When the surface of the lamb chops is roasted and browned, take a bite out, the oil is rich and fragrant.

The lamb chops are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and every time you chew, it makes people very aftertaste.

After Lin Chen tasted the roast lamb chops, he felt that the lamb chops were really good.

He used chopsticks to pick up some other dishes to eat. Compared with this grilled lamb chop, the other dishes are slightly worse.

Overall, Shen Yue's cooking skills are still not as good as Xia Miaoyan's, but they are still pretty good.

Shen Yue's eyes, from time to time, look at Lin Chen, who is eating vegetables. She really wants to ask Lin Chen if the dishes she cooks are delicious, but with so many people at the table, the only way to ask Lin Chen is to have a more obvious intention. So I dismissed the idea and stopped asking.

When it was almost time to eat, under the guidance of Qi Hongyuan, the topic that everyone talked about was brought to the two cases that Lin Chen solved this time.

The first case, the white chrysanthemum murder case, was caused by the indifference of passers-by, in exchange for the mad revenge of the victim's father. Unexpectedly, in addition to this murderer, there was another murderer.

The father of the deceased was able to complete the series of sophisticated crimes, mostly with the help of the girl. If it wasn't for Lin Chen's careful discovery, the girl would never have been caught.

The second case is actually not difficult. The only difficulty is Guo Yuan.

This person seems to be honest and easy to get along with, but in fact, he is two-faced, and when he tells lies, the police cannot detect it.

If you have a friend like Guo Yuan by your side, you have to be careful.

These two cases are widely spread and difficult. Naturally, it is the white chrysanthemum murder case, and there are still many people discussing that case on the Internet.

Netizens lamented the murderer's cruelty, and also lamented the indifference of human feelings now. Sometimes, if you help others within your ability, maybe, it will change your and his fate, not necessarily.

After talking about the case, the topic fell on the incident that the company's server was hacked some time ago.

Lin Chen's company was hacked by Ling Xiaoqiao and Ling Feng from the Ling family and paralyzed for a few hours. The Ling family also paid the price and compensated Lin Chen for three billion in damages.

This amount of money is not enough to hurt the Ling family, but it will also hurt the Ling family for a while.

Most of the employees in Lin Chen's company do not know about the compensation, and some high-level executives who do know do not know the specific compensation amount of the Ling family.

If they knew that the compensation amount was [-] billion, they would definitely drop their jaws.

After being hacked for a few hours, the server earned [-] billion in compensation, which really required more people from the Ling family to hack.

When Lin Chen was in Xihang City before, he had already said that he would reward Shen Qiu, Shen Yue, Qi Hongyuan and the others. Lin Chen had already set the amount of the reward in his heart. few.

As for the hacker genius Hao Liang, Lin Chen naturally wouldn't treat him badly.

At the dining table, Lin Chen used his mobile phone to transfer a sum of money to Shen Qiu's bank card, and said to her, "Just follow the reward amount I said just now, and you can transfer the money to them one by one."

Shen Qiu glanced at the amount of money prompted by the text message, his eyes lit up slightly, and smiled: "The boss is really generous, the reward is much, much better than I imagined."

"Hehe." Qi Hongyuan glanced at his girlfriend and said, "With this reward, we can make a down payment for a house in the magic sea."

Qi Hongyuan's girlfriend also had the same joy in the eyes. For ordinary people, it is not easy to buy a house in the metropolis of Mohai, and now he is about to realize it.

I have a house in the magic sea, and I will have the capital to brag in front of my relatives and friends when I go back to my hometown.

After eating, Xia Miaoyan was about to get up and clean up the dishes on the table.

Shen Yue stood up first, she put her hand on Xia Miaoyan's shoulder, and said, "Miaoyan sister, you have been in the car for a day, it's hard work, let me wash it."

"It's alright." Xia Miaoyan smiled and said, "I've only been in the car for a day. I'm not tired. It's the master who is tired. There are so many dishes and chopsticks. Let me go with you."

The two women said a few polite words, and finally the two cleaned up the dishes together.

Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue are typical types of good wives and mothers, while her sister Shen Qiu has the personality of a strong woman. Now Lin Chen entrusts her to manage the company. Shen Yue's strength and professionalism have also allowed the company to develop steadily. There were no major problems in decision-making.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Lin Chen looked at Shen Qiu, then looked at Shen Yue, and thought that fortunately there are these twin sisters, there are two of them in the company, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all, he just needs to be a good boss.

After eating this meal, Ouyang Chuying was a little gloomy and seemed to have something on her mind.

After Lin Chen saw the strange look on Ouyang Chuying's face, he asked, "what's the matter with you? You don't look happy?"

When Ouyang Chuying heard the words, she thought that seeing so many beautiful women around you and posting them one by one, I'm just not happy, what's the matter?

......... ................

However, Ouyang Chuying only imagined these words in her mind, and would never say it.

She said, "It's okay, maybe it's because I'm tired from sitting in the car today, so that's why."

Lin Chen stroked his chin and smiled lightly: "Shouldn't it be? You've slept for a long time in the car today. Your physical fitness is better than Miaoyan, she's not like you, and she was fine before entering the door. I see, are you worried?"

Feeling that Lin Chen seemed to see through her own eyes, Ouyang Chuying gave Lin Chen a quick glance. She stood up from the sofa and said, "I'm tired, so I'll go back first, and you can talk slowly."

After Ouyang Chuying finished speaking, she turned around and walked outside without saying hello to Qi Hongyuan and Shen Qiu.

After Ouyang Chuying walked out the door and the heavy security door was closed again, Qi Hongyuan sat beside Lin Chen and said, "Old classmate, this eldest lady from Ouyang's family has a weird temper."

Lin Chen looked at Qi Hongyuan and said, "You also know that she is the eldest lady. She has a quirky temper and is normal. Many people who are spoiled are like this."

"Yes, yes." Qi Hongyuan agreed with Lin Chen's words.

After chatting for a while, Qi Hongyuan drove back with his girlfriend. The car that Qi Hongyuan drove was the company's car.

After Qi Hongyuan left, sisters Shen Qiu and Shen Yue also cleaned up Lin Chen's house on the second floor.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue came to Lin Chen and said, "Boss, the house has been cleaned for you, then our sisters are leaving.".


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