understand what Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, Pei Qian and the others said.

"It's not a coincidence, it's a coincidence." Pei Qian smiled and said -.

Lin Chen beat Gong Tianlu before, and he was looking for teeth all over the place, and he wanted him to apologize.

Now, because of the sinking of the car at the bottom of the river, this old man Liu Jiankang is involved in a case of intentional homicide by driving fifteen years ago. The murder suspect is Gong Tianlu's father, Gong Feiyue.

The son was cleaned up by Lin Chen, and now the father, Gong Feiyue, will suffer too.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying knew that with regard to Liu Jiankang's attitude and what he said in his heart, Lin Chen would definitely help him and let the truth of the year surface.

Think about it from another perspective. You are an ordinary person. Your most important relative was run over to death by someone maliciously driving a car. You called the police. The police said that the driver did it on purpose. They will bring him to justice and give you an explanation. .

But soon, those honest police officers were suspended, and other police officers came to tell you that the previous investigation was wrong, the driver was right, the fault was on your relative who was crushed to death, and the driver was not the same as the previous investigation. Here comes the culprit.

You go to appeal and ask for explanations, but you can't get a fair answer. At this time, how desperate you are in your heart, how sad you feel about your own insignificance.

Liu Jiankang, an old man, has lived in grief for fifteen years. He feels that he is incompetent, and that if it were not for his illness, his son and daughter-in-law would not go out by bicycle at night.

He was afraid to tell his grandson, afraid of his blame, and afraid that he would live under shadow and pressure.

His only goal is to earn more money while his old bones can still move, save it, and leave it to his grandson.

"You..." Liu Jiankang's voice trembled a little, and asked, "Listen to what you mean, you... can you help me?"

"Yes." Ouyang Chuying said firmly: "Old man, as long as what you said is true, we can help you and give you justice."

When Liu Jiankian saw the expressions of Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying, his body trembled slightly.

He said again and again: "I swear with my life that what I said to you just now is true. If I tell a lie, I will be struck by lightning."

In order to show Lin Chen and the others the authenticity of his words, the old man made a poisonous oath.

Pei Qian frowned slightly and whispered softly: "That Gong Feiyue is now a big family. He has a lot of industries in Xihang City, and he knows a lot of people. He also has the support of Mohailing's family, plus fifteen Years have passed, and after such a long time, the evidence should no longer exist, and it would be quite difficult to investigate this."

There are several ways to clean up a person. One is to cover the sky with one hand, say what you are, what you are, say you have committed a crime, and you have committed a crime. The law is not legal.

The other is to find something that can convict you, sue you aboveboard, and put you in jail for the crimes you have committed.

Of the two most common methods, the second method is naturally much better. The second method is well-founded, and people cannot find criticism.

Pei Qian knew that the power behind Lin Chen was not small, but she didn't know what the real power was. She didn't know which way Lin Chen would use to clean up that Gong Feiyue.

Lin Chen's expression was very calm, he said, "The case fifteen years ago is not easy to say, nor difficult to say."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he looked at the trembling old man, and asked him, "The police officers who helped you investigate the case and found out that it was Gong Feiyue, do you still remember their names?"

Hearing this, Liu Jiankian nodded immediately and said, "Remember, remember, they are good people. Although it has been fifteen years, I still remember their names and what they look like."

"Okay." Lin Chen said: "Tell me your names, and I will record them. After finding them, it should be of great help to the case fifteen years ago."

Immediately, Liu Jiankang told Lin Chen all the names of the police officers who handled the case, and Lin Chen recorded a copy on his mobile phone.

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Ouyang Chuying asked, "What's the name of the forensic doctor who performed the autopsy, do you remember?"

Liu Jiankian shook his head and said, "I don't know the name of the forensic doctor, and I can't remember what he looked like."

"It's okay." Lin Chen said, "As long as we can find these police officers, and then find the forensic doctor who performed the autopsy that year, it will be very simple."

"I just hope that they have evidence that was not destroyed that year, so that Gong Feiyue can be convicted."

Although it's only Liu Jiankang's words now, judging from his expression, Lin Chen and the others all believed in this old man, and he didn't need to tell such a lie.


After Lin Chen and the others immediately asked Liu Jiankang some questions about the case, Lin Chen and the others were ready to leave.

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