After getting the money, Liu Yiyi also thanked Guo Yuan very much, and the two of them were ready to be together.

5.3 However, before they got together, Liu Yiyi was going to pay back the money owed to Shi Mingjun, and to settle with Shi Mingjun, there was no need to owe him any more.

Liu Yiyi bought a watch worth more than 15 yuan on the [-]th. This watch was given to Guo Yuan, not Shi Mingjun.

On the 16th, he took [-] yuan, which was given to Shi Mingjun.

On the 17th, Shi Mingjun went to work and Guo Yuan rested. That day happened to Shi Mingjun forgot his cell phone in the dormitory.

Guo Yuan has been living with Shi Mingjun, and he knows the password of Shi Mingjun's mobile phone lock screen, so Guo Yuan saw the text message Liu Yiyi sent to Shi Mingjun.

Guo Yuan deleted the call records and text messages at that time, because a thought in his heart was playing havoc. He didn't want Liu Yiyi to meet Shi Mingjun again. There was a worry that the old relationship would relapse. .


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After deleting the text messages and call records, Guo Yuan went to the place where Liu Yiyiding was.

When Liu Yiyi saw that Guo Yuan was here, not Shi Mingjun, she was surprised and asked why Guo Yuan was here and Shi Mingjun.

Guo Yuan told Liu Yiyi what was in his heart. After listening to Liu Yiyi, he smiled helplessly and said to Guo Yuan: "Fool, you are such a fool, Shi Mingjun already has a girlfriend, I am right He has long given up, and the meeting is just to pay back the money, forget it, since you don't want me to meet him, then don't see it, you can go back at night and bring the money to him."

Guo Yuan was very happy when he heard Liu Yiyi's words. After the two of them had something to eat, Liu Yiyi introduced her newly bought car to Guo Yuan and wanted to take Liu Yiyi for a ride.

Guo Yuan also knew how to drive. He had itchy hands, so he asked Liu Yiyi to drive it for her. After driving the car to the suburbs, Guo Yuan saw that the sky was getting dark, so he drove the car over the ice surface of the Daqing River.

Liu Yiyi was a little scared at 11 and said what to do if the ice surface cracked.

Guo Yuan smiled and said to her that the low temperature has been so many days in a row, and the ice surface has already frozen solid, where will it shatter.

Parking the car in the middle of the river, the two of them looked at the gray river with a strange feeling.

It was cold outside, the temperature was below zero, and the heating was on in the car, which made the temperature comfortable.

Guo Yuan kissed Liu Yiyi. They have been together for so long and have not really slept together.

Liu Yiyi was a little shy, but when she saw Guo Yuan, she followed him.

Guo Yuan and Liu Yiyi had their first relationship in the car parked on the ice.

After the relationship was over, Liu Yiyi took out a box from her bag and said it was for Guo Yuan.

Guo Yuan opened it and saw a watch inside. When he heard that Liu Yiyi had spent more than [-] cash to buy it for him, Guo Yuan was very happy and moved.

Guo Yuan took the watch that cost more than [-] yuan, and Liu Yiyi asked him with a smile if he looked good or not.

Guo Yuan put on her watch and clothes on the bed, and Liu Yiyi also put on her clothes and pants. Because of the heater in the car, she didn't put on all her clothes.

On the way here, it was Guo Yuan's car. After the two fell in love on the ice, they were ready to drive back.

Unexpectedly, when Liu Yiyi was about to start the car, a crack suddenly appeared on the ice surface where the car was parked. In an instant, the crack became larger, and the car fell into the freezing cold river with a thud.

After the car fell into the water, Liu Yiyi was sitting in the driver's seat with her seat belt fastened. Guo Yuan was sitting in the passenger seat. With the adjustable wrench, he smashed the window beside him, ready to escape.

He smashed the car window, turned around, and wanted to help Liu Yiyi unbuckle the seat belt, escape from the car with her, and return to the shore.

It was just that a large amount of icy cold water had been poured into the car at that time, and Guo Yuan and Liu Yiyi's hands were numb. In panic, they failed to untie Liu Yiyi's seat belt.

People all have the instinct to survive, and the thought in Guo Yuan's mind at that time was to escape from the smashed window of the passenger seat.

He did that and got out of the window.

Because he knew how to swim, Guo Yuan swam from the river to the surface of the water. He climbed up on the ice and looked at the huge hole in front of him. He was dazed.

The hole on the ice is dark and dark, it seems to be bottomless, like a demon in the abyss.

When Guo Yuan said this, the whole person was already bursting with tears, and he was sobbing so hard.

When he was talking about this, Lin Chen and the others just listened silently, and no one interrupted his narration.

Guo Yuan sobbed: "I... I climbed up from the river at the time, soaked all over, my body was shivering with cold, I wanted to jump down to save Yiyi, but I knew that the water was so cold, and Yiyi was wearing a seat belt again. , I...I can't save her at all..."

"My mind was blank at the time, I was very scared, very scared, then I turned around and ran to the shore, and a car happened to pass by. The owner of the car saw me soaking wet and asked me what was wrong. I shivered. Tell him shyly, I accidentally fell into the river."

"After returning to the city, Mingjun hadn't gotten off work yet. I took off my clothes and hid in the bed. I was scared and confused. I thought about calling the police, but I proposed to drive the car into the river. I was afraid that I would take legal responsibility, and in the the end, I didn't say anything and kept this matter down..."

After Guo Yuan finished speaking, he continued to cry, and it was obvious that he was very sad.

Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian looked at each other, and the other police officers present also looked at each other.

These narrations and remarks by Guo Yuan completely exceeded their expectations.

I thought it was a murder case three years ago, but I didn't expect it, but I learned from Guo Yuan's mouth that Liu Yiyi's death was just an accident.

When Guo Yuan told the process, he could not see any signs of lying, and many police officers believed his words.

Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan calmly, and said, "What you said is all true?"

"Well..." Guo Yuan teared up and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, what I said is all true, absolutely true, I will keep this watch by my side, and I will not throw it away or sell it. Just because it was a gift from Yiyi to me..."

"Yiyi is gone, how can I sell the only thought she left for me?"

Guo Yuan continued: "When you first came to Mingjun, I didn't know your intentions at the time. I only found out when I accidentally saw the news that Yiyi and the car were salvaged."

"I deliberately led the suspicion to Mingjun because I was afraid that I would take legal responsibility, and I was afraid that you would not believe me and think that I killed Yiyi..."

"I'm not doing that right, I'm not human, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Guo Yuan said, and sat on the ground again, crying.

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