The passers-by who were watching saw that the car was gone, and they all dispersed.

Lin Chen drove the car and was speeding on the road. There was a lot of traffic on the roads in the urban area. After Lin Chen drove the car to the suburbs, the speed was released.

Ouyang Chuying, who was sitting in the passenger seat, knew why Xia Miaoyan was so confident in Lin Chen's driving skills before, but this time, Ouyang Chuying's little heart was about to be frightened.

But one thing to admit, Lin Chen is indeed an old driver, and his racing skills are top-notch.

When Lin Chen slowed down, Ouyang Chuying glanced at him and said, "How is it? Driving feels better than your Audi."

"It's okay, after all, the price is there." Lin Chen responded lightly.

After driving on the street for a while, it was also time for lunch, so Lin Chen drove back towards Yun Zeyuan.

This black Maserati is on the road, and it turns heads.

When Lin Chen and the others were in the car talking about what to eat for lunch today, Ouyang Chuying suddenly said, "I won't go home for lunch, I'll go to your house."

Hearing this, Lin Chen asked, "Come to my house for a meal?"

Ouyang Chuying rolled her eyes at Lin Chen and said, "Do I still need to eat rice? I just want to go to your kitchen to cook once. Although I rarely cook, my skills are still good. "

Seeing that Ouyang Chuying was going to cook for himself and Xia Miaoyan, Lin Chen agreed with suspicion.

After driving the car back to the door of Villa 168, several people entered the villa, and Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. .


940 Your sister is in the kitchen [2 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen refused in his heart that Ouyang Chuying was going to cook for himself.

But since she wanted to try and was so active, Lin Chen didn't reject her.

Lin Chen was about to go to the kitchen to have a look, but Xiaohui ran up to him with the remote control and said to him, "Brother, the remote control is useless, I can't turn on the TV."

Lin Chen took the remote control in Xiaohui's hand and pressed it twice, as if it really was out of power.

So Lin Chen asked Xia Miaoyan in the kitchen, "Miaoyan, do you have batteries at home?"

When Xia Miaoyan heard Lin Chen's words, she said, "Master, there seems to be no battery at home. Is the remote control dead? Why don't I buy it."

"Don't." Ouyang Chuying was going to cook, but Lin Chen didn't report any hope. He hoped that with the assistance of Xia Miaoyan, today's lunch at noon would be passable and not too unpalatable.

If Xia Miaoyan left the kitchen, Ouyang Chuying still didn't know what she would do.

Lin Chen said to Xia Miaoyan, "you all continue to cook. I'll just go to the supermarket to buy batteries."

Xia Miaoyan heard the words and said, "Master, there are no tomatoes at home. You can bring some tomatoes back by the way."

Lin Chen agreed, turned to go out, and drove towards the supermarket in the community.

A minute or two later, the car stopped at the entrance of the neighborhood supermarket. Lin Chen came to the supermarket a limited number of times. After entering, he went straight to the vegetable and fruit area.

When he arrived at the vegetables and fruits area, Lin Chen saw boxes of tomatoes wrapped in plastic wrap. Lin Chen picked up a large box and turned around to get the batteries.

As soon as Qi Li turned around, a girl who was walking past him suddenly fell down on him.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to support her, the girl sighed and threw herself in Lin Chen's arms.

After the girl threw herself into Lin Chen's arms, she slowly stood up, smiled at Lin Chen, and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry..."

Having said that, the girl looked at Lin Chen with a surprised look, and said, " are Lin Chen, Mr. Lin? I didn't expect to meet you here, and you also live in Yunze Garden. ?"

This girl looks very beautiful and dresses luxuriously. At first glance, she looks like the daughter of a wealthy family.

Lin Chen was not surprised that the other party knew him, this girl would fall into his arms, and Lin Chen could see that she did it on purpose.

"Well, I also live in Yunze Garden." Lin Chen responded indifferently, and walked towards the area where batteries were sold.

The girl followed directly behind Lin Chen, and said this to Lin Chen, saying that she had watched Lin Chen's case-solving documentary, and the newly uncovered white chrysanthemum murder case.

Lin Chen treats her enthusiasm relatively coldly. The main purpose of this girl's approach is to ask Lin Chen for contact information and to invite Lin Chen to have a meal.

Ordinary people would be very happy to be followed and approached by a rich girl like this, but Lin Chen said to her, "Forget about the meal and contact information, we live in Yunze Garden together, and we will have the opportunity to meet in the future."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took a battery and walked towards the cashier counter.

The rich girl looked at the back of Lin Chen as she turned away, her eyes were peach blossoms, and she muttered to herself, "It's as stylish as in the case-solving documentary, but it's also a bit cold. I like it very much."

Another girl quickly sprang from behind the girl. The two of them were friends, they were together, and they separated after seeing Lin Chen just now.

This later girl pushed the rich girl and said, "Don't be a nympho, people don't want to pay attention to you at all."

The conversation between the two was heard by Lin Chen, and he didn't stop. After paying the bill at the cashier, he drove back to the villa.

In this episode in the supermarket, Lin Chen also thought about it.

After returning home, Lin Chen took the battery, replaced the old battery of the remote control, and turned on the TV for Xiaohui to watch.

Then he took the box of tomatoes he bought and walked towards the kitchen.

When he walked to the door of the kitchen, Lin Chen saw some ceramic fragments on the floor of the kitchen, and there were still several remains of dishes in the trash can.

Seeing this, Lin Chen asked, "Have the dishes been beaten?"

Ouyang Chuying said confidently: "I destroyed it, what happened?"

"If you don't say it, I know it was you who beat him." Lin Chen said slowly, "Miaoyan is ingenious and won't do anything to beat the dishes."

When Xia Miaoyan heard Lin Chen compliment herself, she smiled sweetly, but she still said to Ouyang Chuying: "No sir, sister Ouyang broke it accidentally. She doesn't cook often, so she's a bit It's normal to be in a hurry."

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