Hou Chunmei was sitting in a wheelchair, covering her face with her hands and crying.

Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian stood up straight, and the surprise on their faces increased a bit.

The reason why there will be more surprise on the face is because of what Hou Chunmei said.

She said that she talked with Liu Yiyi about the [-] yuan after Liu Yiyi and Shi Mingjun broke up. Hou Chunmei felt that it was best to pay back the money and not owe others.

When Liu Yiyi replied, she said that she didn't have that much money for the time being, and when she had money in the future, she would go to Shi Mingjun and return the money to him.


When was Liu Yiyi rich?

When she followed Qian Deyi, she was his junior and could get a lot of maintenance and pocket money, but at that time, it was not when she was the richest, and during that time, she could not contact Shi Mingjun.

When Liu Yiyi was the richest, she used the urine of another pregnant woman to cheat one million out of Qian Deyi.

Liu Yiyi was killed on January 1 three years ago. She took 17 yuan in cash from the bank on the afternoon of January 1.

Based on this, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the others speculated that Liu Yiyi took out the money to return it to Shi Mingjun. On the 17th, she went to see Shi Mingjun and was killed.

Now from Hou Chunmei's words, the second daughter has confirmed the previous speculation even more.

"The murderer seems to be more and more obvious"." Ouyang Chuying had a confident smile on her beautiful face.

"Yeah." Pei Qian said, "I almost missed Wu Xiaojuan through Wu Xiaojuan's confession. I think he is innocent. Now it seems that he is really hiding deeply."

The crying Hou Chunmei was very close to the two girls, so she naturally heard their conversation.

Hou Chunmei raised her head and asked, "Comrade police, what do you mean by that? Do you know who the murderer is?"

Feeling Hou Chunmei's eager eyes, Pei Qian reached out and patted Hou Chunmei's shoulder and said, "Auntie, don't worry, whoever killed your daughter Liu Yiyi, we will definitely find him."

After comforting Hou Chunmei for a few words, the second daughter asked her if she wanted water or food. Hou Chunmei said no, she just sat there and waited for the appraisal results.

The second daughter did not accompany Hou Chunmei there either, and immediately walked towards the Information Technology Department.

While walking, Pei Qian said, "We are about to find out who the murderer is here. I really don't know where Lin Chen is at this time and what he is investigating."

"Call him and you'll know." Ouyang Chuying chuckled, and now that she has found a lot, she really wanted to tell Lin Chen and let that fellow Lin Chen praise her a little.

So, Ouyang Chuying took out her mobile phone, unlocked it, found Lin Chen's mobile phone number, and called it.

The phone was connected, and a beeping waiting tone came from the receiver.

But after waiting for a while, Lin Chen didn't answer the phone.

Ouyang Chuying called again. This time, like before, she could get through, but no one answered.

"Strange." Ouyang Chuying muttered, "Why doesn't that guy Lin Chen answer the phone?"

"Maybe he's busy. When he's done, he'll call you back when he sees the missed call on his phone." Pei Qian said.

"Well." Ouyang Chuying nodded and put away the phone.

The Information Technology Department of the Public Security Bureau is not far from the Forensic Department, only the distance between the upper and lower floors.

After entering the information technology department, some police officers inside were busy with their own affairs.

Several of the police officers stretched their necks, put one hand on the keyboard, and clicked the mouse with the other hand, quickly searching for the information they needed.

What these police officers searched was naturally about the mobile phone numbers that Liu Yiyi and Shi Mingjun had used.

Since the real-name system for mobile phone card numbers was not popular at all, anonymous mobile phone numbers were sold in the streets and alleys. At that time, it was very simple to change a mobile phone number.

When the police interrogated Shi Mingjun before, he said that in more than three years, he had changed several numbers, and once the number was used for a few days, because he was deducted by some rogue software and deducted the arrears, so he used the mobile phone. The number was thrown away and not used again.

Because of the short time, he didn't remember the phone number.

Pei Qian and the others, now want to use the mobile phone number that is difficult to get started to see if they are lucky and what breakthroughs can be made.

After investigation, it is now known that Liu Yiyi has used three numbers.

The first one was the one number she used when she bought the first mobile phone in her life. After the phone was stolen by a thief, she used the second number. The second number was Liu Yiyi's longest.

As for the third number, it was a mobile phone number that she and Qian Deyi communicated privately after they were together.

The existence of this mobile phone number was obtained from Qian Deyi.

Without a well-known real-name authentication, it is such a hassle. If Liu Yiyi still has a fourth number, outsiders do not know that number, and if she has not handled any business related to her ID card (Wang Dehao), it will be difficult to know. .

"... Did you find anything useful?" Pei Qian walked over and asked a police officer.

The policeman heard the words and saw that it was the deputy captain of the criminal police, and hurriedly replied: "Uh...I'm still investigating, I'm a little worried, but the cooperation from the communication company was not very timely. I just found a mobile phone number, which has been The communication company verified it and passed the relevant records of that number to me."

"Okay, hard work, let's continue." Pei Qian reached out and patted the policeman on the shoulder, encouraging.

At this time, Zhou Xiong came in from outside. Zhou Xiong held several documents in his hand. After seeing Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying, he immediately came forward to talk.

After learning the latest news from Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying, Zhou Xiong's eyes brightened: "It seems that the possibility that Shi Mingjun is the murderer is very high."

"Well." Pei Qian nodded: "The problem is, the evidence.".


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When Zhou Xiong heard this, he gave a gracious voice and said, "Yes, evidence, there is no evidence, even if you suspect that it is Shi Mingjun, you will not be able to convict him. More than three years have passed, how can you prove that Shi Mingjun killed Liu Yiyi? the murderer?"

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were silent for a while, thinking about which way they could gain something.

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