Ouyang Chuying said: "I learned from Shi Mingjun's girlfriend before that Shi Mingjun was not the murderer. Now I know from Liu Jiankang that the murderer's height is similar to him. Shi Mingjun is a little suspicious again. 2.7"

"Although a height doesn't mean much, let's not relax the interrogation and observation of Shi Mingjun." Pei Qian said.

While talking, the car had come to the country road in the other direction of the city.

After another ten minutes, Lin Chen's car stopped in a village.

This village is the village where Liu Yiyi's family is located.

Pei Qian glanced at her phone and said, "Liu Yiyi's house is No. 122."

The three walked in the village, and after asking a villager, they quickly found Liu Yiyi's home.

Liu Yiyi's house is in dilapidated condition, comparable to that of Liu Jiankang's house, all of which are old wooden houses.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an evaluation ticket, thank you. .


888 Know the situation [Subscribe]

If we really talk about it, the situation of Liu Yiyi's house is not as good as Liu Jiankang's wooden house.

There are a lot of weeds growing in front of Liu Yiyi's house, some are short, some are tall, and the taller weeds are almost reaching Lin Chen's waist.

It can be seen from the weeds at the gate that Liu Yiyi's mother has inconvenient legs and feet, so she must seldom take care of these things.

In fact, after Liu Yiyi asked him one million from Qian Deyi three years ago, Liu Yiyi will not be without money.

It's just that after she got the money, the first thing she did was to go to a sales office and buy an off-plan house.

At that time, Liu Yiyi should have thought about investing, or living in a new house with her mother after the house was built.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the real estate ran away with the money, leaving behind several unfinished buildings. Because the location was not very good, it did not affect the appearance of the city, and the government did not do much to deal with it.

Liu Yiyi's money was almost thrown into that house, and Liu Yiyi's mother was disabled and could not handle these 11 things.

Liu Yiyi asked for one million from Qian Deyi, and what is left now is the food and clothes in the trunk, as well as the [-] yuan in plastic bags in the front storage box.

Pei Qian looked at the wooden house that looked like it could be blown down by a gust of wind, and said, "Liu Yiyi hasn't left much money for her mother in the three years since she disappeared. I don't know how this mother with inconvenient legs came here in the past three years. of."

"If the neighbors don't help a little, it will be very hard." Ouyang Chuying said.

Lin Chen didn't speak, and walked towards the wooden house, with Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying following behind him.

The three came to the door of the wooden house together. The door of the wooden house was open, and the yellow mud floor inside was a little dirty, and it seemed that it had not been cleaned for a long time.

Pei Qian stepped forward and called into it, "Hello, is this Hou Chunmei's house?"

Hou Chunmei is Liu Yiyi's mother's name, and the surname Hou is a common surname in this village.

After shouting a few words into the room, a woman's voice soon came from the room: "It's me, who is looking for me?"

Pei Qian walked straight to the room where the voice came from. After entering this room, she immediately saw a middle-aged woman sitting on a wheelchair with needle and thread in her hand, sewing cross stitch beside the bed.

This woman has gray hair, many wrinkles on her face, poor skin, bright eyes, and some worn clothes.

In the wheelchair she was sitting on, one wheel of the tire was broken and had not been repaired. The steel rim of the tire was in direct contact with the ground, and it was slightly deformed.

This woman in her [-]s who looks no different from someone in her [-]s or [-]s is Liu Yiyi's mother Hou Chunmei.

Lin Chen and the others saw Hou Chunmei, and Hou Chunmei also saw them. Hou Chunmei's eyes fell on Pei Qian in an instant.

Without him, Pei Qian was wearing a police uniform, which was easy to attract attention.

"Are you looking for me?" Hou Chunmei stared at Pei Qian, her expression became solemn.

Her daughter has disappeared for more than three years, and suddenly the police came to her door today. Even though her brain is not as smart as before, she can still think of why she came.

"Yes." Pei Qian nodded: "You are Liu Yiyi's mother, Hou Chunmei."

"It's me..." Hou Chunmei looked at Pei Qian and said, "You...are you...because of what happened to Yiyi?"

Under Hou Chunmei's gaze, Pei Qian nodded slightly: "Yes, we are here because of your daughter Liu Yiyi."

Before she came, Pei Qian had let people know about Hou Chunmei's physical condition, and her current body could withstand the news.

After Hou Chunmei heard the words, she looked at the door. She was eager to see a person standing outside the door.

But she watched it for a few seconds, and found nothing, with a sad look on her face.

"Yiyi has she found it?" Hou Chunmei asked in a trembling voice.

"I found it." Pei Qian said, "Auntie, let me tell you now, you have to be a little mentally prepared."

When Hou Chunmei heard the words, tears fell in an instant.

Her tears, like springs, fell drop by drop, falling on the worn clothes.

Although Pei Qian felt unbearable, she still said to her: "Auntie, Liu Yiyi has disappeared for three years. We received a report yesterday that a car was found at the bottom of a river, and a person was sitting in the car. After comparison, the person who has been dead for three years, she is your daughter, Liu Yiyi..."

"Woooooo..." Hou Chunmei couldn't hold back any longer, and burst into tears.

She cried so loudly that she cried so hard that she couldn't stop her tears from falling.

Although she had all kinds of speculations in her heart over the past three years, and she might be ready to accept this possibility, she was still very heartbroken when she heard the police say that her daughter Liu Yiyi was no longer alive.

Pei Qian and the others didn't speak. The best way at this moment was to let Hou Chunmei cry and let her vent all her emotions towards her daughter over the past three years.

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