Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying nodded one after another. If he had been sentenced as Guo Yuan said before, he would have compensated Liu Yiyi's mother for mental damage, or stayed in for a few months and a year. It is understandable that he is far from being able to save him.

But the nature is different now. He raped, murdered, corpse, and quibble and lied. All these add up to enough for this kid to eat a gun.

On the way back, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying were talking from time to time, and soon the car stopped at the door of the county public security bureau.

After getting out of the car, the group took the found skull and walked quickly towards the forensic department.

In the forensic department, Pei Qian handed the skull to the director of the forensic department and said to him, "I will test the DNA of this skull and compare it with Liu Yiyi's corpse. I want the fastest result."

Seeing that Pei Qian was in such a hurry, the director of the forensic department nodded immediately and said, "Team Pei, I will immediately ask someone to carry out a comparative analysis."

The director of the forensic department and his subordinates are busy, wanting to test the results of the DNA comparison, the fastest, it will take a few hours.

Looking at the busy forensic department policemen, Pei Qian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We'll have to wait for a few hours, let's take a break and go eat something."

Both Ouyang Chuying and Lin Chen nodded in agreement, and then called Xia Miaoyan to go to a restaurant together.

When Xia Miaoyan learned from Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying that the skull was found and that there were fatal wounds on the skull, Xia Miaoyan immediately said: "Sister Ouyang, Sister Pei Qian, I said it last night, you believe me The master is fine, look, the master's experience is not wrong, Guo Yuan is lying."

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying both had wry smiles on their faces, and Xia Miaoyan continued: "But this Guo Yuan's acting skills are really good, the old detective can't see him lying, Oscar owes him a little golden man."

"You're wrong." Lin Chen smiled and looked at Xia Miaoyan, correcting: "...the Public Security Bureau owes him a bullet, and this bullet will be awarded to him after a while."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Xia Miaoyan laughed, and Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying also laughed.

Only Xiaohui sat beside her with a bewildered expression, not knowing what her sisters were laughing at.

Because I wasn't in a hurry, the meal was eaten very slowly.

Halfway through the meal, Ouyang Chuying said, "Nine times out of ten, that skull belongs to Liu Yiyi. This case will be closed soon. When will we go back, Lin Chen?"

"If the speed is fast, go back to the sea of ​​magic tomorrow afternoon." Lin Chen said.

"Okay, then tomorrow afternoon." Ouyang Chuying nodded.

When Pei Qian heard that Lin Chen and the others were going to leave, or they were leaving tomorrow, she felt very reluctant to part, and she was in no mood for the next meal.

After eating and sitting for a while, Lin Chen and the others walked around the street, strolling leisurely.

(Li Li's) At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Pei Qian's cell phone finally rang.

The content of the call was very simple. The person from the forensic department told Pei Qian that the results of the appraisal would be available in ten minutes, so that they could come back.

Pei Qian put down her phone, talked to Lin Chen and the others, and then the group got into the car and headed for the county public security bureau.

At the entrance of the forensic department of the county public security bureau, the director of the forensic department immediately walked out with an appraisal certificate.

He handed the identification certificate to Lin Chen, and said, "The identification result is out. The DNA of the skull is exactly the same as the DNA of the corpse in the car. The crack on the skull was caused by at least three blunt blows during his lifetime."

"The damage to the skull caused by these three blows was enough to take the victim's life."

Hearing the words of the director of the forensic department, and looking at the appraisal certificate in his hand, Lin Chen smiled and said, "Okay, this case is over.".


924 It depends on the situation [2 more for subscription]

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying nodded slightly when they heard Lin Chen's words.

With this appraisal certificate, it can be confirmed that Guo Yuan's previous statement was all lies.

"Now, go find Guo Yuan." Pei Qian said to Lin Chen with a smile.

Lin Chen nodded, took the appraisal certificate, and walked towards the interrogation room where Guo Yuan was.

The police's interrogation of Guo Yuan started yesterday and has continued until now.

Lin Chen said that he could use some means against Guo Yuan, but Zhou Xiong and the others used the most means, or fatigue bombing, not letting Guo Yuan rest, and kept asking him questions about Liu Yiyi's case.

I want him to leak the truth and tell the truth when he is extremely exhausted.

However, from yesterday's interrogation to the present, although Guo Yuan's mental state has been extremely exhausted, his confession is still the same, saying that Liu Yiyi's death was an accident, not his killing.

Because of exhaustion, Guo Yuan broke down and yelled in the interrogation room, saying that he really didn't lie, and begged the police not to treat him like this, he knew it was Lin Chen's intention, and he was willing to pay Lin Chen's car damage, even if If there is not enough cash, it will be paid in installments.

820 Hearing his roars, the police officers were a little shaken when they saw Guo Yuan's heart-wrenching appearance.

I wonder if it's really Lin Chen who deliberately found fault, to torture Guo Yuan like this, and take revenge for his revenge for hitting the car.

However, most police officers still don't believe Guo Yuan's remarks. With Lin Chen's identity and the cases he has solved, there is absolutely no need for him to make things difficult for a person for no reason.

Guo Yuan couldn't hold it any longer this afternoon. The interrogating police changed his shift and let him rest for an hour. After an hour of brief repairs, the boy regained some energy and responded to the police in the interrogation room. the interrogation.

Lin Chen and Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying walked into the interrogation room. There was a lot of smoke in the interrogation room.

Zhou Xiong sat on his seat with a haggard expression on his face. After seeing Lin Chen and the others coming, Zhou Xiong quickly stood up.

He looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Mr. Lin, are the identification results out?"

Lin Chenchong nodded to Zhou Xiong, indicating that the identification result had come out.

He didn't speak, and walked straight towards Guo Yuan on the interrogation chair.

Guo Yuan looked at Lin Chen with his dull eyes, and said, "Lin Chen, I'm willing to lose money, how much is your car maintenance cost, will I pay you the money? Please, please don't let it go. These cops tortured me."

When Guo Yuan said these words, his body was shaking, and his eyes were full of pleading.

Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan, who was full of sincerity at the moment, with a sneer on his face: "Guo Yuan, are you still pretending to be with me?"

"Pretend?" Guo Yuan looked dazed: "What am I pretending to you, I didn't pretend, Mr. Lin... The weather was really cold at the time, and when I got out of the water, my whole body was frozen. Now, I really don't have the ability to save Yiyi."

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