"You bought a watch worth more than [-] yuan with a salary of more than [-] yuan, and you can still forget the time of the purchase. Your memory is really bad." Lin Chen's words were full of teasing. .

"My memory, my memory is really not very good." Guo Yuan's response, the flaw is getting bigger and bigger, the police officers present can see that he has no better words to respond to Lin Chen's question .

"You have a bad memory, and then you forgot where you bought it?" Lin Chen asked again.

"Well..." Guo Yuan's voice trembled slightly, and the person in front of him gave a gracious sound, his head was lowered, and he did not raise it.

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Guo Yuan, don't pretend, for him earning more than [-] yuan a month and spending more than [-] yuan to buy a watch, this is a big deal for him. You may have forgotten where you bought it."

"This watch of yours is not yours at all. It was bought by Liu Yiyi for Shi Mingjun and stolen by you."

Guo Yuan took a step back subconsciously when he heard Lin Chen's words.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiong and others immediately approached Guo Yuan and surrounded Guo Yuan in the middle to prevent this guy from acting too radically.

Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan and said, "Yesterday the police received a report that a car was found in the center of the Daqing River. In the driver's seat of the car, there was a woman's body."

"After our investigation, the female corpse was Shi Mingjun's ex-girlfriend Liu Yiyi. She died of homicide."

"Liu Yiyi was killed on January 1th three years ago. She bought this watch worth more than 17 yuan on January 1th. On the 15th, she went to the bank to withdraw 16 yuan. The money will be returned to Shi. Ming Jun."

"On the 17th, she called Shi Mingjun with the newly-bought number and asked him to meet. She didn't get through, so she sent a text message. However, Shi Mingjun didn't see Liu Yiyi's call or text message at all, because , you lived with Shi Mingjun at that time."

"After you saw Liu Yiyi's message, you deleted the call records and messages. You went to the appointment without Shi Mingjun's knowledge."


911 What to say 【Subscription】

Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan and said, "You went to an appointment with Shi Mingjun, what were your thoughts at that time, only you know, the result after you and Liu Yiyi met was that you killed her and took the car After driving into the frozen Daqing River, Liu Yiyi and her car were sunk to the bottom of the river and submerged for three years."

"Judging from the cold weather at the time, Liu Yiyi was wearing very thin clothes, you should have raped her."

"After Liu Yiyi's death, you took the watch Liu Yiyi bought to Shi Mingjun to the class reunion. The watch you wore at the class reunion three years ago is the one I have now."

"Perhaps, you thought you handled Liu Yiyi's body very well and clean, so you left this watch behind, and you thought it was impossible for the police to find your head. , it won't count, in an old dress of Liu Yiyi, you can still find the invoice that the merchant gave her when she bought this watch."

When Lin Chen's voice fell, he also turned on his mobile phone and showed Guo Yuan the photo of the invoice he found in the inner pocket of his down jacket.

When Guo Yuan heard Lin Chen's words, he raised his head and stared at Lin Chen's mobile phone screen.

When he saw the invoice clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face showed a look of horror, his body began to tremble slightly, and he took a step back again. It seemed that the invoice was very terrifying to him.

After seeing Guo Yuan's speechlessness and his expression, everyone could be sure that this Guo Yuan was the murderer who killed Liu Yiyi.

Guo Yuan's eyes were blank, and his breathing was a little short. He clenched his fists, and after a long silence, he said, "You...how did you notice me..."

Guo Yuan's voice was trembling.

Lin Chen said lightly: "Starting from the meal we had with you at noon, we left you for dinner, I pointed to the seat next to me with chopsticks, but after some push, you sat down subconsciously. beside Qian."

"When I ate that meal, I saw your vigilance and precaution for me in your eyes, because you have seen news about Liu Yiyi's body being salvaged from the Internet, you should have also searched my name, Got some understanding."

"When we asked you about Shi Mingjun, you seemed to be unintentional, but you did it deliberately to lead a major suspect to Shi Mingjun. You opened your mouth and shut up and Shi Mingjun was a brother, and Shi Mingjun also indicated that he was with you. The relationship is good, since the two of you have such a good relationship, why do you have to give clues that are not good for him?"

"Because you are the murderer who killed Liu Yiyi. In the face of life and death, what kind of brotherhood is not worth mentioning at all. In other words, the friendship between you and Shi Mingjun has always been bullshit."

"Also, you and your colleague said you had diarrhea. You have been squatting in the toilet for a long time. At that time, I couldn't see from your body that you had severe diarrhea. You were squatting in the toilet. Information, think of countermeasures.”

After Guo Yuan heard Lin Chen's words, a wry smile appeared on his face and his eyes were red.

He murmured to himself, "So that's what it is, so that's what it is, it seems... I'm being smart..."

At the moment Guo Yuan's remarks, he has indirectly admitted that he is the murderer of Liu Yiyi.

Lin Chen glanced at Zhou Xiong and said, "Take out his mobile phone, open the browser, and check his search records and web page records. As long as he doesn't delete them, those query records and data will definitely still be there."

Zhou Xiong nodded, reached out and took out his mobile phone from Guo Yuan's pocket.

Guo Yuan's mobile phone has a fingerprint unlocking function. Zhou Xiong touched the fingerprint sensing area on Guo Yuan's thumb, and it was successfully unlocked.

Guo Yuan opened the browser. After reading a few times, he raised his head and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, you are right, this Guo Yuan's search record contains your name. For your introduction, there is the news about Liu Yiyi in the webpage records."

Pei Qian said: "Guo Yuan, you lied to have diarrhea at the same time. You were just trying to check the information in the toilet. All kinds of evidence are in front of you. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Guo Yuan lowered his head, someone with good eyesight had already seen the tears in his eyes dripping onto the ground.

Zhou Xiong pointed to the watch in Lin Chen's hand and said, "This watch was given to Shi Mingjun by Liu Yiyi. You killed Liu Yiyi and took this watch with you, so you won't be afraid of Liu Yiyi's grievance. find you?"


After Guo Yuan heard Zhou Xiong's words, he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "No, no, not what you said, no..."

· · Flowers · · ·

Guo Yuan's sudden outburst of emotion shocked some police officers.

"Isn't it what we said?" Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan and said, "Do you have anything to defend?"

"Yes, yes, of course there is." Guo Yuan was emotional and loud, and tears fell from his eyes every time his body shook.

"I didn't kill Yiyi at all. She's about to become my girlfriend. Why should I kill her? Yiyi's death... just an accident, an accident... woo woo..."

When he said this, Guo Yuan was emotionally broken, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks.

...... ......

A young man in his twenties was crying like a child at the moment, heartbroken, and the tears couldn't stop falling.

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