Shen Yue quickly peeled off the orange peel, threw it into the trash can, and handed the orange flesh to Lin Chen, acting very ladylike.

Lin Chen took the orange that Shen Yue had set aside and said thank you.

Shen Yue heard the words, smiled and said, "Boss, why did you tell me thank you, I'm your subordinate, I'll peel an orange for you, it should be."

Lin Chen was eating oranges and said a few words to Shen Yue.

Shen Yue suddenly asked, "Boss, after I shower, my hairstyle and clothes have changed. Can you recognize me as Shen Qiu or Shen Yue?"

"Yes." Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue and said, "You are Shen Yue."

Shen Yue smiled and asked, "How did you see it?"

Lin Chen deliberately teased her: "your sister's cup is not as big as yours."


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Although Lin Chen's words were a bit hooligan, what he said was indeed the truth.

Compared with her younger sister Shen Yue, her elder sister Shen Qiu's figure is really a bit worse.

Shen Yue had never heard Lin Chen say such a thing. After hearing Lin Chen say that her breast cup was bigger than her sister's, her face turned red as soon as she brushed the floor.

Shen Yue's face blushed like an apple, lowered slightly, she didn't dare to look at Lin Chen's face at all.

Seeing the change in Shen Yue's expression, Lin Chen thought to himself why this girl's face is so thin, she is almost the same as Miao Yan.

"Old..." Shen Yue muttered: "Boss, you can still see my sister and I... and my sister's figure..."

"Anyone with eyes can see it." Lin Chen smiled, Shen Yue's skin was so thin, he didn't bother to tease her.

At this moment, Shen Yue, although extremely shy, pretty blushed, like a frightened bird huddled on the sofa.

But she is very happy in her heart. Although the boss's words are a bit rogue, it at least proves that he is paying attention to her, and she also knows that her figure is better than her sister's. It seems that she is not so unimportant in his heart.

Seeing that Shen Yue was embarrassed, Lin Chen changed the subject and asked about her work.

After talking about work, Shen Yue gradually forgot the little episode just now.

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Chen also finished eating the orange she peeled.

Seeing this, Shen Yue picked up another orange, peeled it, handed it to Lin Chen, and said, "Boss, I bought this orange when I drove to the fruit wholesale market after get off work at noon. After walking a few times, I bought such a sweet orange. , there are many vitamins in oranges, you can eat more."

"Okay." Seeing that Shen Yue was so enthusiastic, Lin Chen took the second orange that she handed over, stuffed the orange into his mouth in one bite, and ate it.

At this time, the TV commercials also ended, and the news station began to broadcast the murder that the police solved last year.

The background music of the show is a bit scary, the kind of thumping notes, like a person hitting the ground with his head in a dark and empty castle.

Shen Yue has never been exposed to a criminal case. She is timid and does not dare to watch such a show with a terrifying atmosphere. After hearing the somewhat weird tone and the host's deliberately mysterious tone, she felt a backlash. Feeling a little cold, he unconsciously approached Lin Chen.

As Shen Yue approached, Lin Chen could feel the shaking of the sofa and the scent of the shower gel on Shen Yue's body.

Lin Chen turned his head to look at Shen Yue, saw the expression on her face, and asked, "Why, are you afraid?"

Shen Yue said truthfully: "Well, a little bit, the host's tone is a bit scary."

Lin Chen smiled: "The atmosphere of the show is normal. If he talks about a murder case in a very relaxed tone, the audience will not feel immersed in it, and the show will come out."

"Oh." Shen Yue nodded understandingly. Although she thought the show was a bit scary, it was still attractive.

Halfway through the show, footsteps were heard again from the stairway, and this time it was my sister Shen Qiu who came down.

Shen Qiu also washed her hair, which had been dried with a hairdryer by her. The pajamas that Xia Miaoyan bought and wore on her body were just the right size and fit very well.

Shen Qiu laughed when she saw her sister sitting so close to Lin Chen.

"What are you looking at?" Shen Qiu asked with a smile as he walked over.

Shen Yue pointed at the TV screen and said, "Sister, it's a show about a murder case that happened last year. A family of five was killed."

Hearing this, Shen Qiu frowned slightly. A family of five was destroyed?This sentence sounds kind of scary.

Shen Qiu came over and took advantage of the situation to sit on the other side of Lin Chen. The two sisters sat on the sofa on the left and right, very close to Lin Chen.

The two sisters, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, have almost the same facial features, and their hairstyles are similar now. When they face each other, it's like looking in a mirror.

The three of them were more fascinated by the case-solving documentary in which a family of five was exterminated. After watching it for more than ten minutes, the truth finally came to light.

Shen Qiu shook his head and muttered, "Hey, the murderer killed five people in one rage for such a small reason. It's really cruel."

"This kind of person is terrible, he is a pervert." Shen Yue said: "Fortunately, we can't get in touch with this kind of person. This kind of cruel case is very far away from us."

"Well." Shen Qiu nodded in agreement.

Ouyang Chuying, Pei Qian, Xia Miaoyan, and the others watched this kind of documentary, just like a regular meal, without any special feeling.

But these two sisters who have never been in contact with this aspect of things are completely different. After reading it, it is difficult to calm down and deeply touched.

After the show was over, Lin Chen picked up the remote control and changed to another channel, the three of them continued to watch, the two sisters, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, were sitting beside Lin Chen, asking Lin Chen if he wanted to eat or drink water from time to time. Would you be tired or would you like a massage or something?

It made Lin Chen feel that these two sisters were his personal maids.

"Boss, I heard that you bought a global limited edition luxury car and it will be delivered tomorrow?" Shen Qiu asked Lin Chen.

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