It's irritating to be cheated on, let alone brothers who get along day and night.

This 'good brother' also brutally persecuted his girlfriend, and finally killed her, drowned her in the bottom of the river, and put the blame on himself.

At this moment, Shi Mingjun, like crazy, waved his fist towards Guo Yuan's face frantically.

"Bang bang bang..."

With every punch of Shi Mingjun, a flower of blood spurted out of Guo Yuan's mouth, and Guo Yuan's face quickly swelled up.

Guo Yuan begged for mercy loudly, and seeing that it was useless to beg Shi Mingjun for mercy, he begged the police for mercy.

As the police, Zhou Xiong and the others hated Guo Yuan, but because of their status, they had to step forward to stop them.

Zhou Xiong and the others were about to step forward to organize Shi Mingjun, when Lin Chen looked at them.

After feeling the meaning in Lin Chen's eyes, Zhou Xiong and the police officers stopped and did not step forward.

Shi Mingjun beat Guo Yuan, and Liu Yiyi's mother was sitting in the wheelchair crying loudly. She pushed the wheelchair herself, came to Guo Yuan, and threw a fist that didn't have much power on Guo Yuan's body.

"Let's go." Lin Chen said to Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying.

When he turned around and walked to Zhou Xiong's side, Lin Chen looked at Zhou Xiong who was embarrassed, and said, "Just don't let anyone die."

Zhou Xiong understood, and after nodding, he watched Lin Chen and the others walk out of the interrogation room.

"Seeing Shi Mingjun's fist hitting Guo Yuan's face makes me feel much more comfortable." Ouyang Chuying said softly.


Pei Qian smiled slightly. She looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, thank you, this case of sinking a car at the bottom of the river is all thanks to me."

Lin Chen waved his hand indifferently and said, "Without me, you can solve the case just as well. I just speed up the speed of your solving the case."

When Pei Qian heard Lin Chen's words, she thought that if it weren't for you, what would happen to this case in the end, and when it would be solved, was really uncertain.

Guo Yuan has already pleaded guilty, and the case that Pei Qian was in charge of was officially closed.

After the joy of closing the case, a strong sense of loss rose again in Pei Qian's heart.

Because the case was solved, and Lin Chen was about to leave.

When Lin Chen returned to Mohai City this time, he still didn't know when he would see him.

After going to Pei Qian's office, after Director Hou's intention, the salary that the villagers were asked to search in the river today must not be paid by Lin Chen. Lin Chen has already helped solve the case, and he has to pay. This is too much to say.

The money from the villagers' wages was quickly credited into Lin Chen's account, and Lin Chen did not shirk it. For Lin Chen, this money was like two or three dollars in the pockets of ordinary people. Dollars, there is no need to spend much effort to talk.

As for Liu Gang, who discovered the skull, his reward has also been fixed. .


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Liu Gang's reward amount is [-] yuan, and the money is also paid by the county public security bureau. The money will be delivered to Liu Gang within three days at the latest.

It is not easy for Liu Gang to live with his grandfather. The [-] yuan can improve some of their living conditions.

Of course, Lin Chen promised to help Liu Jiankang deal with the case where his son was deliberately crushed to death by a car, and the investigation is progressing rapidly.

After Lin Chen's phone call yesterday, the province immediately issued an order to Xihang City. After receiving the message from the province, the relevant leaders of Xihang City quietly set up an investigation team to investigate. The case of the unjust death of Liu Jiankang's son.

If you want to reopen the case and avenge Liu Jiankang's son, the first thing to do is to find the honest police officers who handled the case as Lin Chen said.

Those police officers were suspended because they came into contact with this case. Thanks to the efforts of the city bureau's investigation team, they soon found those police officers.

Fifteen years ago, they wanted justice, but were ruthlessly suppressed.

When the investigation team found them [-] years later, although they were still police officers, their sharpness and integrity had been worn away. They followed the trend and became tactful. They did not want to cause more trouble for their livelihood, and did not dare to stand up for the case of the past. Out.

After all, Gong Feiyue, the murderer back then, was not as powerful as he is now. Now Gong Feiyue, in Xihang City, can be said to be able to walk sideways, and he is closely related to many big figures.

If he stood up for the case back then and offended Gong Feiyue, his job would definitely be guaranteed.

These police officers are all people with children and daughters. The older ones are grandfathers, and they have many ties.

However, under the communication of the investigation team, these police officers of the year believed in the power and determination of the investigation team, and they were willing to stand up one by one.

Now, the investigation team is contacting the forensic doctor who performed the autopsy on Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law. As long as there is evidence, they can reopen the case and sue Gong Feiyue for the crime of malicious driving murder.

Not to mention what is going on in Xihang City.

Lin Chen and the others in the conference room were ready to go back after discussing this.

Seeing that Lin Chen and Pei Qian were leaving, Pei Qian said, "It's getting late, why don't we have a late night snack together...?"

When Ouyang Chu heard this, Ying waved his hand and said, "I'm not hungry, I won't eat."

Ouyang Chuying is indeed not hungry. Another reason is that eating too much at night can easily gain weight. The word gain is a terrible thing for girls.

Lin Chen didn't really want to go, but after seeing Pei Qian looking at him with hope, he said, "Okay, it's okay to have a late night snack."

"Then you go, I'm going back to the hotel to rest." Ouyang Chuying said.

Immediately, a group of three went out of the county public security bureau. Lin Chen originally wanted to drive Ouyang Chuying back, but Ouyang Chuying waved her hand and said that she didn't need it, and then she took a taxi by herself and went back to the hotel.

Pei Qian has changed into casual clothes. She is not wearing a police uniform. She is a little less heroic, but more feminine. This mature girl, with her beautiful frown and smile, makes men unable to help but look at her. Stay on her a little longer.

Lin Chen glanced at Pei Qian and said, "Get in the car."

After Pei Qian sat in the passenger seat, Lin Chen asked her, "Where to have supper?"

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