Pei Qian liked the feeling of being alone with Lin Chen. She smiled and said, "Just drive forward, and I'll show you the way."

Lin Chen nodded, then started the car, and drove at an unpleasant speed on the road.

Under Pei Qian's guidance, Lin Chen drove the car to the door of a food stall.

Parking the car aside, the two sat down at a table in a food stall on the side of the road, and the waiter at the food stall immediately came up with the menu.

Pei Qian smiled and handed the menu to Lin Chen, and said, "You have helped us a lot. You can order whatever you want."

Lin Chen took the menu, ordered a charcoal grilled live fish, and ordered some barbecue. After Pei Qian ordered some more, the waiter was ready to go.

As soon as the waiter turned around, Pei Qian said something to wait.

"Is there anything else you need?" the waiter asked.

Pei Qian glanced at Lin Chen and asked, "Are you drinking? The case is over, I'm very happy, can I have a drink?"

"Okay, one bottle is enough for me." Lin Chen said.

Pei Qian turned around and said to the waiter, "Three bottles of beer."

The waiter went down, Lin Chen drank the tea in the cup, and said to Pei Qian, "You seem to be very unhappy?"

When Pei Qian heard Lin Chen's words, she was stunned for a moment, and said hurriedly, "Unhappy? No, the case has been solved, how can I be unhappy?"

Seeing Pei Qian's rebuttal, Lin Chen tried his best to hide it. He smiled and stopped talking about this topic.

Soon, the food ordered by the two of them was brought up by the waiter.

Pei Qian greeted Lin Chen to be polite, picked up a mutton skewer by herself, and ate it.

After eating some barbecue, Pei Qian drank a bottle of beer, her pretty face was already red, and her speech was not as clear as before.

"...Aren't you drinking enough?" Lin Chen looked at Pei Qian's blushing face and joked, "Looking at you, it's only two bottles."

"Haha..." The slightly drunk Pei Qian smiled a little cutely. She said unconvinced, "Impossible, I can drink at least three bottles, two bottles? You underestimate me too much."

Seeing Pei Qian and Wei Wei's appearance, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Lin Chen took away the other two bottles of wine in front of Pei Qian, not wanting her to drink any more.

Pei Qian refused, took another bottle and poured herself a glass.

After drinking this glass of wine, Pei Qian looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Lin Chen, can I ask you a question?"

"You ask." Lin Chen also took a sip of beer. This alcohol has no effect on his brain (Li Zhaohao).

"You..." Pei Qian's tone became hesitant, and he asked, "Do you have a girlfriend now?"

When Lin Chen heard Pei Qian ask such a thing, he smiled lightly: "Do you want to hear the truth?"

"Of course it's the truth, I'm quite curious about your private life." Pei Qian pretended that I had no idea about you, and was just gossiping.

Lin Chen said truthfully, "So far, there are two."

"Two?" Pei Qian said, "Oh, I thought you were single. I want to know, is one of them... Xia Miaoyan?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded, his affairs with Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan were open and aboveboard, and there was nothing to hide from others.

Pei Qian held chopsticks in one hand and fiddled with the plate. She raised her head and said, "Do you mind... have one more?"


PS: Brothers, will Pei Qian accept it? .


929 Can't Talk About Smart 【Subscription】

Lin Chen was eating a bunch of roasted vegetables. After hearing Pei Qian's words, he was slightly startled. He didn't expect Pei Qian to say such a thing.

When Lin Chen was about to answer, Pei Qian giggled: "Hahaha, I scared you, I'm joking with you, you already have a girlfriend, so what else can I do, Pei Qian. "

Pei Qian rested one hand on the table, her pretty face flushed. Although she was a few years older than Lin Chen, she was still young and beautiful, full of the taste of just maturity.

Lin Chen originally wanted to say something, but after hearing Pei Qian's words, he smiled and shook his head, and said no more.

Lin Chen could feel that this Pei Qian was a little interested in herself. The question she asked just now had a lot to do with being more courageous after drinking.

The two were eating barbecue and drinking wine. Pei Qian, who was pretty and blushed, looked even better than her usual police uniform.

"Lin Chen..." Pei Qian poured herself a glass of wine, and then said to Lin Chen, "My parents have been telling me to go to Xihang City, and they want to arrange a job for me in the city bureau, working in the city bureau, Compared with me in the county bureau now, the prospects are better and the chances of promotion are greater, you know, why do I still stay in the county bureau and not leave?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen looked at Pei Qian's watery eyes and said, "Because if you go to Xihang City and are with your parents, they will nagging you to find someone quickly."

Pei Qian's watery eyes showed surprise, and she said, "You... how did you know?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "You're 28 this year, you're still single, you've never been in a relationship, and the girl hasn't married yet at the age of 28. As a parent, can you be in a hurry?"

"Your parents are in Xihang City, your job prospects in Xihang City are so good, but you don't go, it must be because your parents will talk about you getting married early, and you don't want to get married, this is just a very simple speculate."

Hearing this, Pei Qian shook her head: "You are so smart, you can't hide anything from you."

"I said it, it's a very simple guess, not smart." Lin Chen responded.

"But you are wrong about one thing." Pei Qian said.

"Oh?" Lin Chen became a little curious when he heard Pei Qian's words: "What's wrong?"

Pei Qian blinked her eyes like autumn water and said, "It's not that I don't want to get married, but that I can't find the right person to marry. Before, I never met anyone who made my heart move, and I didn't like anyone. , how do you get married?"

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