Lin Chen would suspect him and ask these police officers to interrogate him because of a grudge.

His name for Lin Chen, Mr. Lin, also changed to Lin Chen.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying could see that Guo Yuan hated Lin Chen very much at the moment, but he didn't dare to show it too clearly.

Zhou Xiong and other police officers in the interrogation room looked at Lin Chen and Guo Yuan, but did not speak.

Those who are familiar with Lin Chen know that he is not bad at all, and whether those who are not familiar with Lin Chen will think crooked, it depends on one's inner opinion.

After Lin Chen heard Guo Yuan's words, he was still calm and said, "Don't use your dirty heart to speculate about my character, Guo Yuan, you can't escape the sanctions."

Guo Yuan was even more excited: "Lin Chen, I'll pay you, and I'll pay you to repair the car, okay? Don't you hate me, okay? I'm telling the truth, what do you want me to say? Are you willing to let me go if you want to force me to death?"

"Don't tell me these useless things, I will find evidence to prove that Liu Yiyi was killed by you, not an accident." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took a step and walked out.

Guo Yuan's shouting continued, begging Lin Chen to let him go and not bother with him.

Guo Yuan's words made people who didn't know the inside information really misunderstood him, thinking that Lin Chen deliberately made things difficult for him and abused him with lynching.

After walking out of the interrogation room, the three of Lin Chen walked to the door of the Public Security Bureau Building. Everyone was ready. After Lin Chen and the others got into the car, the long motorcade drove towards the Daqing River.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were both sitting in Lin Chen's car, and Ouyang Chuying said, "I don't know if Guo Yuan really thinks that way, or if he deliberately splashes you with dirty water. If he talks like that, some people might misunderstand it. you."

When Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's words, he smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter, everything will wait until Liu Yiyi's skull is found."

There was no words all the way, the car drove fast, and after a while, the car came to the location where Liu Yiyi's bones were salvaged from the Daqing River.

Everyone got out of the car one after another, and the diving team took off the diving equipment from the car, began to wear it, and prepared to go into the water to start today's search.

It is summer now, and the temperature is relatively high, which is very beneficial for underwater search. After all, if it is winter, divers will not be able to stay in deep water for long.

The 30 divers are in charge of the deep water area, and the other special police and criminal police are searching in the shallow water area. This division of labor and search will increase the efficiency a lot.

"Plop plop..."

The divers with equipment jumped into the Daqing River one by one, and dived into the deeper areas of the river. The other special police and criminal police also took off their pants and shirts, and wore a pair of shorts. They groped and searched in the river. stand up.

The Daqing River is very long, but the position where Liu Yiyi fell into the river is almost in the middle of the entire Daqing River.

After Liu Yiyi's head fell off naturally, it tumbled out of the broken window along with the water flow, and it must have gone downstream. The location of the river was equivalent to reducing the search range by half.

A large number of police cars were parked on the side of the road here, and so many people in the river were searching, which quickly attracted the attention of the villagers in the nearby villages.

Many villagers rushed over from their homes to watch the fun, wondering what so many police officers were looking for when they descended into the Daqing River.

Lin Chen, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the three stood on the shore. Pei Qian looked at the police officers who were busy searching below. She glanced at Lin Chen and said, "...Fortunately, this search was carried out by your name. If nothing is found in the end, and it consumes so much human, material and financial resources, I guess I will be punished by Director Hou."

Lin Chen said: "Don't worry, this time I will never be busy, I believe my inference."

When Pei Qian heard Lin Chen's words, she gave a soft grace and said nothing more.

The police officers searched the area where the river fell (Zhao's) for a while, and then, a police officer in shorts walked in front of Lin Chen, he shook the water from his hair, and said, "Mr. Lin, Pei Captain, we searched [-] meters before and after the deceased fell into the river, but no head was found."

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Well, take fifty meters as a stage, and continue to search downstream."

After the police officer heard Lin Chen's words, he said ok, and immediately returned to the river, ordered to go down, and continued the search.

The team searching in the river moved down another [-] meters, positioning each search range by [-] meters.

The search team moved down, and Lin Chen and the others who were standing on the bank also followed the river bank and walked a distance of tens of meters downstream.

At this time, behind Lin Chen and the others, a voice sounded: "Comrade Police.".


920 Evidence not found 【Subscription】

The voice that sounded behind Lin Chen and the others was somewhat familiar to Lin Chen and the others. The three of them immediately turned their heads and saw that Liu Gang had come behind at some point.

After seeing Liu Gang, Lin Chen said, "It's you."

Liu Gang nodded, with curiosity on his face, he asked Lin Chen and the others: "Comrade police, what are you looking for in the river today, what are you looking for in the river? Is there any evidence that you haven't found yet?"

Liu Yiyi's body was discovered by Liu Gang. Liu Gang's grandfather, Liu Jiankang, was also an eyewitness three years ago. These two grandfathers and grandsons are really related to this case.

Lin Chen nodded at him and said, "Yes, there is an important piece of evidence that was not found."

"What?" Liu just asked curiously.

Lin Chen said, "Skull, the skull of the corpse sitting in the car."

"Oh, it turns out that you are looking for a skull." Liu Gang said, "Yes, there is no skull of that corpse."

After speaking, Liu Gang recommended himself: "Comrade police, I'm fine now in the summer vacation. Let me join you and look for it with you? My water is very good, and I can dive to a depth of ten meters without using an oxygen bottle."

Hearing Liu Gang's words, before Lin Chen spoke, Pei Qian said 520 first: "Liu Gang, no need, if you are willing to watch the fun, just stay on the shore, there are only our police here."

Pei Qian did not let Liu Gang go down, mainly because of safety considerations. If Liu Gang had an accident while helping the police find evidence, the police would be responsible for it.

Liu Gang stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "Comrade police officer, I really want to help. My grandfather was also watching from the shore. He also called me over and asked me to help you find it together."

"Your grandfather?" Lin Chen said.

Liu Gang nodded: "Yes, you have made such a big noise here, and many people in our village have come to watch the fun."

Pei Qian still rejected Liu Gang, saying that she didn't need it.

Lin Chen smiled lightly, and said, "Okay, then thank you for being willing to help, but you are not enough, you can ask if there are other adults with good water skills, and let them help you search. Um... one person, eight hundred yuan a day."

When Liu Gang heard the figure of eight hundred yuan per person per day, his eyes widened, and he said, "One person...a day...eight...eight hundred?"

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