Guo Yuan just wanted Liu Yiyi not to struggle or shout, but he didn't expect Liu Yiyi to be knocked to death after a few hurried knocks.

Guo Yuan was so flustered that he couldn't tell. On the 17th, he was supposed to be a well-mannered citizen, but on that day, he raped and beat people to death.

After the panic, Guo Yuan quickly made a decision, that is, he was still young, he had not married a wife, he could not have an accident, and he could not go to jail. Liu Yiyi was already dead and could not be recovered, so let her die silently. .

At first, Guo Yuan wanted to dig a hole in the woods to bury Liu Yiyi, but he was afraid that someone would turn it over, and the problem with the car was not easy to solve. He was in the car, but he left a lot of fingerprints. and DNA.

After thinking about it, Guo Yuan thought of the method of sinking corpses at the bottom of the river.

Guo Yuan drove the car to the Daqing River, went down from the opening to the river bank, and parked the car in the center of the frozen river.

On the way there, Guo Yuan has been thinking about countermeasures. What if the car is discovered?Will the police suspect themselves?

So, in order not to make the police suspicious, Guo Yuan put on the clothes of Liu Yiyi, who was naked after being raped. Because of his hurry, he did not put all those thick clothes on Liu Yiyi, but simply wore them. One or two pieces only . .

He got Liu Yiyi to the driver's seat again, and fastened her seat belt. When adjusting the distance between the seat and the steering wheel, the seat slipped, and Liu Yiyi's body leaned very close to the steering wheel.

Guo Yuan wanted to create the illusion that he accidentally fell into the river while driving and then drowned, but he and Liu Yiyi had dinner in a restaurant today.

For the sake of safety, he smashed the window of the passenger seat again.

After doing this, there are several plans.

First of all, I hope that no one will find the car and the body. If they are found, I hope the police will think it was an accidental fall into the river.

If the police see that it was not an accidental fall into the river, they will push Shi Mingjun's body into the police's sight and let him carry it for him.

In the end, if the police still found out about him, they would use the words that he and Liu Yiyi were already talking about friends and that they accidentally fell into the river.

Guo Yuan's head is still very useful. After he finished this, he picked up a big rock and started to smash it by 0.8 along the spot where the Buick was parked.

If the ice surface around the car is cracked, the cracked ice surface cannot bear the weight of the car, and the car will sink to the bottom of the river.

The car fell into the river, and Guo Yuan stood on the edge of the hole and observed it for a while to ensure that the car would not float on it.

Just as Liu Jiankian passed by there, he heard the movement, looked towards the river, and saw a big hole.

At first, Guo Yuan stood there and didn't move, and Liu Jiankian couldn't see it clearly. He was sure that the car sank and would not come up again before running to the shore, which was also seen by Liu Jiankang.

After returning, Guo Yuan repeatedly pondered the possibility of various developments in this matter, and made up a set of rhetoric for each possibility to ensure that he would not be imprisoned.

However, he felt that what he had done was very subtle, but he still left a lot of loopholes, especially the fatal wound on Liu Yiyi's skull, which confirmed the truth of all this. .


927 Forgiveness [2 more for subscription]

Guo Yuan quickly told the real story of the incident. When he said this, his face was expressionless, and there was no emotion in his tone.

However, his body was trembling all the time, and he was afraid of the punishment he would suffer after confessing his guilt.

Lin Chen, Ouyang, Chu Peiqian, Zhou Xiong and other police officers in the interrogation room heard everything Guo Yuan said clearly.

After knowing the truth of the matter, people have to sigh, this Guo Yuan's ability to fabricate lies is really amazing.

There were actually several preparations and several rhetoric, and everything was made up perfectly.

However, after all, this is only perfect, not completely perfect, and there are still many flaws.

"It turns out that the truth is like this, Guo Yuan ah Guo Yuan, before you opened your mouth and said that Lin Chen was making things difficult for you and deliberately slandering Lin Chen. Your scheming is really good enough." Pei Qian said with a sneer.

When Guo Yuan heard this, he immediately raised his head and begged for mercy: "No, I didn't mean it, I...I can't help it either...Mr. Lin, I'm sorry 11, before...I'm sorry..."

Guo Yuan changed from calling Lin Chen's name directly to Mr. Lin. This guy's face-changing speed is no slower than flipping a book.

Ouyang Chuying took a step forward, her eyes were as sharp as a knife, and said, "Liu Yiyi had her period at that time, and you still refused to let her go. You hurt her twice in the car, Guo Yuan, you are really a beast."

"It looks good on the surface, honest and honest, but inside is such a dirty beast." Pei Qian added.

Facing the scolding of the second daughter, Guo Yuan did not dare to refute, he nodded again and again, as if Ouyang Chuying and Pei Qian were scolding right.

After accepting the chips from the two daughters, Guo Yuan's eyes were full of longing and asked: "Comrade police, I... I have already told the whole truth, can you count as me surrendering? I beg you, I beg you. I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

As Guo Yuan said, he wanted to kneel down for Lin Chen, but the interrogation chair he was sitting on was locked and he couldn't stand up at all.

Seeing Guo Yuan begging for mercy, Lin Chen said, "You don't want to die, so Liu Yiyi wants to die?"

"Accident, accident..." Guo Yuan shouted: "Mr. Lin, Liu Yiyi's death is really just an accident. I just wanted her to stop talking and let her calm down and listen to me, but she didn't listen to me. , I had to yell, and in a hurry, I accidentally beat her to death."

"I never thought of killing her, please give me tolerance."

Hearing Guo Yuan's words, Lin Chen shook his head slightly, this kid is really thick-skinned, and now he still thinks about being lenient.

Lin Chen ignored Guo Yuan, turned around, looked at Zhou Xiong, and said to him, "Officer Zhou, go and bring Shi Mingjun over."

Zhou Xiong nodded, went to the observation room next door, and brought Shi Mingjun into this interrogation room.

Before Lin Chen and the others entered the interrogation room, Lin Chen asked people to take Shi Mingjun and Liu Yiyi's mother to the observation room next door, so that they could see Guo Yuan's face and let them know the truth.

Liu Yiyi's mother Hou Chunmei and Shi Mingjun were both sad and angry at the moment.

After Shi Mingjun was brought to this interrogation room, he ignored the presence of the police in the interrogation room and rushed towards Guo Yuan on the interrogation chair.

"Guo Yuan, you bastard, you son of a bitch, am I kidding you?" Shi Mingjun rounded his fist and slammed his fist into Guo Yuan's face.

After Shi Mingjun learned the truth, his body trembled with anger, wishing to swallow Guo Yuan alive.

After so many years, it turned out that Liu Yiyi left her like that. She wanted to meet her and contacted her on the day she was killed.

But they were all blocked by this 'good brother'. If Guo Yuan had told him that Liu Yiyi was raped, then he and Liu Yiyi would not be in this situation now.

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