After a moment of silence, Zhou Xiong suddenly looked around, as if he was looking for someone, and he asked, "Oh, by the way, why didn't you see Mr. Lin? What about Mr. Lin?"

Hearing Zhou Xiong's words, Pei Qian replied: "When we returned to the gate of the Public Security Bureau, Lin Chen said that he was going to do something related to this case, and I don't know what he was going to do, but It should be soon."

"Oh." Zhou Xiong nodded, indicating he understood.

Immediately, Pei Qian seemed to remember something, and she said, "How is the interrogation on Qian Deyi's side? Did the partners who talked with him in business back then ask who they are?"

"Yeah." Zhou Xiong said, "That guy Qian Deyi is stubborn, but he is very afraid of Mr. Lin. After we used some means, we revealed the identities of those people. I have dispatched police officers to let them I went to find those people, and I hope to get the exact evidence that Qian Deyi had raped Liu Yiyi from the mouths of those people."

The three of them were talking at 730 when a police officer sitting in front of the computer suddenly called out, "Team Pei, Team Pei, major discovery, major discovery."

After hearing this, Pei Qian and the others were startled, and in the next second, they immediately walked towards the talking police officer.

"What major discovery?" Pei Qian asked quickly.

When the words fell, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying, Zhou Xiong and the three had already come to the police officer's side.

The police officer glanced at Pei Qian and the others, and immediately started talking.

When interrogating Shi Mingjun before about the number he used, he and his friends knew several numbers, one of which was used during the time of Liu Yiyi's death.

The mobile phone number three years ago, after the shutdown, has now been taken back by the communication company, and then re-sold for others to use.

But fortunately, the communication record of this number has not been completely deleted, and there are still records in the huge database of the communication company.


The staff of the communication company also went through some procedures on his side. It took some time to retrieve the records and send them over.

After looking at Shi Mingjun's call records for the three days of 15, 16, and 17, the police officer found that during these three days, a total of 26 numbers had called Shi Mingjun.

If Shi Mingjun was the murderer and Liu Yiyi wanted to pay him back, she would go to withdraw the money on the 16th, and she might contact Shi Mingjun that day, or the day she was killed, which is generally the case.

The 26 numbers that have contacted Shi Mingjun within three days, now three years have passed, some numbers have real names, some numbers have become empty numbers, and some numbers have changed to a new owner. Looking at the database of the communication company, there are still records stored.

After looking at the 26 numbers, according to the dialing time of these numbers and whether they were connected, the police officers screened again and found 26 suspicious numbers from the 11 numbers, and continued to let the communication company Retrieve records.

When the police are handling a case, sometimes they will come into contact with many other departments and have to cooperate with other departments, and sometimes they will be ignored and treated coldly by other departments.

Fortunately, the branch leader of this communication company is still very strong, and sent a special person to cooperate with the investigation. Soon, the communication records of these 11 relatively suspicious numbers were retrieved.

Among the 11 numbers that have contacted Shi Mingjun, one of the numbers called Shi Mingjun at noon on January 1, but it was not connected. Ten minutes later, this number sent another message to Shi Mingjun. Short message.

These data (bbea) can only be seen in communication records, and the content database of short messages is no longer available.

After carefully checking the number that was called at noon on the 17th, and then sent a text message to Shi Mingjun within ten minutes, the police officers of the technical department were pleasantly surprised to find that this mobile phone number rarely communicated externally.

Except for one phone call and one text message to Shi Mingjun, it was a number that Liu Yiyi used before.

The police officer of the technical department immediately realized that this mobile phone number is likely to be a trumpet newly purchased by Liu Yiyi.

She called and texted Shi Mingjun to contact him and hand over the [-] yuan to him.

Call the number that Liu Yiyi is using, and hang up after ringing, probably to store the phone number of the trumpet.

According to the communication records of this suspicious number, it can be basically determined that this number is Liu Yiyi's newly bought trumpet. Liu Yiyi took 1 yuan in cash from the bank on January 16 three years ago.

At noon on January 1, she first called Shi Mingjun, but she didn't get through. She sent another text message. From the afternoon to the evening, Liu Yiyi was killed.

After hearing what the police officer from the technical department said, all three of Pei Qian showed happy expressions on their faces.

"This number has only contacted Shi Mingjun. I called Liu Yiyi's number and hung up after a single ring. This must be the trumpet that Liu Yiyi bought. She used the trumpet to contact Shi Mingjun." Pei Qian said: " At that time, Liu Yiyi should have been harassed by Qian Deyi every day and asked her to pay back the money, so Liu Yiyi bought a trumpet and was going to change the number."

"Liu Yiyi clearly contacted Shi Mingjun at noon on the day he was killed, but Shi Mingjun said he didn't." Zhou Xiong said, "This guy really doesn't blush when he lies."

Ouyang Chuying said: "I guess he thinks that those anonymous numbers can't find so many things."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Chuying asked the technical police officer, "Can you know the content of the text message Liu Yiyi sent to Shi Mingjun on the trumpet?"

The technical police officer shook his head and said, "I can't find it, only the records were found, and the content has not been stored."

Hearing this, Ouyang Chuying was slightly disappointed, but she didn't care too much.

After a few more discussions, Zhou Xiong said with a smile: "It seems that this case is about to end, Shi Mingjun has been lying to us. On the day of the incident, Liu Yiyi contacted him, he went to the appointment, and then he did not know the relationship between the two. What happened, in the end he killed Liu Yiyi and sank him to the bottom of the lake."

Pei Qian nodded and instructed Zhou Xiong, "Go and search Shi Mingjun's residence immediately to see if you can find anything."

"Okay." Zhou Xiong nodded and went to do it immediately.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying are going to retrial Shi Mingjun and ask him to tell the truth. .


901 That is impossible [2 more subscription]

Holding the trumpet that may be Liu Yiyi, and contacting Shi Mingjun on the 17th, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying walked towards the interrogation room where Shi Mingjun was.

Zhou Xiong has already taken someone to search Shi Mingjun's home, although according to the procedure, a search warrant is required to search other people's residences.

However, this search did not take the time to apply for a search warrant, and it was carried out.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying pushed open the door of the interrogation room again, and saw Shi Mingjun sitting on the interrogation chair, fidgeting.

In front of Shi Mingjun, there were still two police officers who were responsible for watching him and preventing him from doing certain things.

When the policeman saw Pei Qian, the vice-captain of the criminal police, he immediately stood up and stepped aside.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying sat down, with two policemen standing behind.

Shi Mingjun looked at the two daughters with a look of anticipation on his face, and said, "Comrade police, you are here so soon, can you make me and Liu Yiyi confront each other?"

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