Pei Qian stretched out a hand and pointed to the call log on the table, she said, "Look at this call log carefully, Liu Yiyi was killed from the afternoon to the evening of January 1, and she called you at noon that day. She made phone calls, sent text messages, and the day before, she went to the bank to withdraw 17 yuan in cash."

"From various circumstances, it shows that Liu Yiyi contacted you after withdrawing 1 yuan in cash and asked you to pay back the money. On January 17th three years ago, the two of you met."

Shi Mingjun shook his head and said, "Although I can't remember what I was doing on January 1th three years ago, I can guarantee that I really didn't see any missed calls or text messages, nor did I get in touch with him. She has met, and even if she does, I will take the 17 yuan I deserve, so why should I kill her..."

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that she disappeared for three years, and actually... was actually killed..."

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying are also very complicated at the moment.

Judging from Shi Mingjun's expression, he doesn't look like a murderer, but Liu Yiyi clearly contacted him on January 1.

Now there are only two possibilities. One is that Shi Mingjun is acting, and he is very realistic. He is the murderer.

Another, the murderer is someone else, Shi Mingjun's performance has always been true temperament.

Just when the second daughter looked at Shi Mingjun with some hesitation, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open from the outside.

A figure stepped forward and walked in.

The entry of this person immediately made Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying turn their heads to look over.

After seeing the visitor, Pei Qian breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on her hesitant face, and she said to the visitor, "Lin Chen, you are finally back."

The person who walked into the interrogation room at this moment was naturally Lin Chen.

Ouyang Chuying looked at him and said speechlessly, "What on earth are you doing? I've been here for so long, and I didn't answer your phone."

Facing Ouyang Chuying's slightly complaining words, Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "It's already said that I'm going to deal with this case. What's your hurry?"

After speaking, Lin Chen's eyes fell on Shi Mingjun and asked, "Did you come up with something during the interrogation?"

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying both stood up and said to Lin Chen, "Go outside and talk."

If the two want to say what they think of Shi Mingjun, naturally, they can't say it in front of Shi Mingjun.

Lin Chen followed the two girls to the room next to the monitoring room. Pei Qian asked Lin Chen to play the video from the interrogation room just now.

While playing, the two women were talking about what they thought of Shi Mingjun.

The surveillance video was over, and the second woman also finished.

Ouyang Chuying said: "This Shi Mingjun is very suspicious, but his expression seems to be okay, so we are very entangled."

"Yes." Pei Qian said, "Lin Chen, do you have any opinion?"

"Of course." Lin Chen smiled.

"Come on." Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying both wanted to hear Lin Chen's opinion.

Lin Chen turned around and walked outside, saying, "Speak in front of Shi Mingjun."

The two women looked at each other, then followed behind Lin Chen, and came to the interrogation room next door together.

Seeing Lin Chen and the others leaving and returning, Shi Mingjun raised his head and glanced at Lin Chen and the others, then leaned back on the chair feebly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lin Chen has learned from what Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying said just now what he found here after he left...

He walked slowly to Shi Mingjun and said, "You don't remember what you were doing on January 1th three years ago, right?"

Shi Mingjun raised his head and nodded calmly: "Well, I really don't remember."

Lin Chen said: "Then do you remember, during January three years ago, who did you live with, with your current girlfriend Wu Xiaojuan, or someone else?"

"Let me think about it..." Shi Mingjun muttered and fell into memory.

After more than ten seconds, Shi Mingjun said: "I remember, in January three years ago, before the New Year, I was going to live with Xiaojuan, but the house was hard to find, I I live with Guo Yuan."

"Are you sure?" Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Shi Mingjun was silent for a few more seconds, then nodded vigorously, and said, "Well, Xiaojuan and I have lived together for more than three years, that is the house we both looked for after the New Year's Eve and the annual leave. of."

Speaking of this, Shi Mingjun was slightly taken aback, and he said, "Comrade police officer, why are you asking this? Don't you doubt my girlfriend? Don't you doubt her, Xiaojuan doesn't even know about Yiyi's existence, I I didn't tell her about me and Yiyi."

Lin Chen looked at Shi Mingjun and said, "I don't doubt your girlfriend, the person I doubt is your good brother, Guo Yuan."

When Lin Chen said these words, the eyes of Shi Mingjun, Pei Qian, and Ouyang Chuying all widened. 4.2

"Impossible." Shi Mingjun immediately denied: "Comrade police, you are right, how could you possibly suspect Guo Yuan? He and I are good brothers. Could it be because of my friendship with him that he is not happy for me? Worth, ran to kill Yiyi? Isn't this too ridiculous, and it's not a movie."

Pei Qian also stepped forward and said, "Lin Chen, you... how could you suspect Guo Yuan's head?"

Ouyang Chuying didn't speak, her beautiful eyes looked at the ground thoughtfully, as if she had already thought of something.

Lin Chen looked back at Pei Qian and said, "Why can't we suspect Guo Yuan's head? Remember when we ordered a table of dishes in the restaurant before and asked Guo Yuan to have dinner together?"

"Remember." Pei Qian said, "Did you see something wrong with Guo Yuan at that meal?".


903 He is very smart 【Subscription】

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Yes, it was from that meal that I saw that Guo Yuan's guy was suspicious."

After Ouyang Chuying glanced at Lin Chen, she looked at Shi Mingjun who was staring at Lin Chen, and asked, "Do you want to go out and talk?"

"No." Lin Chen waved his hand and said he didn't need it.

Pei Qian became impatient and said, "Then speak up."

Lin Chen said: "We ordered a table of dishes in the restaurant where Shi Mingjun worked before, and the last dish was brought up to us by Guo Yuanyuan, and then we kept him and let him eat together, by the way, there are some things to do. ask him."

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