"What brothers are not brothers, in this realistic society, it is very false."

Hearing the second daughter's remarks, Lin Chen's face was not embarrassed, but a faint smile.

Lin Chen said to the two of them: "I will reason in front of Shi Mingjun and suspect Guo Yuan. Naturally, there is my reason. I can basically be sure now that Guo Yuan is the murderer."

"Are you basically sure?" Pei Qian's face was full of surprise.

Lin Chen nodded: "Yes."

"Have you found evidence that Guo Yuan is the murderer?" Ouyang Chuying also asked.

Lin Chen replied: "The evidence that can convict Guo Yuan depends on luck. If he is lucky, he can be brought to justice today."

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying looked at each other with curiosity in their hearts.

"What's the next step? How do you see luck finding evidence to convict Guo Yuan?" Pei Qian asked quickly.

Lin Chen didn't answer her, but said to her, "Where are the things found in the trunk of that Buick sedan stored now?"

"You want to find evidence from those relics of Liu Yiyi?" Pei Qian asked.

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded.

"But those Liu Yiyi's relics have been carefully checked by the police, and there is nothing valuable to find." Pei Qian said.

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth rose slightly, and said, "...you also said that those relics have only been carefully checked once, so I can't check them carefully a second time?"

"Okay." Pei Qian said that of course, she said, "Come with me."

Under the leadership of Pei Qian, several people came to the room where Liu Yiyi's relics were stored.

All Liu Yiyi's relics were placed in a large box, and the clothes inside were all wet. After they were taken out from the trunk, they were not taken out to dry to remove the moisture in the clothes.

Pei Qian put the box in front of Lin Chen, and said, "Most of them are clothes. A few purses and wallets are newly bought, and there is nothing in them."

On the Buick, there is no used wallet, otherwise you can find a lot of useful things in the wallet.

Lin Chen walked to the front of the box, put on gloves, and reached out to pick up the top piece of clothing.

This is a woman's woolen coat, the color is darker (Li Hao), and the style looks more mature. It must have been bought by Liu Yiyi for her mother to wear. In one of the button holes of the woolen coat, there is still Wearing a rope, which is the rope on which the clothing label is hung.

After three years of immersion in the water, the logo has rotted and the rope is still hanging on it.

Lin Chen put the dress aside directly, without going into his pocket to check.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the second piece of clothing.

This second piece of clothing is also the style worn by middle-aged women. There is still a trademark on the dress. There are several trademarks for this dress, one of which is a plastic trademark. Plastic does not soak in water. It will disintegrate, so it still hangs on it.

Lin Chen put this dress aside again and picked up the third one.

As each piece of clothing was brought up, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying, who were standing beside them, were suddenly speechless. .


905 Found something [3 more for subscription]

The reason why Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were speechless was naturally because they said they were going to check the clothes, but they just took the clothes out of the box and looked at the styles, without going through the clothes pockets at all.

This is just a casual glance, where is the inspection.

At this time, the guard walked in a police officer, and Liu Yiyi's relics were all checked by him.

After seeing Lin Chen check the second time, the police officer said, "Mr. Lin, I have checked all the pockets of these clothes, and there is nothing in them, and the purse and wallet are also empty."

When Lin Chen heard what he said, he just nodded slightly, and didn't say anything more to him.

When Lin Chen picked up the pieces of clothes, a pink down jacket caught Lin Chen's attention.

This pink down jacket, the color of the clothes has been dimmed a lot, and the clothes are very thick. Although the clothes have been soaked in water for a long time, the water resistance of the clothes is very good, and the down inside has no moisture. In my hand, I don't feel how heavy the clothes are.

Lin Chen glanced back and forth at the dress, and on the dress, he didn't see the logo, nor did he see the rope tied to the logo.

Lin Chen's hand began to reach into the pocket 527 of this dress. This dress was a style from three years ago. From the current point of view, the style is a bit dirty and can't keep up with the trend.

This dress is very young, Liu Yiyi's mother can't possibly wear it, it must be Liu Yiyi's.

When the police officer saw that Lin Chen began to search the pockets of this dress, he said, "Mr. Lin, I have searched this dress myself, and I have seen all the pockets."

Lin Chen still just nodded in response. After he checked all the outer pockets and put his hand inside the inner pocket, he looked at the police officer: "Is the inner pocket broken?"

Hearing this, the police officer nodded and said, "Well, it was broken. It was broken when I checked it. I also put my hand in it, but there was nothing in it."

Lin Chen also put his hand into the broken inner pocket. The inner pocket was broken, and his hand could reach the middle of the outer fabric and the inner lining.

The lining of this dress was not torn much, and the extent to which the hand could be reached was limited.

Lin Chen stretched out a part of his hand and began to grope inside.

After touching it for several times, he couldn't touch anything, Lin Chen simply exerted a little force to completely break the inner pocket, so that the hand (bbef) arm could be fully stretched in.

After another groping, there was no other sound in this room except the sound of Lin Chen groping for clothes.

After more than ten seconds, Lin Chen, who was groping, suddenly stopped, and his eyebrows shook slightly.

Seeing Lin Chen's subtle expression, Ouyang Chuying hurriedly said, "Lin Chen, did you find something?"

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Chuying, then slowly pulled out his hand from the broken inner pocket.

Immediately, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the others saw that in Lin Chen's hand, a crumpled piece of paper was grasped. Judging from the specifications of the paper, it was an invoice.

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