When Ouyang Chuying heard the words, she didn't say anything, but said three words in her heart, I hope.

Following Guo Yuan, everyone quickly came to Guo Yuan's residence.

This is a rental residential building, and Shi Mingjun's residence is also here, but Guo Yuan 487 and Shi Mingjun's residence are in different residential buildings.

Guo Yuan's residence is on the fourth floor of this residential building. When he came to the front and rear of the house, Guo Yuan suddenly screamed.

Seeing this, Pei Qian asked, "What's wrong?"

Guo Yuan turned around, stretched out his hand and scratched his head, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, and explained: "Comrade police, I was a little confused by what you said just now, so I remembered that my key was in the hotel and I didn't get it back. "

After speaking, Guo Yuan said again: "How about you wait here, I'll go back to the hotel and get the key?"

Pei Qian was trying to ask a police officer to go back and get it, but it was impossible for Guo Yuan to go back alone.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen took a step forward, lifted his foot directly, and violently kicked Guo Yuan's door open with one kick.


A seemingly solid door is extremely fragile under Lin Chen's feet.

The door was kicked open and the lock was broken. Lin Chen said to Guo Yuan, "If you have nothing to do with the murder case, we will pay double for the loss of the door."

After saying this to Guo Yuan, Lin Chen waved his hand, and the police officers in the rear walked into Guo Yuan's house one by one and began to search.

Guo Yuan looked at the policeman who walked into his house and said with a smile: "Okay, but I hope you can search quickly and fix the door for me quickly, otherwise, the door is broken and I can't go to work."


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When Lin Chen heard Guo Yuan's words, he smiled lightly and said, "Are you still thinking of going to work? Guo Yuan, you should think about whether you can live in this world."

The muscles on Guo Yuan's face moved, and it was an uncontrolled twitch of the facial muscles.

He looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, I don't know why you say I'm a murderer, but I'm really not a murderer. I think you have a big opinion on me, is it because I bumped into me last time? Are you dissatisfied with me after taking your car?"

"If that's the case, I can pay you the money for the damage to your car."

When Guo Yuan said these words, there was helplessness and pleading on his face, as if Lin Chen wanted to trouble him on purpose because he hit Lin Chen's car.

Seeing Guo Yuan's expression, Lin Chen said, "Guo Yuan, we will come to check on you, just because we have sufficient evidence. It's useless for you to pretend here."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he stepped into the house and stopped talking to Guo Yuan.

After Lin Chen walked into Guo Yuan's room, his eyes immediately looked inside the room.

The house that Guo Yuan rented is a very ordinary rental house, a room of more than ten square meters, a balcony, a bathroom and a sink on the balcony, and a stove can be built on the balcony to make a fire here Cook.

Other police officers have already searched Guo Yuan's bedroom, which is more than ten square meters. For these police officers, the space of more than ten square meters is not too big. It doesn't take long to search again and again. .

Lin Chen walked to the door leading to the balcony. He glanced at the balcony. Although Guo Yuan lived alone, he still paid attention to his personal hygiene. The room and balcony were kept clean. Like other single dogs, the bedroom is very sloppy and doesn't like to clean up at all.

There is also a stove on the balcony, and there is a black pot on the stove, and the lid of the pot is also covered.

Lin Chen walked over, opened the lid of the pot, and saw that there were still some residues of instant noodles inside. Judging from the swelling degree of the instant noodles soaked in water, it should have been several days ago.

Lin Chen stood on the balcony and looked at everything on the balcony. The police officers in the house were also searching nervously and orderly.

Guo Yuan, who was standing outside the door, frowned and said to Pei Qian, "Comrade police officer, I really don't understand, why am I related to a murder case, can you tell me, in the end I have something to do with that murder case? , you will be suspicious of me~”?”

Pei Qian heard Guo Yuan's words, and then looked at Guo Yuan's innocent expression, thinking that if it wasn't for Lin Chen's investigation from his classmates, judging from this Guo Yuan's expression, this guy looks like Not really like a murderer.

"Do you know why we arrested Shi Mingjun?" There were police officers searching inside, and Pei Qian was idle when she was idle, so she started talking to Guo Yuan.

"I don't know." Guo Yuan shook his head blankly and said, "You didn't tell me, you said Wu Xiaojuan knew, but she didn't tell me."

Pei Qian said: "Actually, Wu Xiaojuan doesn't know the real situation, and you, Guo Yuan, you know why we arrested Shi Mingjun."

Guo Yuan's face was still blank: "Comrade police, you've messed up my head, don't let me guess, tell me now, okay?"

Pei Qian sneered: "We arrested Shi Mingjun because we suspected that he had something to do with Liu Yiyi's death."

"What?" Guo Yuan's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in astonishment, "Comrade police officer, what did you say? Liu Yiyi, Liu Yiyi... she died?"

"That's right." Pei Qian nodded.

"She, she..." Guo Yuan stammered: "Why did she die? Who killed her?"

Pei Qian directly pointed at Guo Yuan's nose and said, "Who else could it be, of course it's you."

Guo Yuan hurriedly said: "Me? Oh, it turns out that you took Ming Jun because Liu Yiyi died, but Liu Yiyi is dead, why do you suspect me? Liu Yiyi and I have no hatred and no grudges. , why should I hurt her?"

Pei Qian and Guo Yuan said a few words, but Guo Yuan said blankly that he didn't know Liu Yiyi was dead, let alone the murderer who killed her.

Pei Qian would still talk to Guo Yuan at first, but seeing Guo Yuan's deadly refusal to admit it, she didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so she just ignored him.

At this time, there was movement from the stairway, and a group of people came over from the stairway.

These people were none other than Zhou Xiong who had checked Shi Mingjun's residence. After Zhou Xiong received a call from Pei Qian, he rushed to the building.

"Team Pei." Zhou Xiong didn't know that he had already suspected Guo Yuan. He asked, "Why did you come here? Didn't you go to Shi Mingjun's residence?"

Pei Qian said: "It is not Shi Mingjun who suspects the transfer of the target, but the brother of Shi Mingjun, Guo Yuan."

When Zhou Xiong heard this, the surprise on his face was beyond words, and the police officers behind him were also very stunned.

After investigation, Shi Mingjun was the key suspect. How could the target of suspicion be shifted after a while?

And also transferred to a seemingly unsuspecting person?

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