After taking out the sanitary napkin, there were still some tissues, paper, and some change in the bag. The change was okay, but the other tissues and papers were all smashed and piled up.

Beneath those clumps of tissue paper, there are also two lipsticks and an eyebrow pencil.

The most eye-catching thing in the bag is the wallet. The wallet is not big and very delicate. Because of the competition in the water, the skin of the wallet also cracked and fell off.

Lin Chen held the wallet in his hand, and after opening the wallet, he saw that there were hundreds of yuan in cash and a lot of bank cards inserted.

Ouyang Chuying has sharp eyes. She pointed to her wallet and said, "The one in the crack seems to be an ID card."

Lin Chen heard the words, and immediately took out a card in the crack.

I took it out and saw that it was an ID card. The ID card was a picture of a girl. On the line of the name, there were three words Liu Yiyi.

"Liu Yiyi's purse has been found." A smile appeared on Pei Qian's face.

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Pei Qian and said, "This ID card belongs to Liu Yiyi, and this purse belongs to her too. However, this is not what we are looking for. This purse will not prove Guo Yuan's lie."

Originally, because Pei Qian found Liu Yiyi's purse, she was still a little happy, but after hearing Lin Chen's words, she put away her happiness.

Guo Yuan's confession was that he proposed to drive the car on the ice. He also wanted to rescue Liu Yiyi after falling into the water, but the water temperature at that time was too cold. Out of instinct, he escaped alone.

Because he was timid and afraid that he was the one who advocated driving on the ice, Guo Yuan didn't dare to call the police.

The discovery of this leather bag cannot prove that Guo Yuan lied, but Liu Yiyi's skull must be found.

Lin Chen glanced at the diver who found the bag and said, "Keep looking, you have to find the skull."

The diver nodded, put on his goggles, and jumped into the water again.

Pei Qian also greeted other police officers and villagers in the water, telling them to stop standing and continue searching in the river.

The police officers and the villagers are busy. If you count them, the enthusiasm and seriousness of the villagers looking for it are even better than those of the police officers.

As Lin Chen said, the villagers who find the skull will be rewarded heavily.

Lin Chen asked for [-] a day, but his reward is still in the thousands?For the villagers, the annual income from farming is only tens of thousands of yuan, but they want to seize this opportunity to make money.

On the shore, Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian, and whispered, "Although I haven't found the skull now, the contents of this bag can also prove that some Guo Yuan may be lying."

Without waiting for Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian to speak, Lin Chen continued: "It's very common for girls to put sanitary napkins in their bags, but look at these two packs of sanitary napkins, one is open, the other is not, and the two are not. Packing sanitary napkins in this leather bag is not small and takes up a lot of space.”

"Liu Yiyi will leave such space-consuming things in the purse, and it is difficult to put other things. It can be speculated that she was most likely to have a period at that time."

"If around January 1th three years ago, she came to be a relative, how could she have a relationship with Guo Yuan in the car?"

If they usually talk about the girl's physiological problems, the two girls will be a little embarrassed and embarrassed in front of Lin Chen, but now that they are talking about the case, the two girls don't feel embarrassed.

Ouyang Chuying said: "Well, putting two packs of sanitary napkins as large as 0.5 in the bag does look a bit like having a period at that time, but..."

Before Ouyang Chuying finished speaking, Pei Qian took it and said, "But because of the two packs of sanitary napkins, we can't be sure that she was on her period."

"Well." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "So what I said was that Liu Yiyi was very likely to have a period at that time, and I did not rule out other possibilities. In short, find Liu Yiyi's skull and then talk about it."

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying didn't speak anymore. The two women's minds recalled what Guo Yuan had described before. That guy didn't really look like a lie at that time, but he seemed to be telling the truth.

The three stood on the shore, silent, the searching team searched for a section of the road, and the three of Lin Chen went down a section of the road.

Time passed quickly without knowing it, and the sky was beginning to get dark. .


922 Liu Gang's discovery [3 more subscriptions]

As the sky gradually darkened, the search team still found nothing in the Daqing River.

Pei Qian looked at the sky and said to Lin Chen, "In about half an hour, the sun will go down, and the light will get darker and darker, so we must stop searching."

Looking for things in the water is more tiring than searching on the shore. The police officers and villagers in the river are now exhausted after a day of searching.

Lin Chen looked at the sunset that was about to fall, and said, "Well, stop searching for a while."

"Continue tomorrow?" Pei Qian asked.

"Of course we continue." Lin Chen nodded and replied.

Pei Qian could see that Lin Chen would not stop until he found Liu Yiyi's skull.

Lin Chen has also asked people to go to the bank to withdraw some money. One portion is 43, and [-] copies have been prepared. Today, these villagers are working hard to find them. The promised money, Lin Chen will not miss them.

Half an hour later, when Pei Qian saw that it was almost over, she took the loudspeaker and shouted to the people in the river below: "Okay, today's search is over, mark the location, and continue the search tomorrow."

After hearing this, the police officers came up from the river one after another, with exhaustion written on their faces.

Although the villagers were equally tired, their faces were full of anticipation and smiles, because they would receive [-] yuan right away. This salary is not low.

Lin Chen asked the two police officers to pay the wages to the villagers. The villagers who received the money smiled and thanked them. It seemed that the hard work of the day could no longer be felt. Tonight, he can go back and ask his wife for credit.

Several villagers came to Lin Chen and asked Lin Chen, "Comrade police, do you want us to participate in the search tomorrow?"

After the villager finished speaking, his face was full of anticipation, as did the other villagers.

Lin Chen looked at them, nodded and said, "Well, I still need it tomorrow, you can come when that time comes."

Lin Chen sees the hard work of these villagers. If it wasn't for them today, the search progress would not have progressed so quickly.

"Okay...then we will be there on time tomorrow morning." The villagers said happily.

A few minutes later, almost all of the people in the river came up. For the sake of safety, they counted the number of people.

Lin Chen was patted on the shoulder at this time. It was Ouyang Chuying who patted him. She pointed to the river and said, "Liu Gang is still looking for him in the river."

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