Pei Qian pressed the answer button immediately, and Zhou Xiong's voice came over the phone: "Team Pei, Shi Mingjun's residence has been carefully searched, and nothing related to Liu Yiyi's case has been found." 4.7

"Well." Pei Qian said, "Officer Zhou, wait there first, we are rushing there, and we will be there in a while."

"Okay." Zhou Xiong responded.

After hanging up the phone, Pei Qian got into Lin Chen's car.

Then Lin Chen's car drove at the front, followed by several police cars, heading towards the restaurant where Shi Mingjun worked.

It was already evening, and there was some traffic jam on the road. After driving for a while, the car heard the door of this hotel.

The three of Lin Chen got out of the car, and Pei Qian smiled and said, "This is the fourth time we have come to this hotel today."

Ouyang Chuying said: "The owner of this store will think our police are annoying."

Lin Chen smiled, didn't say anything, and walked towards the door of the store. .


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Lin Chen and the others came to this hotel for the fourth time today. This fourth time was the best time for this hotel's business.

Walking into the door of the restaurant, the restaurant is already full of seats, diners sitting and chatting, waiters walking around with dishes, the atmosphere in the restaurant is very noisy, and the business is also very good.

After Lin Chen and the others walked into the restaurant, they immediately attracted the attention of many diners, and some waiters also noticed them.

A relatively raw waitress walked over and asked, "Mr. Police, you... are you coming for dinner?"

Lin Chen shook his head at her and said, "No, let's find someone."

"Uh..." The waitress nodded slightly: "Who are you looking for? I'll call you out."

"Is Guo Yuan still at work?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes, I'll call you." The waitress said.

"No need, we'll go by ourselves." Lin Chen said, and headed over there first.

A few people walked quickly to the back kitchen's position, and very soon at the back kitchen's side of the food pickup, they saw Guo Yuan leaning against the wall, waiting for the next dish to be ready.

Lin Chen and the others saw Guo Yuan, and Guo Yuan also saw Lin Chen and the others.

Guo Yuan's face was a little surprised, he immediately walked towards Lin Chen and the others and asked, "Mr. Lin, are you here for dinner?"

"No." Lin Chen's tone was emotionless: "We are here to find you."

"Looking for me?" Guo Yuan pointed his finger at his nose and said, "What else do you want to ask me? Did Ming Jun come back with you?"

Guo Yuan said, and probed his head to look behind Lin Chen and the others, as if to see if Shi Mingjun came out.

Lin Chen said, "Guo Yuan, do you care about Shi Mingjun?"

Guo Yuan said: "Mingjun is my brother, of course I care about him. I still don't know why you arrested him, and Wu Xiaojuan still won't tell me."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Good brother, hehe, these three words are really ironic. Since Shi Mingjun is your good brother, why are you still thinking of ways to frame him?"

As soon as Lin Chen said these words, Guo Yuan, who was standing there, changed his face immediately.

"You..." Guo Yuan stammered: "Mr. do you mean?"

"I said, you are thinking of ways to frame Shi Mingjun and want him to take the blame for you." Lin Chen repeated.

Standing beside Lin Chen, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were both staring at Guo Yuan's face.

This Guo Yuan, after hearing what Lin Chen said, behaved very abnormally.

"What do you mean?" Guo Yuan sneered and said, "I really don't understand, what are you talking about."

"Guo Yuan, stop pretending, we now have solid evidence to prove that you are the murderer." Pei Qian shouted righteously.

Pei Qian's words were not small. Although there was a lot of noise in the hotel, many people still heard them.

The diners in the vicinity all stopped eating, and when they looked over, the waiters in the store opened their mouths in shock.

Guo Yuan's face turned pale, he said, "I... I really don't understand, I don't understand what you are talking about, murderer, murderer?"

After Guo Yuan finished speaking, the shop owner also came over, and he said to Pei Qian, "Comrade police, comrade police, if you want to ask questions, can you go outside? Look, there are so many people eating here, it's not a good influence. "

After finishing speaking, the shop owner said to Guo Yuan: "Guo Yuan, stop working for the time being, and go outside to cooperate with the police comrade's investigation."

When others want to do business, they are polite. Pei Qian and the others naturally don't want to disturb the shop owner's business.

Under the gazes of many people, Guo Yuan followed Lin Chen and the others, walked out of the hotel, and came to the door of the hotel.

After arriving at the door, Guo Yuan said: "Comrade police, you said I was a murderer just now, how could I become a murderer?"

Pei Qian wanted to speak, but Lin Chen reached out and made a stop gesture.

Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan and said, "Don't act like you are here, and I don't want to see you pretending to be confused. Now you shut up immediately and take us to your residence. We will inspect your residence."

Seeing Lin Chen's face, Guo Yuan squinted his eyes and said, "Okay, I was called a murderer for no reason by you, and I don't understand it either. If you want to check my house, just come with me."

Guo Yuan said, and walked towards the road on the left.

Guo Yuan's residence is not far from this hotel, and it is only a seven or eight-minute walk away. On the way there, Ouyang Chuying saw Guo Yuan's fearless appearance, and she frowned slightly.

Ouyang Chuying put her mouth close to Lin Chen's ear and whispered softly, "Guo Yuan doesn't seem to be afraid that we will search his house. Could it be that the watch is no longer in his hands?"

When Lin Chen heard what Ouyang Chuying said, he glanced at Guo Yuan who was walking in front, and said, "What you said is not impossible, but there is also a possibility that the watch is still in his hand, he Didn't know we found the invoice for that watch."

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