Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Chuying and said, "Go to sleep, I'll just drive."

Ouyang Chuying felt a little tired, so she leaned on the chair and fell asleep.

Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui were eating snacks bought by Pei Qian in the back seat, and Xia Miaoyan also stuffed snacks into Lin Chen's mouth from time to time and fed them to Lin Chen.

Xiaohui opened a pack of chocolates, took a bite, and then handed the chocolates to Xia Miaoyan: "Sister Xia, this chocolate is delicious, you can give it to my brother."

Xia Miaoyan glanced at the chocolate she had taken a bite in Xiaohui's hand, and said with a smile, "Xiaohui, eat it by yourself, my elder sister didn't take it apart for my brother."

Xiaohui blinked, and said crisply, "Sister, why can you give your brother a bite if you take a bite, and if Xiaohui has taken a bite, you won't give it to your brother?"

When Xia Miaoyan was feeding Lin Chen something just now, she all took a bite, Lin Chen took a bite, and then looked at each other and smiled. That look made her envious of a single dog.

When Xiaohui saw it, she wanted to give her brother a bite of the chocolate.

After Xia Miaoyan heard Xiaohui's words, she felt embarrassed and subconsciously glanced at Ouyang Chuying in the passenger seat.

Ouyang Chuying must have been too tired, and now she was sleeping so hard that she didn't hear Xiaohui's words.

Xia Miaoyan explained to Xiaohui: "because my sister can't finish it, so I give my brother a little later. My brother has a big appetite. Xiaohui, keep your chocolate for yourself, but don't eat it up for your brother."

"Oh." Xiaohui took another bite of the chocolate in her hand, and said vaguely, "Then Xiaohui eats it himself, and the other chocolates in the bag are for brother to eat."

Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui accompanied Lin Chen for a while, and the two girls also fell asleep leaning on the seat.

Not long after the two fell asleep, a text message came from Lin Chen's mobile phone.

Lin Chen controlled the steering wheel with one hand and picked up the phone with the other.

After opening the text message, I found that Pei Qian sent it to me: "It's a smooth journey, pay attention to safety, and call me when you get there, I'm your Captain Pei."

After Lin Chen saw the text message, he smiled slightly, replied with a good word, and then focused on driving again.

Time passed quickly, but after the sky gradually darkened, Lin Chen and his party also arrived at a service area near Mohai City.

When we got here, it was not far from Mohai City.

Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan were already awake, and Lin Chen asked them, "Would you like to eat something in the service area before leaving?"

Xiaohui shook her head to indicate that she was not hungry, and Ouyang Chuying also shook her head to indicate that it didn't matter.

Xia Miaoyan picked up the bag of snacks that Pei Qian bought, and said, "Master, Sister Pei Qian bought a lot of snacks. I'm not hungry. Let's eat when I get home. There are still many ingredients in the refrigerator. I'll do it for you."

Thinking of Xia Miaoyan's cooking skills, Lin Chen nodded immediately and said, "Okay, then go back and eat your cooking."

Xia Miaoyan looked at Ouyang Chuying and said, "Sister Ouyang, haven't you eaten the food I made? I'll cook it for you when I get home later."

"Okay." Ouyang Chuying smiled and said, "I haven't heard much from this guy Lin Chen telling me that your cooking skills are good, so I just happened to try your craftsmanship."

As they got closer to Mohai City, Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan's mood became better and better.

More than an hour later, the car drove into the boundary of Mohai City, and the further it drove to the city, the more and more vehicles were on the road.

At this time, the mobile phone in Ouyang Chuying's pocket rang. After Ouyang Chuying picked up the mobile phone, she pressed the answer button.

After just saying a few words, Ouyang Chuying put down the phone.

She said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, the call I just received is about you."

"About me?" Lin Chen said, "What about me?"

Ouyang Chuying said: "It's the global limited edition Maserati that I ordered for you a few days ago. The staff told me that the car has now arrived in Mohai City. If you are free tomorrow, tomorrow morning I can bring it to you."

When Lin Chen heard this, he nodded and said, "...Well, if you're free tomorrow morning, let him deliver it tomorrow morning."

"Well, I already told him that it will be delivered directly to the door of Yun Zeyuan." Ouyang Chuying said.

"Master, then you can get a new car tomorrow." Xia Miaoyan said.

Lin Chen smiled, he had no idea about a new car, it didn't matter if he had it or not, he didn't have much demand for a car.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Chen and his party finally returned to Yunze Garden.

As soon as the car drives into Yunze Garden, the greening environment outside the car window has been greatly improved. One of the reasons why rich people buy high-end residential areas is that the greening environment is well designed.

When the car was about to arrive at Villa 168, Lin Chen and the others saw from a distance that the lights in their villa were on, and the window on the second floor was also closed with curtains. When Lin Chen and the others looked, the curtains were still shaking. A shadow of a person (Wang Nuo's) in the past.

"Hey..." Xia Miaoyan was surprised, and she said, "Master, before we go out, isn't the door of the villa closed? Why is the light on, is there someone inside? Was it a thief?"

When Ouyang Chuying heard Xia Miaoyan's words, she immediately said, "No, Yun Zeyuan's security measures are very good, and it is very difficult to get thieves here."

Lin Chen said lightly: "Shen Qiu and Shen Yue have the spare keys for the villa. It is estimated that they will help us clean up the house in advance when they know that we are back tonight."

"Oh, maybe." Xia Miaoyan said.

Soon, Lin Chen parked the car at the gate of Villa 168, and several people got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the villa.

When he came to the door, Lin Chen reached out and took out the key from his pocket, the door beeped twice, and then opened.

Walking in, Lin Chen and the others immediately smelled a strong fragrance. .


934 Diligent Shen Yue 【Subscription】

Lin Chen and the others smelled the fragrance, which was naturally the fragrance of the dishes.

Xia Miaoyan sucked her nose twice and praised: "Wow, it's so fragrant. Who cooks in our house, it's so fragrant, just smelling it makes me feel more hungry."

When Xia Miaoyan's voice fell, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying's eyes had already fallen on the dining table.

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