Lin Chen snorted, and after sitting down, she saw two rows of dishes on the dining table, Shen Yue pointed at the dishes and said, "Boss, Miaoyan made these here, and I made those over there. The dishes I cook are still not as delicious as Miaoyan's, so eat more of Miaoyan's."

Xia Miaoyan heard this and said, "Sister Shen Yue, you are humble again, and the dishes you cook are delicious."

Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue and said, "Let me tell you the truth, Shen Yue's cooking is not as good as Miaoyan's overall, and she still needs to work hard, but yesterday's lamb chops were very good and delicious."

Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words and said, "Then I will continue to go to the training class every day after the evening shift, and try to make better dishes."

Xia Miaoyan didn't think too much. She greeted: "Okay, okay, stop talking, let's all eat. After a while, the car that the master bought will be delivered to the gate of the community."

Lin Chen picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

He tasted the dishes made by Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue. The dishes she made were a little worse than Miaoyan in terms of taste. Maybe it was because of lack of experience. After all, Miaoyan had been helping the family cook since she was a child. (Wang Nuozhao)

Lin Chen and the others started to eat breakfast, and after a while, someone walked in at the door.

After Xia Miaoyan caught a glimpse of someone walking in from the corner of her eye, she quickly looked over there and saw the person walking in, it was Ouyang Chuying.

"Sister Ouyang." Xia Miaoyan called Ouyang Chuying and said, "Have you eaten? If you haven't, let's eat together."

Ouyang Chuying shook his head and said, "No, I have eaten at home."

After Ouyang Chuying finished speaking, she glanced at Shen Qiu and Shen Yue. The two of them didn't go home last night, they must have stayed and slept with Lin Chen.

Ouyang Chuying walked to the dining table and said to Lin Chen, "Your car has been delivered to the gate of the community. Now you can go and pick it up."

Lin Chen took a bite of the rice and said, "No hurry, wait until I finish eating."

Seeing this, Ouyang Chuying sat on the sofa and waited for Lin Chen and the others to finish eating. .


939 Make a dish【Subscribe】

Lin Chen eats fast, Shen Qiu, Shen Yue, Xia Miaoyan and the others have a small appetite and don't eat much.

After a while, everyone was full.

Lin Chen stood up and said, "Let's go, pick up the car at the gate of the community."

Ouyang Chuying stood up from the sofa and looked at Shen Qiu and Shen Yue. She was not in a very high mood, and from time to time she rolled her eyes at Lin Chen, as if Lin Chen owed her a lot of money.

Several people left the villa, drove their cars, and headed out of the community.

At this moment, at the entrance of Yunzeyuan's community, a truck is parked. The delivery personnel have taken out the Maserati Global Limited Edition worth more than [-] million from the truck and placed it at the entrance of Yunzeyuan. on the open space next to it.

As soon as the black Maserati parked in the open space, it immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by.

This is Yunze Garden. The people who can live here are either rich or expensive. The wealthy people come and go here with luxury cars. It is not surprising to see a Maserati here.

However, this car is different, whether it is the model or the color, it is not comparable to those millions of luxury cars. Some people who know the goods quickly recognize that this is a limited edition car in the world.

The global 543 is limited to three units in three colors. Each unit is out of print. It is equipped with the top engine and the safest protective equipment. The price is also as high as more than [-] million, which is close to [-] million.

Passers-by cast their gazes at this car, thinking that this is obviously a new car. I don’t know which owner in Yunze Garden bought it. It’s really rich to spend [-] to [-] million to buy a car.

Some passersby stopped and admired the car. At this time, an Audi Q5 with a slumped front drove out from the gate of Yunze Garden.

The car came quickly towards the clearing and stopped in front of the pure black Samarati.

Lin Chen and his party opened the car door and got out of the car, Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu, Shen Yue, and the others, when they saw this Maserati, their beautiful eyes lit up slightly, but they were only amazed at the beauty of this car in their hearts, and their faces showed no expression. obvious.

In contrast, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying seemed to have no waves and no expressions on their faces.

The staff who delivered the car to Lin Chen this time was a blond and blue-eyed foreign beauty with long legs. This beauty looked good and had a good figure. After seeing Lin Chen, she immediately walked towards Lin Chen.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." The blonde and blue-eyed beauty came over, shook hands with Lin Chen, and introduced her identity.

Then she glanced at the handsome and extraordinary Lin Chen, and said in fluent Chinese, "Mr. Lin, I saw you on TV a few days ago and saw that you solved a murder case, but I didn't expect that I would be able to give it to you in person today. It's an honor to come here."

Lin Chen smiled at her, not wanting to waste time, and said, "Go through the formalities, I still have things to do."

The blonde and blue-eyed beauty thought she was pretty, but in Lin Chen's eyes, she didn't see that he cared and paid attention to her, and Lin Chen didn't want to talk to her.

This made the beauty feel a little lost. She immediately took out a car purchase contract in her hand. The relevant information was already written on it, and she only needed Lin Chen to sign it.

Lin Chen glanced at the car purchase contract. The price of this car was 3500 million, which was already the lowest price Ouyang Chuying could get.

Lin Chen didn't care about the money, he signed it directly, took out his bank card and was ready to swipe it.

The blonde female staff took out the POS machine, entered the payment amount, and after pressing a series of zeros, she also entered back and forth several times, for fear of making a mistake.

Lin Chen neatly swiped the card, pressed the payment password, and after a few seconds, the payment was successful, the receipt was printed, and after signing the receipt, the car purchase procedure was completed, and the car now belonged to Lin Chen.

The license plate of this car has already been made, and it is a good leopard number. When others see the license plate of this leopard number and the tens of millions of cars, they can show the identity of the owner of the car (bbcc).

After Shen Qiu and Shen Yue saw the car, the sisters came to Lin Chen and said to Lin Chen, "Boss, then we will drive your Audi Q5 back to the company."

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded.

Immediately, the second daughter drove the Audi Q5 back to the company, and Lin Chen stepped into the 3500 million Maserati.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Lin Chen pressed down the car window and said to Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan who were standing outside the car, "Stop standing, I'll take you guys racing."

"How fast can you go?" Ouyang Chuying didn't know much about Lin Chen's driving skills, she said lightly, "Don't drive so fast, the new car scratches, you don't feel bad, I'll take care of you. You hurt."

However, Xia Miaoyan refuted Ouyang Chuying and said, "Sister Ouyang, you haven't seen the master racing, so you don't know that. The master's driving skills are not worse than those of professional racing drivers."

Xia Miaoyan was already sitting in the car, and Ouyang Chuying also followed.

The door was closed and the car started. Under Lin Chen's control, the black Maserati turned into a black streamer and quickly disappeared into the open space at the entrance of Yunze Garden.

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