I saw that there were plates of exquisite dishes on the table, and the dishes were carefully arranged, which was very beautiful.

In the kitchen, there was a figure standing. The door of the kitchen was frosted glass, and the person inside looked a little fuzzy, but from the fuzzy figure, it could still be seen that it was a girl.

The movement of Lin Chen and the others when they opened the door and walked in was also heard by the girl in the kitchen.

The girl immediately put down what she was doing, opened the glass door of the kitchen, and stepped out.

"Boss, Miaoyan, you're back." The girl who came out of the kitchen wearing an apron was none other than Shen Yue, the younger sister of the twin sisters.

Lin Chen nodded to Shen Yue, saying hello.

Xia Miaoyan took Xiaohui's 877 hand and walked towards the dining table.

"Wow, Sister Shen Yue, did you cook all these dishes?" Xia Miaoyan asked Shen Yue.

Shen Yue fiddled with her slightly curved hair, and smiled lightly: "Yes, I have been learning how to cook with others recently, and I don't know if it is delicious. Miaoyan, try it and see how it tastes."

"Sister Shen Yue, you are being modest." Xia Miaoyan smiled and said, "It's delicious just by smelling it. The plate setting is better than mine. I'll go get a pair of chopsticks and try it."

After Xia Miaoyan finished speaking, she went to the kitchen to get chopsticks.

After Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying approached, Shen Yue also said hello to Ouyang Chuying.

"You know I'm coming back today?" Lin Chen said to Shen Yue.

"That's right." Shen Yue said, "Qi Hongyuan told us, he said that you will be here at around eight or nine o'clock tonight, and we will come together. My sister, Qi Hongyuan and his girlfriend are now upstairs to clean up for you. Where's the room?"

Lin Chen heard the words, nodded, and a smile appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that the house would be so lively after returning home. With a few more people, this dinner would be more fun. (bbbh)

Lin Chen said, "Seeing that your dishes are almost done, go and call Hongyuan and the others down."

"En, okay." As for Lin Chen's words, Shen Yue was one hundred obedient, wearing an apron, she immediately stepped on high heels and went upstairs.

Ouyang Chuying went to sit on the sofa, picked up an orange from the coffee table and ate it.

Lin Chen went to the bathroom to wash his face. Just after washing, Shen Qiu, Qi Hongyuan and his girlfriend all came downstairs.

"Old classmate, you have lost a few more lives on this trip." Qi Hongyuan saw Lin Chen and walked up to him and gave Lin Chen a bear hug.

Qi Hongyuan is grateful to Lin Chen, an old classmate, from the bottom of his heart, not his help. He still doesn't know what it is like.

As soon as Qi Hongyuan finished speaking, his girlfriend frowned and pinched Qi Hongyuan's waist: "Hongyuan, what do you say, can you speak?"

Qi Hongyuan's girlfriend wears glasses and has an average appearance, which cannot be compared with Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, but she is very attractive. She is also the first batch of employees of Lin Chen's company, and she is considered a veteran in the company.

After Qi Hongyuan was screwed by his girlfriend, he felt that there was something wrong with what he said. He smiled: "I said it wrong, I said it wrong, I broke another case, hehe."

Lin Chen smiled, naturally he didn't care what Qi Hongyuan said at the beginning.

At this time, Xia Miaoyan came out of the kitchen, holding some tableware and chopsticks in her hand, looked at Qi Hongyuan, and said with a smile, "You are wrong, it's not one more case, it's two cases."

"Two cases?" Qi Hongyuan and his girlfriend looked surprised.

Qi Hongyuan said: "I saw one case on the TV news. You only went to Xihang City for a few days, and you solved two cases? What is the second case?"

Xia Miaoyan said: "The second case is the murder of the white chrysanthemum. After going to Bixi Valley, I encountered it on the way back. The sinking of a car at the bottom of the river."

Xia Miaoyan briefly told Qi Hongyuan and the others about the incident of the sinking of the car at the bottom of the river.

After Qi Hongyuan and Shen Qiu listened, they really didn't know what to say. After a trip, they solved two cases.

They just sighed in their hearts. If she said it, Xia Miaoyan would definitely tell them that it was rare and strange, because last time she went from Tianhai City to Dongming City with Lin Chen, Zhang Tianan, and Miao Yunfei. On the way, But three cases were solved.

Among those three cases, the street lamp hanging corpse case and the horror remote hotel case frightened Xia Miaoyan so much that she still remembers it fresh.

Several people stood and chatted for a while, talking and laughing, it was very lively.

The ones who talk less are the girlfriends of Ouyang Chuying and Qi Hongyuan.

Ouyang Chuying didn't speak because there was nothing to talk about with Shen Qiu and the others. Qi Hongyuan's girlfriend didn't say much, but she couldn't let go in front of Lin Chen, the boss.

After chatting for a while, Shen Yue said: "Don't stand, sit down and eat. Although the weather is hot now, the dishes are not delicious when they are cold."

"Okay, I'll wash my hands." Qi Hongyuan ran to the bathroom.

"I also want to wash my hands..." Xiaohui followed behind Qi Hongyuan.

Everyone took their seats, Lin Chen sat on the main seat, Xia Miaoyan and Ouyang Chuying sat on both sides of Lin Chen, Shen Yue really wanted to sit next to Lin Chen, but Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan sat. , She didn't dare to say anything, but her mood was slightly lower.

Sister Shen Qiu knew her sister best, and when she saw her appearance, she immediately said, "Boss, please try these dishes, all of which were made by our family Shen Yue, and Qi Hongyuan and I did not help, in order to cook the dishes well , Shen Yue, this girl even went to sign up for the training class, she has been training for more than a month, and she will go after class."

"Sister Shen Yue worked so hard." Xia Miaoyan, a girl who didn't want to think too much, didn't think much about what Shen Qiu said. She smiled and said, "Then I have to try it out."

After eating a green vegetable, Xia Miaoyan said, "Well, it's delicious. Sister Shen Yue, your efforts are not in vain."

How could Ouyang Chuying not hear what Shen Qiu said? Seeing Shen Yue like that, Ouyang Chuying could also see some eyebrows.

Ouyang Chuying suddenly felt unhappy in her heart, how could Lin Chen have so many beauties around him and secretly have feelings for her.

Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue, smiled, and didn't say anything. .


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Lin Chen also picked up his chopsticks and took a piece of roast lamb chops made by Shen Yue.

The lamb chops were marinated by Shen Yue with special seasonings. After the seasonings penetrated deep into the mutton and tasted, it was then baked in the oven.

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