Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying nodded their heads. They all knew this and looked forward to what Lin Chen would say next.

I just heard Lin Chen say, "I pointed at the seat next to me with my chopsticks and asked Guo Yuan to sit down, but where did Guo Yuan sit?"

"Sit next to me." Pei Qian said, "He didn't sit next to you, but sat next to me. Is there a problem?"

"11Yeah." Lin Chen said, "We and Guo Yuan are both strangers. If we had to say it, he was riding an electric tricycle and hit my car. That was the first time we met him."

"You and Ouyang Chuying are both very beautiful and have extraordinary temperament. Ordinary boys will be very embarrassed or unnatural in front of you."

"In that room where it was just me and you two girls, I pointed to the seat next to me. The average person would sit next to me, but Guo Yuan ran to sit next to me. Qian by your side."

Lin Chen paused for a moment, then continued: "Of course, Guo Yuan is sitting next to you, maybe because he did it casually, or because he wanted to get close to the beautiful woman, but, in the conversation with him later, I felt him The fear of me and the deliberate avoidance of me, when talking to me, the eyes don't dare to look at me."

"Why did he do this? He hit my car, I don't want him to lose money, he should thank me and get to know me better, but he has a guard against me."

"I didn't understand why he was afraid of me at the time. In our conversation with him later, we learned two clues from him."

"The first clue is that he said that Shi Mingjun hated Liu Yiyi very much, that Shi Mingjun often told him that he wanted to kill Liu Yiyi. Once Shi Mingjun was drunk, he ran to the kitchen and picked up a kitchen knife. , threatened to slaughter Liu Yiyi, he said that Shi Mingjun was very drunk that time, I don't know if he remembers it."

"The second, more important clue is that Shi Mingjun borrowed [-] yuan from Liu Yiyi back then, and Shi Mingjun lent Liu Yiyi [-] yuan. Liu Yiyi's mother doesn't remember this, and Shi Mingjun is about to forget it. Now, Guo Yuan still remembers that he happened to tell us, which made us feel Shi Mingjun more suspicious."

Lin Chen looked at Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying and said, "Before going to the hotel, your main purpose is to ask Shi Mingjun's colleagues and bosses. You think it's useless to ask Guo Yuan, because Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun is a good brother, even if he knew something, he wouldn't say it."

"As you all know, Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun are good brothers, but why, the two clues Guo Yuan said both pointed at Shi Mingjun, making us think that he is more likely to be the murderer?"

"You two, do you still remember that after eating, a waitress in the restaurant threw a bottle of medicine to Guo Yuan?"

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were fascinated by Lin Chen's analysis. After hearing this, Pei Qian immediately replied, "Well, remember, that was when we came down from the second floor just after dinner, and a female The waiter threw a bottle of antidiarrheal medicine to Guo Yuan, and from their conversation, I could tell that Guo Yuan had been having diarrhea during the morning and had been squatting on the toilet for a long time."

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded and said, "From the words of the waitress and Guo Yuan, it is true that Guo Yuan has severe diarrhea, a person with severe diarrhea, because of the loss of body water, his lips will turn white, and his face will be relatively pale. It's ugly, and the eyes will be dull, and there will be a subconscious action, that is, to touch the stomach."

"Not to mention the subconscious action of touching the stomach, is it possible for everyone, but after having a meal with Guo Yuan, his lips and complexion are very rosy, and the whole person does not show any discomfort. There is no lack of spirit in the eyes either."

"In my opinion, Guo Yuan was very healthy at the time. Why did he pretend to have severe diarrhea and squat on the toilet for a long time?"

A smile appeared on Lin Chen's face: "My guess is very simple, you may have guessed it, Guo Yuan said that he had diarrhea, and when he was squatting on the toilet, he was not solving physical problems at all, but holding a mobile phone, I saw the case about Liu Yiyi's body being salvaged on the Internet, and then I thought about the countermeasures."

"Guo Yuan looked fine when he first saw me in the morning, but after he had diarrhea, he began to be wary of me."

Ouyang Chuying said at this time: "In the news on the Internet, there are many photos of the scene. In those photos, there is you, and there is [-] yuan in cash found in the front storage box."

"That's right." Lin Chen said: "I guess, Guo Yuan didn't know that we were here for Liu Yiyi's affairs in the morning, and then he accidentally saw it on the Internet. Netizens on the Internet didn't know the identity of the corpse. But the murderer knows."

"Guo Yuan was probably panicking at the time, so he squatted in the toilet to check the news and information. After seeing me in the photo, he knew that I had just cracked a major case in the county town."

"He may have seen some introductions about me on the Internet. He was afraid that I could find out that he was the murderer, so when I was eating, I pointed to the seat next to me with chopsticks, but he subconsciously sat next to you. , and some are wary of me."

"The most important thing is the two pieces of information he disclosed. You think he revealed it unintentionally, which makes us more suspicious of Shi Mingjun, but it is more likely that he has been squatting in the toilet for a long time and came up with the countermeasures. Deliberately leading us to Shi Mingjun is the murderer."

"Think about it, a brother who has a good relationship with you, after the police arrested you, he also said that you used to say that you would kill so-and-so, and even went to get a knife, and said how much you hated that so-and-so. So, what does he have in mind?"

When Lin Chen said this, he turned his head to look at Shi Mingjun, and said, "After you broke up with Liu Yiyi, you once got drunk and rushed to the kitchen to pick up a kitchen knife, saying that it was Guo Yuan who was trying very hard to hack Liu Yiyi to death. Did it stop you?"

"How is that possible." Shi Mingjun immediately said: "I have been drunk very few times, and I don't remember when I got drunk and wanted to kill Yiyi with a knife."

Lin Chen smiled and said: "So, Guo Yuan is very smart. When he was talking about this, he added a sentence later, saying that you were very drunk at the time, I don't know if you remember.".


904 Evidence of conviction [2 more subscription]

Shi Mingjun was stunned there, his eyes were blank, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Lin Chen glanced at him and said lightly: "Guo Yuan's rhetoric, whether you say you have done it or not, he said that you were very drunk at the time, I don't know if you can remember it, but it makes sense. ."

"Before, he squatted in the toilet for a long time, and he didn't want to be reported by his colleagues. When the boss noticed, he could only say that he had diarrhea. He was in the toilet, racking his brains for a long time, and finally came up with a disaster. method."

" is it possible..." After Shi Mingjun muttered a few words of impossibility, he raised his head, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "No, Guo Yuan and I are good brothers, How could it be him, did you make a mistake?"

Lin Chen ignored Shi Mingjun's words, while Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying fell into silence.

Lin Chen's remarks have been made very clear.

Before Guo Yuan's seemingly unintentional conversation, the two points pointed to Shi Mingjun's clues. In fact, it was not that he did not intend to stop, but that he deliberately wanted the police to focus all suspicion and attention on Shi. On Ming Jun's body, in this way, he, the real murderer, has a scapegoat, so he can sit back and relax.

In the minds of the two women, they began to recall the scenes of eating with Guo Yuan before.

After Lin Chen said this, they thought about it carefully. Indeed, Guo Yuan was not sitting beside Lin Chen at that time, but was sitting beside Pei Qian, and his abnormal expression was indeed very problematic.

At that time, the two women felt that Guo Yuan's expression was a little wrong. After going downstairs and learning that he had diarrhea, they thought it was because he was not feeling well.

Lin Chen ruled out that Guo Yuan did not have diarrhea, and Guo Yuan was very intriguing.

Pei Qian said, "Listening to what you said, thinking about it now, the two clues that Guo Yuan said are really suspicious."

Ouyang Chuying nodded slightly and said, "In the online news about Liu Yiyi's body being salvaged, there are Lin Chen and the [-] yuan. If Lin Chen's speculation is correct, then Guo Yuan used that [-] yuan, I want to link the murderer with Shi Mingjun~~"

"No..." Shi Mingjun couldn't believe it, and said, "How could it be possible? Did you make a mistake? Guo Yuan and I have been brothers for many years. Whoever wants to harm me will not be able to harm me. of."

When Lin Chen heard Shi Mingjun's words, he smiled, without explaining anything to him, and walked towards the outside of the interrogation room.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying also came out. Pei Qian's expression was a little hesitant. After she came outside, she seemed to summon up her courage and said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, I think what you are doing is inappropriate. ."

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen regained his senses, looked at Pei Qian, and said.

Pei Qian looked back at Lin Chen and said, "I don't think your reasoning just now should be said in front of Shi Mingjun."

"Although the possibility that Shi Mingjun is the murderer is relatively small from the observation point of view, it does not rule out the possibility that he is the murderer. If he is the murderer, he hears your reasoning, sees you and puts all suspicions on it. Guo Yuan's body, he must follow your words and put the suspicion on Guo Yuan."

After Ouyang Chuying heard Pei Qian's words, she said: "This is true, Lin Chen, your guess is that Guo Yuan pointed all the blame at Shi Mingjun, making us think that Shi Mingjun is the murderer, but if Shi Mingjun If Ming Jun was the murderer, he would also point the finger at Guo Yuan."

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