Lin Chen heard the words, looked into the river, and saw Liu Gang took a few deep breaths on the surface of the water, and then dived into the bottom of the water again.

When Lin Chen saw this scene, he smiled. This Liu Gang is really upright. In the morning, he said he didn't want any money and came to help for free. Today, he is also one of the hardest working people among these villagers. Now everyone else is going ashore. Now, he was still looking for it in the river.

Lin Chen took a few steps over there, and Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying followed behind Lin Chen.

After Liu Gang surfaced, Lin Chen said to him, "Liu Gang, all right, we're ashore."

Liu Gang wiped the water stains on his face, and he said tiredly: "Mr. Police, I seem to have seen something similar to a skull just now, but it's a little deep, I'm not angry enough, I didn't dive down to see clearly, I One last dive."

After Liu Gang finished speaking, before waiting for Lin Chen to reply, he took a deep breath and dived into the water with a thud.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying glanced at Lin Chen, and Pei Qian muttered, "Could it be that Liu Yiyi's skull will be found by Liu Gang?"

"I hope he didn't see it wrong." Lin Chen smiled.

After waiting on the shore for almost a minute, Lin Chen and the others saw light coming from the bottom of the water. It was from the flashlight in Liu Gang's hand, and Liu Gang was about to come up.

A few seconds later, with a clatter, Liu Gang's head came out of the water. He was panting heavily, waiting for Pei Qian to ask questions.

Liu Gang raised a hand, and Lin Chen and the others saw that in Liu Gang's hand, he was holding a person's skull.

"I found it, I found it, I found it." Liu Gang's voice was full of excitement, shouting as he swam towards the shore.

Liu Gang's cry attracted the attention of the police officers on the shore, and also stopped the villagers who were about to leave.

"It was really found by him." Pei Qian was surprised and surprised again. She thought that today's search was about to end, but Liu Yiyi's skull was actually found when it was about to end.

"Lin Chen." Ouyang Chuying called Lin Chen and said, "How much reward are you going to give Liu Gang?"

Pei Qian didn't wait for Lin Chen to speak, and hurriedly said: "If this skull has a reversal effect on this case, we will give this reward to the police."

Lin Chen smiled and didn't say anything. At this time, Liu Gang also swam in front of Lin Chen.

Liu Gang was so tired that he couldn't stand still. He handed the skull in his hand to Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Police, here it is."

Lin Chen took the skull. After holding the skull in his hand, Lin Chen quickly flipped the skull. The next moment, Lin Chen and the others saw that there was a serious bone on the skull that had become gray. laceration.

In the part of the bone crack, on the upper part of the back of the head, the gap of the bone crack is not small, and the degree is serious, just like the crack in the dry farmland.

Lin Chen looked at the bone laceration and stood up slowly, he smiled and said, "Judging from the crack on the skull, it was caused by beating with a blunt instrument before the deceased was alive. This bone laceration, For a living person, it is fatal."

"Men's skull is larger and heavier, with a concave 520-degree bony surface, obvious muscle lines and muscle valleys, and thicker cranial walls. Women's skulls are smaller and lighter, with smoother bone surfaces, and less obvious muscle lines and muscle valleys. , the cranial wall is thinner."

"This skull is obviously female. This is Liu Yiyi's skull. There is a fatal injury caused by a blunt instrument on the skull. This skull can prove that Guo Yuan is lying."

"Liu Yiyi died before falling into the river. Guo Yuan killed Liu Yiyi."

Lin Chen's remarks were loud, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the others heard it, as did the police officers who came over.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying have a hard time calming their hearts at the moment. Guo Yuan's previous performance will really make people believe what he said.

His expression, reaction, and eyes are all so sincere.

However, the skull in front of him, Liu Yiyi's skull, confirmed that Guo Yuan's confession that did not seem like a lie was completely fabricated by him.

"Guo Yuan is really lying, this bastard, we can't see it when he lies." Pei Qian said with some gritted teeth.

"Damn Guo Yuan." Ouyang Chuying couldn't help but scold.

Lin Chen glanced at the skull on his hand and said, "The fatal blunt force wound on the skull, coupled with the sanitary napkin in the bag, Liu Yiyi was probably raped by Guo Yuan during her period and then beaten to death. corpse.".


923 The case is over 【Subscription】

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying frowned immediately.

As women, although the two of them have never experienced that kind of thing, they know how painful it is to have a period. They know that they were raped during such an uncomfortable period. It is conceivable that Liu Yiyi experienced her What a torture.

"If Guo Yuan really raped Liu Yiyi when she was on her period, and then killed Shen's corpse, then Guo Yuan, the bastard, should really be taken to the gun." Pei Qian clenched her fists slightly, her eyes a little Said fiercely.

The other police officers who came over also chatted and chatted. They did not expect that when the search for the day was about to end, they found what they were looking for. Moreover, this evidence also reversed the case. some conclusions.

Lin Chen looked at the skull in all directions, and there was only a smashing laceration on the skull, and there were no other wounds.

"How did you find this skull?" a police officer asked, looking at Liu Gang.

Liu Gang came out of the water and sat on a big rock tiredly. He said feebly, "I saw that you have come ashore, so I was going to look for it for the last time. I didn't expect that I happened to see between the two rocks at the bottom of the water. A skull-like thing."

"The first time I dived, I ran out of breath and didn't see it clearly. The second time I dived, I took this skull up."

Liu Gang had a few words with the police officers, and then a police officer handed Liu Gang the [-] yuan he deserved.

Liu Gang didn't want it at first, saying that his grandfather asked him to help Lin Chen for free, and he didn't charge.

However, at the insistence of the police and Lin Chen, Liu Gang still accepted the [-] yuan, and then dragged his exhausted body away.

Before leaving, Pei Qian and Liu Gang talked about the reward, saying that the reward would be delivered to his home at that time.

When the dozens of villagers saw Liu Gang found the skull, they were both envious and somewhat blaming Liu Gang. If Liu Gang didn't find it, they would still have a chance and could get some more money. coming.

The crowd dispersed quickly, and the police officers got into the car one after another. Lin Chen and the others also got into the car and quickly walked towards the county public security bureau.

In the car, Ouyang Chuying said: "What we have to do now is to take Liu Yiyi's skull for testing and make sure it belongs to Liu Yiyi. When the identification results come out, that bastard Guo Yuan will be speechless."

Pei Qian nodded, although now it is almost certain that the owner of this skull is Liu Yiyi, but to be convicted, a relevant identification certificate must be issued.

"Guo Yuan's acting skills are really excellent. He said so eloquently before, but it turned out to be all lies. It's a pity not to be an actor." Pei Qian said.

Lin Chen drove the car and said lightly, "If he wants to be an actor, I'm afraid he will have to wait until the next life."

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