One day, Liu Yiyi asked Guo Yuan out and told Guo Yuan that she felt that Qian Deyi just wanted to play with her. Get a sum of money before separating from Qian Deyi.

So Guo Yuan quickly came up with a solution for Liu Yiyi, he said: "Isn't Qian Deyi afraid of his wife? People from her wife's family are not easy to mess with, so you fake pregnancy and ask Qian Deyi to compensate for one A mental damage fee."

Liu Yiyi implemented the method that Guo Yuan thought of, and successfully got a sum of money, one million.

When Liu Yiyi got the money, she was very happy and invited Guo Yuan to have a meal. At the dinner table, when Guo Yuan saw that Liu Yiyi was single now, he opened his mouth to confess like Liu Yiyi.

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Originally, Guo Yuan felt that he would definitely succeed. After all, he and Liu Yiyi had been together for a while, and they often helped her, so she would not reject her.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyi rejected her very directly, and told him that he had always regarded him as a good friend and had never thought about that.

After Guo Yuan was rejected by Liu Yiyi, he laughed at the time, saying it was just a joke, and pretended to be indifferent.

Before the meal left, Liu Yiyi gave him [-] yuan in cash, saying that he thanked him for helping her out with that idea.

After Guo Yuan went back, he held a grudge against Liu Yiyi, so he revealed to Qian Deyi that Liu Yiyi was a fake pregnancy.


This is why after Liu Yiyi got the money and cut off the relationship with Qian Deyi, Qian Deyi discovered her scam again and asked her for the million.

Liu Yiyi hides from Qian Deyi, she can't repay the one million.

On January 1th three years ago, Liu Yiyi went to the counter and spent more than 15 yuan to buy a men's watch.

She bought this watch for Shi Mingjun and wanted to give it as a gift.

Although she broke up with Shi Mingjun and Shi Mingjun also had a new girlfriend, Liu Yiyi couldn't let Shi Mingjun go in her heart and wanted to start over with him.

She couldn't find a reason to see Shi Mingjun, and was afraid that he would not see her like before.

So on January 1, she went to the bank to withdraw 16 yuan in cash, and wanted to use the reason of paying back the money to ask Shi Mingjun to come out.

Liu Yiyi thought that Shi Mingjun would definitely come out to see him just to pay back the money.

On January 1, Liu Yiyi called Shi Mingjun with the new number full of excitement, but no one answered the call. Ten minutes later, she edited a text message and sent it to Shi Mingjun.

There is a lot of content in this text message, and it also said a lot of things. If Shi Mingjun saw this text message, maybe he would go to the appointment at that time, and Liu Yiyi would not be killed.

But unfortunately, Shi Mingjun didn't bring his mobile phone that day, and Guo Yuan saw the content of the text message. .


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The text message Liu Yiyi sent was as follows: "Mingjun, I'm Yiyi, this is my new number, we broke up, and there were really a lot of misunderstandings. Since this time, I've been thinking of you all the time, you In my heart, it cannot be erased, no one can replace you, I have separated from Qian Deyi now, I know you hate me, but things are really not what you think."

"I want to meet you. If you don't want to see me, please come. You once lent me [-] yuan. I have prepared the money. Take it, it's your money."

At the end of the text message is the agreed time and place.

At that time, Guo Yuan trembled with anger when he saw the text message.

I love Liu Yiyi so much, treat her so well, and help her get one million, but what about her? "[-]" she still can't forget Shi Mingjun.

Isn't Shi Mingjun just more handsome than himself?He's more caring than himself, what's so good about him?

No one can replace you in Liu Yiyi's text message, Guo Yuan thought of the dilemma of his confession at that time, and felt that who, Liu Yiyi was alluding to himself.

Exasperated, coupled with the desire to own Liu Yiyi, Guo Yuan deleted the missed call record and the text message, and went to the agreed place at the agreed time.

When she arrived at the agreed place, Liu Yiyi was very surprised when she saw that the person coming was actually Guo Yuan, and asked why Guo Yuan came.

Guo Yuan told her that Shi Mingjun wanted to accompany his girlfriend and did not want to come to see her, so she asked her to give the [-] yuan to herself and give it to Shi Mingjun when she went back.

After hearing what Guo Yuan said, Liu Yiyi believed it again. She felt very uncomfortable, so she invited Guo Yuan to have dinner with her.

After eating, Guo Yuan proposed to go for a drive, but Liu Yiyi was in a bad mood and agreed.

Because Liu Yiyi drank some wine, the car was driven by Guo Yuan. The moment he got into the car, Guo Yuan had a plan in his heart to make his blood rush.

He drove the car out of the city and drove to the suburbs. After Liu Yiyi found that it was getting more and more remote, she asked Guo Yuan where to drive.

Guo Yuan quickly parked the car in a small wood on the outskirts. He locked the door, pulled out the key, and rushed towards Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi struggled and resisted, but her strength was not as strong as Guo Yuan's.

Under Guo Yuan's violence, Liu Yiyi's pants were taken off.

Liu Yiyi had a lot of blood because she came for her period. She told Guo Yuan that she could not. She had come for her period. Now that Guo Yuan apologized, it was still too late.

Guo Yuan didn't care, and in Liu Yiyi's screams, he forcibly had that kind of relationship with her.

In that small Buick sedan, Guo Yuan destroyed Liu Yiyi twice in total. After the second time, a car passed by outside the woods.

When Liu Yiyi saw a car passing by, she shouted, wanting the passing car to save her.

Guo Yuan panicked when he saw Liu Yiyi yelling, saying that he would call the police and sue him for rape.

Although he did not understand the law, he also knew how long a rape sentence would take.

At that time, the car was getting closer and closer, and Liu Yiyi struggled to escape from the car again.

In a panic, Guo Yuan picked up an adjustable wrench under the foot of the passenger seat and smashed it three times in a row on Liu Yiyi's head.

After three hits, Liu Yiyi finally stopped struggling and didn't shout, Guo Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It was just that Guo Yuan soon discovered that Liu Yiyi's breathing had stopped, her heart stopped beating, and her whole body had lost any vitality.

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