Ouyang Chuying raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "Do you mean to go to the Daqing River to find Liu Yiyi's skull?"

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Just go to the Daqing River to find Liu Yiyi's skull."

After Pei Qian heard Lin Chen's words, she hurriedly said, "Lin Chen, after the forensic identification and your own observation, you can know that Liu Yiyi's skull and body were separated, and it fell off naturally. Will something be found on Liu Yiyi's skull?"

When examining Liu Yiyi's corpse before, Lin Chen's inspection concluded that Liu Yiyi's skull fell off naturally, and then the 11 forensic identification results also fell off naturally. Since it fell off naturally, searching for a skull in the Daqing River is also It's a very difficult thing. The police officers who dealt with this case didn't pay much attention to the skull that was not found.

Lin Chen looked at Pei Qian and said slowly, "When Liu Yiyi's corpse was found, her body was wearing a seat belt, and the seat was very close to the steering wheel. It's not good to be at such a close distance. driving."

"If the situation at the time was that Guo Yuan forced her and had that kind of relationship with her, how could she be allowed to wear her seat belt honestly, sit on the seat without struggling, and let Guo Yuan sink the car to the bottom of the water? Woolen cloth?"

Hearing this, Ouyang Chuying narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "I want Liu Yiyi not to struggle and let Guo Yuan sink her and the car into the water. There are two ways. The first is to beat Liu Yiyi to death. , Second, knock her unconscious, so that she will sit in the driver's seat honestly, not struggling or calling for help."

Lin Chen heard the words and smiled slightly: "Yes, you are right, assuming Guo Yuan is the murderer, Liu Yiyi, who was sitting in the driver's seat and wearing a seat belt, was either dead or in a coma. among."

"When people commit murder, they usually attack the target's head. There are common sense reasons and subconscious reasons, because the head is one of the most important areas of the human body."

"Since Liu Yiyi was in a coma or died at the time, she must have been traumatized, and nothing was found on the bones below her head. The last hope, and the most likely place, is Liu Yiyi's skull. ."

"Find it, Liu Yiyi's skull, and check if there are any scars on the skull. If there is, then Guo Yuan's confession can be overturned. If not, make another plan."

Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying, Zhou Xiong and the others nodded slightly after hearing Lin Chen's speculation.

Pei Qian looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, listen to you, if even if you find Liu Yiyi's skull and there are no scars on it, you still won't let Guo Yuan go?"

Lin Chen said in a calm tone, "My experience and intuition are not wrong. You should be able to find the answer I want on Liu Yiyi's skull."

Zhou Xiong's face was not very good-looking, and he didn't know whether it was because he stayed up all night for interrogation, or because he heard what Lin Chen said.

After scratching his head, he said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I have to remind you of something."

Lin Chen looked at Zhou Xiong's embarrassed look, and said with a smile: "Looking at your expression, you look embarrassed, do you want to tell me that the Daqing River is very long, and the Daqing River is also connected to other small rivers, I want to find Liu Yiyi's head lost in the river, is it difficult?"

Zhou Xiong didn't expect Lin Chen to see what was in his heart, so he hurriedly said, "Mr. Lin, you're right, that's what I want to say."

"The Daqing River is very long, and the lowermost reaches of the Daqing River are connected to other small rivers. It is really difficult to find Liu Yiyi's skull in the Daqing River, not to mention finding a needle in a haystack."

"So what if it's too difficult?" Lin Chen said, "It's impossible not to investigate the case just because it's too difficult, right?"

"Well, that's true." Zhou Xiong nodded and said something.

Seeing Lin Chen's resolute attitude, Pei Qian said, "Okay, then search the Daqing River to find Liu Yiyi's skull, but..."

Pei Qian couldn't say two words, and after a slight pause, she said again: "Lin Chen, to search in Daqing Hanoi, it will definitely require a lot of manpower and material resources. I don't have the power to mobilize, so Director Hou went to the city bureau again. Over there, you have to call Director Hou in person and let him arrange it."

"Just call." Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Just tell Director Hou that it's my request."

"Okay." Pei Qian nodded, took out her phone, and called Director Hou.

At this moment, Director Hou is already in Xihang City and is going to attend the meeting held in Xihang City today.

After receiving Pei Qian's call, he immediately connected: "Comrade Xiao Pei, what's the matter?"

Pei Qian quickly told Director Hou about the situation here. As soon as Director Hou heard that Lin Chen requested it, he immediately said: "Okay, I understand, I will let the secretary contact all departments immediately, with 480 and you here. The search in Daqing Hanoi."

When Pei Qian heard Director Hou's promise so readily, she thought that Lin Chen's name was really useful, but after mentioning his name, Director Hou agreed without thinking.

After hanging up the phone, Director Hou immediately asked his secretary to contact various departments, especially the diving brigade of the special police corps, and asked them to follow Lin Chen's command to assist in the investigation of the sinking car in the river.

On Pei Qian's side, she also put away her mobile phone and said to Lin Chen, "Director Hou is already contacting various departments, and he will soon go to Daqinghe and start a search."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, indicating that he understood.

After saying a few more words, Zhou Xiong said, "I'll go and interrogate Guo Yuan."

After Zhou Xiong left, Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, if, I mean if, if your judgment is wrong and what Guo Yuan said is the truth, what should you do?"

With a smile on Lin Chen's face, he said lightly, "If the situation you mentioned really happened, I will give Guo Yuan a certain amount of compensation. Besides, there is no such thing as you said."

Seeing Lin Chen's confident look, Ouyang Chuying didn't say anything more.

After waiting in the Public Security Bureau for a while, the 30 members of the diving team in the SWAT team have all arrived. .


919 It's all true [3 more for subscription]

The 30 members of the diving team seem to be a lot, but for the long Daqing River, it seems a little less.

The diving team, special police, criminal police, security police, etc., under the mobilization of Director Hou, soon all gathered at the door of the Public Security Bureau Building.

These police officers are all aware that this search mission is all under the command of one person, and that person is Lin Chen.

Before leaving, Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, and Pei Qian entered the interrogation room where Guo Yuan was.

At this moment, Guo Yuan's face is ugly, his eyes are dull, he is weak, and he can't even sit up straight.

After seeing Lin Chen and the others walking in, Guo Yuan raised his head, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "I...what I said...is true...I...I didn't...lie..."

"Really?" Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan's haggard appearance at the moment, and showed no sympathy.

"It's absolutely true, Mr. Lin, please believe me..." Guo Yuan said sincerely.

Lin Chen said lightly, "I really don't dare to believe you, someone like you who is lying and can't even see the police."

After Guo Yuan heard Lin Chen's words, he was a little excited and said, "Mr. Lin, I know that you insisted on interrogating me and telling me that I lied, but I really didn't lie, what do you want me to do? Like? Huh?"

Guo Yuan's eyes were bloodshot, he stared at Lin Chen, and said, "Didn't I just hit your car, in front of beautiful women, you have to keep your demeanor, didn't you make me lose money? Lin Chen, how much does your car maintenance cost? , I'll pay you, please, please don't let them abuse me and torture me like this, okay?"

In Guo Yuan's remarks, in the previous crash, Lin Chen didn't ask him to lose money, but he regarded it as because Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan were two beauties. In order to maintain a gentleman's demeanor, Lin Chen pretended to be He acted like a good old man, so he didn't let him lose money.

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