Lin Chen glanced at Shen Qiu and nodded: "Well, it will be delivered to the gate of the community tomorrow morning."

Shen Qiu smiled and said, "Then we sisters can go to the company later, after seeing the car you bought, can we go back to the company?"

590 "It's up to you." Lin Chen said casually, he didn't care about the car, if it wasn't for Ouyang Chuying's suggestion, and the car was hit by Guo Yuan, he didn't even think about changing it.

However, Shen Qiu and these girls seem to have a special attraction for luxury cars.

Several people looked at it for a while, then stood up one after another, preparing to go back to the house to rest.

The two women were afraid of the dark after watching the case-solving documentary, so Lin Chen let them walk in the front, and turned off the lights after walking behind.

After going upstairs, they went back to the house.

After Shen Qiu and her sister returned to the house, she saw that Shen Yue was very happy, and she asked with a smile, "Sister, you are so happy, did something happen to you and the boss before I went down?"

As soon as Shen Yue heard what her elder sister said, she quickly said, "Sister, don't talk nonsense, how could my boss and I have something to happen for no reason, nothing happened."

"Then why are you so happy?" Shen Qiu asked suspiciously.

Shen Yue smiled and said, "Sister, I won't tell you."

"Okay." Shen Qiu pretended to be angry: "Don't you dare tell me if you have something to do now, let's see how I deal with you."

Shen Qiu pounced on her sister and pressed her on the bed to tickle her, Shen Yue hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister, stop scratching me, I said, can't I say...".


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Hearing her sister begging for mercy, Shen Qiu clapped her hands victoriously, and said, "Sample, how dare you not tell me anything, I really think my sister is just a decoration."

Shen Yue pulled the clothes messed up by her elder sister, and then she reached out to straighten the messy hair on her face, and said, "Sister, don't use tickling every time you deal with me, okay? Can't you change it?"

When Shen Qiu heard her sister's words, she immediately laughed: "Haha, this is really not good, who made you ticklish since you were a child, it's best to take one to clean up you."

Shen Yue looked at Shen Qiu helplessly, and sighed a long time.

Shen Qiu pushed her and said, "Don't change the subject, tell me quickly, why are you so happy, and what happened to you and the boss before."

"It really didn't happen." Shen Yue said with a smile: "It was when I first went down. I asked the boss, after we washed our hair and changed our clothes, would the boss not recognize the two of us? The boss said no, so he called out my name directly, we sisters are so similar, I asked the boss how he saw it, and the boss said..."

When Shen Yue said this, she deliberately lengthened her tone, and did not say the following words.

Seeing that her sister was going to betray her, Shen Qiu grabbed Shen Yue's waist without hesitation, itching Shen Yue to beg for mercy.

"Come on, what did the boss say?" Shen Qiu asked curiously.

Shen Yue said with a smile: "The boss said, we can tell the difference very well, because sister, your cup is not as big as mine."

When Shen Qiu heard Shen Yue's words, those beautiful eyes opened wider and wider.

She lowered her head and glanced at her chest subconsciously, and then looked at Shen Yue's. She asked angrily, "Boss... Boss, did he really say that?"

"Yes." Shen Yue said with a smile: "Sister, do you think the boss is very sharp? You can see it. He can see this, and he seems to be paying attention to me."

At this moment, Shen Qiu was very angry, and his body was shaking slightly.

What do women care about most?In addition to appearance, it is the size of the cup, but now this is called the career line.

Now the boss actually says that he is not as big as his sister, this...

Shen Yue didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all. Seeing that Shen Qiu didn't speak anymore, she said again: "Sister, do you think the boss has sharp eyes? You can see that ¨."

Shen Qiu was angered by Shen Yue's words again, she reprimanded lightly: "You are a big head with sharp eyes, okay, Shen Yue, the boss said that I am not as good as you, so you are so happy, okay, I will let you do it again. happy happy."

As Shen Qiu said that, he rushed towards his sister again, scratching her itch with both hands without hesitation.

"Sister, elder sister, I was wrong, I was wrong..." Shen Yue hurriedly begged for mercy, and the room was filled with the cheerful sparring of the two sisters.

The building quality and materials used in Yun Zeyuan's villa are very good. Although the two girls are having a lot of fun in the house, the sound insulation effect of the room is very good, and the sound does not spread to other rooms.

After Lin Chen returned to the house, he lay down on the big custom-made bed. This big bed can sleep six or seven people, and it was very comfortable to sleep.

Although I was traveling to Xihang City this time, I encountered two cases on the way. For the investigation of these two cases, Lin Chen was also very tired.

The next morning, Lin Chen slept until he woke up naturally.

I woke up and looked at the time displayed on my phone, it was more than nine o'clock in the morning.

Lin Chen put on clean and tidy clothes, and after washing up, he opened the door and went downstairs.

At this time, it happened that Xia Miaoyan rushed downstairs and came up.

When Xia Miaoyan saw Lin Chen, her eyes lit up slightly, and she said, "Master, you are awake, and I told you to come up to eat."

Xia Miaoyan said, came to Lin Chen's front, reached out to help Lin Chen tidy up the collar, with a happy smile on her pretty face.

Lin Chen reached out and pinched Xia Miaoyan's little face, and said, "You smell of green onion on your hand, did you make breakfast?"

Xia Miaoyan hurriedly sniffed her little hand, and indeed, it smelled of chopped green onion.

She smiled and said, "No, I didn't do it alone. Sister Shen Yue also made it together. Today I thought of making breakfast. I didn't expect that Sister Shen Yue woke up earlier than me, so I made it with her."

"Yeah." Lin Chen just gave a gracious sound when he heard this, then he hugged Xia Miaoyan's slender waist and walked downstairs, ready to eat breakfast.

When they got downstairs, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue were busy setting tableware and chopsticks, and Xiao Hui was already sitting on a stool, shaking her legs and waiting to eat.

After seeing Lin Chen, Xiaohui hurriedly said, "Brother, I'm here for dinner. Sister Xia and Sister Shen have cooked a lot of dishes."

Shen Yue said to Lin Chen, "Boss, sit down and eat."

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