"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Eighty hundred a day for one person, but you need to be good at water. Don't come because of money, and you can also come if you don't have water. Also, whoever can find that skull will be rewarded."

"Okay, comrade police, don't worry, my grandfather and I know who is good at water, you can just give them money, and I'll avoid it." Liu Gang patted his chest, turned around and went to look for someone.

Pei Qian glanced at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, the salary you offered... is a bit high, I can't reimburse it."

Lin Chen shook his head: "I didn't say I wanted you to reimburse me, I'll just pay for the money."

"That won't work." Pei Qian said immediately: "You assist our police in investigating the case, how can you spend money, I still..."

Before Pei Qian could finish speaking, Ouyang Chuying interrupted her and said, "Pei Qian, you are a big boss with a net worth of several billions and will soon exceed ten billions. With such a small amount of money, you are polite to him. what."

Pei Qian laughed when she heard what Ouyang Chuying said, thinking that Lin Chen's net worth will soon exceed [-] billion yuan, and it is not impossible for him to have tens of billions or hundreds of billions in the future. After all, his company's potential is So huge.

After Liu Gang went to Liu Jiankang's side, he talked about Lin Chen's need for manpower, and the grandfather and grandson immediately got busy.

Liu Gang knew that there were only a few people with good water quality. He only greeted a few of his little friends. The old man Liu Jiankang has lived for so many years, and he knows about the good water people in the village and nearby villages.

After hearing that they had [-] yuan a day, those villagers with good water stopped working in the fields, and immediately went to Liu Gang and Liu Jiankang to sign up.

Ten or twenty minutes later, Guo Yuan took several (bbad) ten people and walked towards Lin Chen mightily.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were slightly surprised when they saw so many people approaching, and muttered, "I didn't expect that there are so many good-water villagers..."

"What's so surprising." Lin Chen said, "There must be many villagers who can swim by the big river."

"With 30 diving team members and dozens of well-watered villagers, today's search progress will be even faster," Pei Qian said.

Liu Gang led the people and came to Lin Chen. He said, "Comrade police, there are 42 people in total. Can you see? Will it be too many?"

"Not much." Lin Chen said, "there are diving goggles and a flashlight on the car over there, you can get one each."

"Okay." Liu Gang took the villagers to the side of a car full of diving equipment.

Those are the oxygen tanks, but there are plenty of diving goggles and flashlights.

These more than [-] villagers, wearing swimming goggles and flashlights, jumped into the river one by one under the command of the police and participated in the search.

Lin Chen and the three were still standing on the shore watching, waiting for the discovery of the search.

During the period, there was also a small episode, that is, a few underage children ran to Lin Chen and said that they also wanted to go down to help find things, and the money was not too much. The adults gave [-] yuan, and their children gave [-] yuan. .

The eyes of these underage children were full of expectations, and it was estimated that they wanted to earn some money to buy snacks, but for safety reasons, Lin Chen still refused them with a smile and did not let them go into the water.

They searched until noon, and searched for a long distance along the river, but found nothing.

When Lin Chen saw the food delivery car coming, he immediately asked Pei Qian to notify the police and villagers who were underwater, and asked them to go ashore to eat and rest for a while, and then continue the search after the rest was over.

The police officers and villagers went ashore one after another and went to the dining car to get their lunch boxes.

With the help of the more than [-] villagers, the search progressed significantly faster.

Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian went to the dining car after the police officers and villagers received the lunch, picked up a lunch, and ate it in the car.

It is noon now, the weather is hot and the temperature is very high, but there are big trees on the edge of the Daqing River, so it will not make people unable to stay.

After everyone had lunch, and after a short rest, they jumped into the Daqing River and continued their search.

The three of Lin Chen sat in the car for a while, and then Lin Chen said, "It's too hot, I'll go to the river to search together."

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying also wanted to cool off in the water, but they were girls, so they were not suitable.

Just when Lin Chen got out of the car, he found something in the river. .


921 Found something [2 more for subscription]

What was found in the river was a diving brigade police officer with an oxygen tank on his back.

In the middle of the river where he was, the water depth reached more than ten meters. After he surfaced, he took off his swimming goggles and shouted, "Find a bag."

The water flow of the Daqing River is very gentle, although the sound of running water can be heard, but the sound is very small. Therefore, the words of the diving team members are also transmitted far, so that everyone can hear them clearly.

After hearing his shout, many people's eyes turned to him.

Everyone saw that in the hands of the diver, he was holding a bag. The bag seemed to have been soaked in water for a long time. The skin on the surface had fallen off, and a strap had also fallen off. In terms of style, it can still be seen that this is a ladies bag.

Lin Chen, who just got off the car, and Pei Qian and Ouyang Chu "May [-]" Ying who were sitting in the car all heard what the diving team member said.

Lin Chen had already walked over there, and Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying also quickly got out of the car, followed behind Lin Chen, and ran over.

Because a leather bag was found at the bottom of the river, all searchers stopped what they were doing, either standing on the shore, standing in the water, or floating on the surface.

After Lin Chen approached, he waved to the diving team member who found the bag: "Bring it to the shore."

The diver agreed and swam quickly towards the shore.

The members of the diving team of the SWAT team were very good in water and swimming very fast. They came to Lin Chen in a few moments and handed the bag to Lin Chen's hand.

At this time, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying also came to Lin Chen's side.

Pei Qian handed a pair of gloves to Lin Chen, and said, "Open it and see, it may be Liu Yiyi's leather bag."

Liu Yiyi's purse and ID card were not found in that Buick sedan. It was suspected that the purse fell out because of the gap in the window of the passenger seat and followed the flow of water.

Lin Chen nodded, put on the gloves that Pei Qian handed over, and then unzipped the bag.

After the zipper was opened, I immediately saw that there were two packs of sanitary napkins inside. Because of the soaking in water, the handwriting on the packaging bag was a little off, so I couldn't see it clearly.

Lin Chen took out these two packs and placed them on the ground. Sure enough, they were two packs of sanitary napkins, one had been opened, and the other had not been opened.

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