"It is very difficult for ordinary people to make such a decision to spend 32999 to buy a watch. I don't think Guo Yuan, who even uses an old mobile phone, would buy such a useless luxury."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"And Liu Yiyi is different. She got one million from Qian Deyi. She bought a house and a car, and she instantly felt like a nouveau riche."

"Buying a watch costing 32999 yuan is something she can do, and we also learned that Liu Yiyi and Shi Mingjun were separated, and there were a lot of misunderstandings and helplessness. The precious watch she bought, It is also very likely that it was given to Shi Mingjun to make him forgive himself."

"Combining these factors, I think that after Liu Yiyi's death, the watch worn by Guo Yuan was bought by Liu Yiyi, a nouveau riche, for Shi Mingjun, not Guo Yuan himself. He was reluctant to spend it. Plant money."

Lin Chen glanced at the damp invoice in his hand and said, "And the watch worth 32999 must have an invoice. Liu Yiyi went shopping on the 17th in the morning and bought these clothes. She was going to meet Shi Mingjun that afternoon. Return him 32999 yuan and give him a watch of [-] yuan. After she buys clothes at the mall, she should wear a new and beautiful dress."


"If you want to wear a new coat, the old one must be taken off. This receipt is not in the purse and purse, but in the old clothes she wore before entering the mall."

"I don't search for other clothes because there are ropes with trademarks on other clothes, indicating that the clothes are new and have not been worn."

"And this pink down jacket has no trademark and no lanyard, and it looks like an old dress. So, I think that the receipt for Liu Yiyi's watch on the 15th might be inside this old dress."

"I don't often change clothes in winter. She wore this dress on the 15th, and also on the 16th. On the 17th, she went to the mall to buy new clothes, so she took off this dress and put it in the trunk along with other clothes. "

"I just said that it depends on luck, because I'm not sure, after she bought the watch on the 15th, whether she put the invoice in her purse or put it in her pocket."

The two daughters, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying, looked at Lin Chen with their eyes at this moment, and they didn't know what to say.

Ouyang Chuying said: "It has now been confirmed that the watch that Guo Yuan wore after Liu Yiyi's death was bought by Liu Yiyi on January 1. Guo Yuan has something to do with Liu Yiyi's death."


907 Go to the restaurant again [2 more for subscription]

Originally, Guo Yuan, although because of this case, he appeared in the eyes of Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying from time to time, but Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian had no doubts about this person.

Guo Yuan's guy gives the impression that he is also a good-natured person who is easy to get along with.

But his actions and the clues he provided made Lin Chen see what was wrong with him, so he went to investigate him and found out where he was suspected.

Now Guo Yuan has been linked to Liu Yiyi's death because of the watch worth 32999. It can almost be concluded that he has something to do with Liu Yiyi's death.

Lin Chen nodded to Ouyang Chuying, then he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, tapped his finger on the screen a few times, and a video file appeared on the screen.

"May [-]" Pei Qian saw a video appearing on the screen of her mobile phone. Although the video had not yet started, there was a young man on the cover. She said, "Is this Guo Yuan's classmate?"

Lin Chenen snorted and said, "Let's see."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he clicked play, and the video started to play.

This video was taken by Lin Chen secretly with his mobile phone when he was questioning Guo Yuan's classmate. Although the shooting angle was not very good, the conversation between him and the young man could be heard very clearly.

Lin Chen directly fast-forwarded the video and pulled the progress of the video to the young man who said that Guo Yuan once brought a watch worth more than [-] yuan to participate in the class reunion. Lin Chen also took out another mobile phone and searched for that watch. The style of the style is shown to this young man.

For such luxury goods, the sellers generally do not lower their prices too much for the sake of brand value.

The price of the watch three years ago was 32999, and the price after three years is not very different.

In the video, after careful identification, the young man recognized which watch Guo Yuan was wearing at that time.

The name of that watch, and the name and model of the watch on this invoice can be completely matched.

After Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying watched this video, they felt more and more that Guo Yuan was the murderer.

"No wonder when I interrogated Shi Mingjun before, I always felt weird. It seems that he is indeed not the murderer, but the so-called good brother in his heart who is plotting against him." Pei Qian looked away from Lin Chen's phone. , said slowly.

"Yes." Ouyang Chuying nodded and said, "We investigated those anonymous mobile phone numbers and learned that on the day Liu Yiyi was killed, Liu Yiyi used her newly purchased number to contact Shi Mingjun, and sent a text message to He, Shi Mingjun said he didn't remember it at all, and he didn't see the text message Liu Yiyi sent him."

"It's not that Shi Mingjun is lying, because Shi Mingjun and Guo Yuan lived together at the time. It should be that Shi Mingjun's mobile phone was placed somewhere and Guo Yuan saw the content."

"Then Guo Yuan deleted the call records and text messages of Shi Mingjun's mobile phone, and he went to the appointment."

When Lin Chen heard the second daughter's inference, a faint smile appeared on his face: "The analysis of both of you is good and has a lot of evidence. Do you remember the physical characteristics of the murderer given by the old man Liu Jiankang?"

Ouyang Chuying's beautiful eyes lit up slightly and said, "Of course I remember. Liu Jiankang said that the murderer he saw at the time couldn't see his appearance clearly, but his height was similar to that of his grandson Liu Gang."

"Shi Mingjun's height is similar to Liu Gang's, Guo Yuan's height is similar to Shi Mingjun's, and the heights of these three people are not much different."

"So..." Pei Qian slightly lengthened her tone, her eyes swept across Ouyang Chuying and Lin Chen's faces, and said, "Three years ago, Liu Jiankang saw the man running from the edge of the ice hole toward the shore, isn't it? Shi Mingjun, but Guo Yuan who seems to have no involvement!"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded, then he used his mobile phone to take a few pictures of the damp invoice with some vague handwriting, and then handed it to the police officer next to him, saying to him, "Get the certificate. On the other side, let them deal with it."

"Okay." The policeman was a little embarrassed. After all, it was because his work was not serious that the invoice was only found now.

After he took the invoice, he carefully took the invoice and ran to the forensic department.

After the police officer left, Lin Chen, Peiqian, Ouyang Chuying, and the others also left the room and walked to the aisle outside.

As Lin Chen walked forward, he said: "It has been more than three years since Liu Yiyi was killed, and only one skeleton remains of Liu Yiyi's corpse. Many clues have been erased by time, and now the only Guo Yuan and the murderer contacted only this watch worth more than [-] yuan. . . "

"Go search Guo Yuan's residence now and find this watch?" Pei Qian asked.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Guo Yuan took this watch to a class reunion three years ago, and he probably never wore it in front of Shi Mingjun and the others. Now he can only hope that the watch is still in Guo Yuan. there."

"What if the watch was sold to Guo Yuan and exchanged for money?" Ouyang Chuying said a very bad possibility.

When Lin Chen heard what Ouyang Chuying said, he smiled and said, "If he has already sold it, then if he wants to confess his guilt, he has to find another way."

While the three of them were talking, they walked outside the Public Security Bureau Building. Pei Qian also quickly called a team of police officers who were investigating the case, and asked them to accompany them to Guo Yuan's residence to conduct a search.

A few minutes later, Lin Chen and the others walked out of the building of the Public Security Bureau. Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying followed Lin Chen, and behind them were a group of police officers.

Just as she was about to get in the car, Pei Qian's cell phone rang. She took out her cell phone to see that it was Zhou Xiong's call.

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