The house was filled with Hou Chunmei's cries, and after a long time, her cries gradually subsided.

Hou Chunmei choked up and asked Pei Qian, "Police, police, really? Is the body you found really my Yiyi?"

"That's right." Pei Qian nodded and said 600: "It's your daughter Liu Yiyi. We are here to inform you of the news, and to take you back to the Public Security Bureau for DNA comparison. From you, I have learned some news about Liu Yiyi."

"Three years, three years, a full three years..." Hou Chunmei murmured to herself while weeping: "I didn't expect, after waiting for three years, waiting for three years, but waiting for such a result... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

After Hou Chunmei's mood stabilized a little, she asked, "How did our family Yiyi die? Did someone kill her? I know who killed her, and that person even called the house and threatened to kill her. Kill our mother and daughter."

Lin Chen and the others naturally understood that what Hou Chunmei was referring to was Qian Deyi.

Three years ago, because of that money, Qian Deyi used threats.

The first person Hou Chunmei suspected was Qian Deyi, which was also normal.

"Auntie." Pei Qian said to her: "After our police investigation, we found that your daughter Liu Yiyi was indeed likely to kill him, but the Qian Deyi you mentioned, we have already investigated the death of him and your daughter. , it doesn't matter."

After Hou Chunmei heard that her daughter was killed by him, she became even more excited. She asked Pei Qian, who else was Liu Yiyi who was not killed by Qian Deyi's group. .


889 The village chief is here [2 more subscriptions]

Facing Hou Chunmei's questioning, Pei Qian responded, "Auntie, after we learned about the grudge between Qian Deyi and your daughter Liu Yiyi, the first person we investigated was that Qian Deyi."

"After my careful investigation and interrogation of him, it can be determined that he has basically nothing to do with your daughter's death, but he is still one of the suspects, and there will still be investigations into him."

"We came here just to ask you, other than that guy Qian Deyi, do you know who has a grudge or conflict with Liu Yiyi."

"We will continue to investigate based on the information you provided."

After Hou Chunmei heard Pei Qian's words, she reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and muttered to herself: "Have a grudge with Yiyi...with Yiyi...except for that Qian De one I have a grudge with Yiyi..."

"Think about it again." Lin Chen looked at Hou Chunmei and said something.

Hou Chunmei wept sadly while recalling that Lin Chen, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the others did not speak.

Seeing that Hou Chunmei was still recalling, Lin Chen would definitely not be able to recall it so quickly. After all, when she just learned about the news of finding her daughter's bones, her mind must be extremely confused now.

So, Lin Chen said to the two daughters, "I'll go out and make a phone call."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took a step and walked outside. Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying glanced behind him. The two girls knew very well that Lin Chen was going out to make a call.

Naturally, he had to instruct others to find the honest police officers who handled the case back then and re-investigate the case of Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law.

Lin Chen came to the door overgrown with weeds, took out his mobile phone, found a number, and dialed it.

The phone only rang for a second, and was answered immediately. A man's voice came from there: "Lin Shao, what are your orders?"?"

Lin Chen said in a flat tone: "Fifteen years ago, there was an unjust case in Pingwang County, Xihang City. You should investigate it now to see if the unjust case is true..."

Lin Chen began to instruct the person over the phone, and after reporting the names of those police officers, the man said, "Okay, Young Master Lin, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen looked as usual, and walked back to the previous room.

Hou Chunmei was trying hard to remember whether her daughter still had a grudge against anyone, but she couldn't seem to recall it. She kept slapping her head with her hands, muttering that her head was not working well, and she couldn't remember many things.

Hou Chunmei blamed herself very much, and Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying spoke out to comfort her, telling her not to worry and to think slowly. Only by thinking slowly will her thoughts become clearer.

After the second daughter saw Lin Chen walking back, Ouyang Chuying asked Lin Chen, "Is someone going to check on Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded.

Ouyang Chuying didn't ask more. After a few people waited in the room for a while, Hou Chunmei suddenly raised her head and said, "I remember a person who has a grudge against our family."

"Who?" Pei Qian asked quickly.

Hou Chunmei immediately said: "The head of our village, three years ago, there was a road that had to pass through a vegetable field in our house. We could have received a sum of compensation, but in the end we only got a pitiful [-] yuan. , our mother and daughter suspected that the village chief had stolen the money, so we went to the village chief to ask for an explanation."

"The village chief not only didn't give us any money, but also insulted our mother and daughter, saying that if we were more verbose, it would make our life in the village uneasy."

"Yiyi was also very angry at the time, and said to the village chief that you will kill me if you have a seed. If you don't have a seed, you will spit out all the compensation money. It was very unpleasant that time. Afterwards, the village chief will pay for any welfare in the village. We're wearing small shoes."

Pei Qian was a little surprised: "The head of your village?"

"That's right, it's him. If we have to say who our family still has a grudge against, it's the village head. That unconscionable thing, that time we had at least tens of thousands of compensation for that piece of land, but it came to him. In my mouth, there is only one thousand yuan left." Hou Chunmei said.

"Before we came to you, we asked someone to ask if your physical condition could bear the news of finding Liu Yiyi's body. The person we were looking for was the head of your village," Pei Qian said.

"That bastard from the village chief, few people in the village said he was good. Before he became the village chief, he made all kinds of promises and gifts to the people in the village. After he became the village chief, he was a completely different person. Where the village chief is serving the villagers, he is just taking care of himself to make money." Hou Chunmei said scoldingly, it seemed that she had a problem with the village chief.

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Lin Chen and said softly, "Now there is another village chief who is somewhat suspicious."

When Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's words, he also replied in a low voice, "...It shouldn't be too suspicious. Ask this Hou Chunmei if he knows about Shi Mingjun."

The voices of the two were so low that Hou Chunmei, who was in a wheelchair, could not hear them.

Lin Chen was about to ask Hou Chunmei about Shi Mingjun when suddenly footsteps came from outside the door, followed by a man's voice: "Captain Pei, Captain Pei..."

After hearing this voice, Lin Chen and the three immediately turned their heads to look at the door behind them, and saw a tall middle-aged man walking towards it.

When Pei Qian saw the middle-aged man, she immediately recognized it and called out, "Cun Chief Li, why are you here?"

The village chief's surname is Li and his name is Li Daming. He knows Pei Qian because he has contacted Pei Qian with a case before.

Li Daming smiled at Pei Qian and said, "Captain Pei, I just heard that a car was coming to the village, and then I thought it was you. Why didn't you let me know before you came."

After Li Daming finished speaking, he politely greeted (Zhao's good) Lin Chen and the others.

Judging from the person's words and deeds and the look on his face, this guy is very good at interpersonal relationships and is very good at getting along.

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