Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying, Zhou Xiong and the others looked at each other, Guo Yuan's reaction was beyond their expectations.

Is it really as Guo Yuan said, that Liu Yiyi's death has another hidden meaning?

"Liu Yiyi's death was an accident?" Pei Qian frowned, looked at Guo Yuan who was sitting on the ground, and asked, "You make it clear that Liu Yiyi's death was an accident?"


Guo Yuan, who was sitting on the ground, was still crying very sadly, choking while crying, unable to utter a complete sentence.

At this moment, Guo Yuan's crying looks really sad and uncomfortable.

After more than a minute, Guo Yuan's mood calmed down slightly.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiong said, "If you have anything to say, please explain it quickly, don't waste your time."

Guo Yuan stretched out his hand and wiped away a handful of tears, and said, "I said, Yiyi's death was just an accident. If it wasn't for that accident, maybe now she and I even have children..."

Many police officers were a little confused when they heard Guo Yuan's remarks. Could it be that there is still a major turning point in this case?

Immediately, Guo Yuan began to tell the crowd.

Back then, Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun worked in Qian Deyi's restaurant. After Liu Yiyi came, her beautiful appearance immediately attracted the attention of many boys. .


912 Past Statements [2 more please subscribe]

After Liu Yiyi came, Guo Yuan, who had never been in love, gradually fell in love with Liu Yiyi, a beautiful girl.

Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun are good friends, and Shi Mingjun is much more handsome than him, and Shi Mingjun is also more handsome than other male colleagues in the store.

So in the end, Shi Mingjun successfully pursued Liu Yiyi, but Liu Yiyi walked together.

After the two established their relationship, many male colleagues in the store regarded Shi Mingjun as an enemy, and their relationship with Shi Mingjun was very general, and they often had conflicts over some trivial matters.

This is one of the reasons why Shi Mingjun felt embarrassed when he found out that Liu Yiyi was sleeping with Qian Deyi.

Shi Mingjun didn't want those people to see his jokes.

As for Guo Yuan, although he felt lost in his heart, he and Shi Mingjun were still good friends, and he could only bless them silently in his heart, hoping that the two of them could go on well.

After Qian Deyi and Liu Yiyi went to bed, Guo Yuanhe was also expelled by Qian Deyi for helping Shi Mingjun back to the dormitory, so he started to look for work elsewhere.

At that time, Liu Yiyi contacted Shi Mingjun every day, and wanted to explain to him that Shi Mingjun had been hiding from Liu Yiyi, not answering her calls, and refusing to receive text messages from her.

Helpless, Liu Yiyi, who was unable to contact Shi Mingjun, put his mind on Shi Mingjun's friend, Guo Yuan.

Knowing that Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun lived together, Liu Yiyi started to contact Guo Yuan and asked him to help.

At first, Guo Yuan didn't want to pay attention to Liu Yiyi, thinking that this woman was too much for Shi Mingjun.

But later, with Liu Yiyi's entanglement, Guo Yuan gradually became familiar with Liu Yiyi, and the two often met in places.

After the two met, all Liu Yiyi asked were Shi Mingjun's questions.

When Liu Yiyi said that she was raped by Qian Deyi, Guo Yuan was very shocked at the time. He didn't expect that Liu Yiyi would sleep with Qian Deyi not because of money, but because of money. Germany has been raped.

Guo Yuan yelled at that time to ask Liu Yiyi to call the police and catch the rapist Qian Deyi, but Liu Yiyi shook his head, saying that he did not call the police at that time, but now it is too late and there is no evidence.

Besides, firstly, Qian Deyi knows a lot of people, and there is no evidence to report to the police, so it is definitely useless. Second, Qian Deyi treats her well now and gives her a lot of pocket money every month. This money is enough. Her mother bought supplements for treatment.

The main reason why Liu Yiyi didn't call the police was indeed because of money, but she didn't squander the money herself, but more than three years ago when her mother went to see a doctor and bought medicine and supplements.

This is why after Liu Yiyi and Shi Mingjun broke up, they had no money to return Shi Mingjun's [-] yuan. After cheating one million from Qian Deyi, they contacted Shi Mingjun to return the money to him.

Liu Yiyi came out to Guo Yuan and told him this, just to let him tell Shi Mingjun the real situation, tell him the truth of the matter, and let Shi Mingjun not misunderstand her.

After Guo Yuan went back, he had to explain to Shi Mingjun, but Shi Mingjun didn't listen at all. After a few times, Guo Yuan couldn't bring it up again.

At that time, Shi Mingjun quickly got along with his current girlfriend Wu Xiaojuan because of his handsome looks.

Guo Yuan told Liu Yiyi about this during a meeting with Liu Yiyi.

After Liu Yiyi found out, she was very sad and helpless. She told Guo Yuan that since Shi Mingjun has a girlfriend now, don't tell him the truth, because now that he has his life, everything has been Not important anymore.

Guo Yuan will meet Liu Yiyi often. He is not idle, but he has ideas about Liu Yiyi before. Now Liu Yiyi and Shi Mingjun have broken up, and she and Qian Deyi are not true love, so Guo Yuan thought about it. Liu Yiyi will definitely be separated from Qian Deyi at that time, and she will have a chance.

This kind of idea of ​​Guo Yuan is called a pick-up man on the Internet.

Liu Yiyi followed Shi Mingjun first, and then followed Qian Deyi. He still didn't mind Liu Yiyi and wanted to be with her. Such a tolerant man and women who behaved badly liked it very much. In this society , is also rare.

At that time, Liu Yiyi's mother had to spend a lot of money to see a doctor, so Liu Yiyi had to stay with Qian Deyi and get money from him to see her mother.

After many contacts with Guo Yuan, Liu Yiyi saw some of Guo Yuan's thoughts towards her, so the relationship between the two became closer and closer, as if they were about to become boyfriend and girlfriend and walk together. .

As the relationship got closer, Guo Yuan made a statement to let Liu Yiyi leave Qian Deyi and give her mother the money to see a doctor. He would find a way.

However, Liu Yiyi shook her head. She said that Qian Deyi had raped her at the beginning, but now it is convenient and stingy for her to spend money on her, so she can't make him feel better.

So, the two of them figured out how to bite off a piece of meat from Qian Deyi's body and make him pay a sum of money to compensate for Liu Yiyi's mental loss.

Liu Yiyi couldn't think of a good way. In the end, Guo Yuan thought of it for her. It happened that one of Liu Yiyi's female friends was pregnant, so Liu Yiyi asked her for some urine and kept it in a small bottle.

This small bottle was placed next to Liu Yiyi's body, and the urine had a temperature.

After going to the hospital with Qian Deyi for a urine test, Liu Yiyi poured the urine from the small bottle into the small box.

She walked out of the toilet and handed the small box to Qian Deyi. Qian De thought that the urine was still warm, and he didn't think Liu Yiyi would lie to him, so he believed it.

In the end, relying on other people's urine, Liu Yi successfully deceived a huge sum of one million yuan from Qian Deyi.

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