· · Flowers · · ·

Ouyang Chuying rolled her eyes at Lin Chen, thinking that Miss Ben has never cooked for anyone, and even my parents have not cooked a good meal for them.

I'm in a good mood today and want to cook a meal for you, but you still dislike it?

Ouyang Chuying felt unhappy in her heart, her pretty face was cold, she asked Lin Chen, "Are you giving up hope for the dishes I made?"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Well, there really is no hope."

"You..." Ouyang Chuying didn't expect Lin Chen to speak so frankly, she chopped a knife on the green onion on the chopping board, and said angrily: "Then I have decided that I will cook all the dishes at noon today. , My fried dishes will not be worse than anyone else."

"Just be happy." Lin Chen smiled, turned and walked away.


Ouyang Chuying secretly made up her mind that she must make a delicious meal at noon today, and let that guy Lin Chen see that it is not only Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue who cook well and cook by herself. Not bad either.

With such a mood, Ouyang Chuying became more devoted to cooking, and Xia Miaoyan stood behind her and helped her.

When Xia Miaoyan saw Ouyang Chuying's appearance of cutting vegetables, she was sweating for her, for fear that Ouyang Chuying's hand would be cut.

When Lin Chen was sitting on the sofa and watching cartoons with Xiaohui, a stranger came to the villa. This was a young man in his twenties. He was well dressed. After walking into the villa, he smiled and fought with Lin Chen. Say hello.

He said to Lin Chen: "Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Ouyang Jie from the Ouyang family, hey, you may not know me, but I do know you. I have seen all the cases you solved, Mr. Lin. …”

This young man who claimed to be Ouyang Jie had some chattering potential, Lin Chen just glanced at him, and he introduced himself and talked non-stop.

Lin Chen asked him to talk a lot. After he stopped, he asked him, "What are you looking for?"

Ouyang Jie smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I want to meet you and make friends. Besides, my sister seems to be with you. My sister and I have had a good relationship since we were young. Bullied, my sister will protect me, I..."

"Stop." Lin Chen was speechless to Ouyang Jie: "Your sister is in the kitchen.".


941 Fortunately, there are people who know the goods [3 more for subscription]

This Ouyang Jie, as long as you give him a word, he can involve a lot of things.

This kind of chatty character is really not for everyone.

After Lin Chen pointed to the kitchen, Ouyang Jie smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Lin, after I've gone to find my sister, I'll come back to you for advice on solving the case, the cases you solved, Some people look back and think about it, it's still very infiltrating."

Lin Chen didn't want to pay attention to him, so he didn't answer.

Ouyang Jie walked to the kitchen door and saw Ouyang Chuying wearing an apron and cooking in front of the stove, a ghostly expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Ouyang Jie asked Ouyang Chuying.

When Ouyang Chuying heard the words, she turned her head and saw that it was her own younger brother who was here. She said casually, "Why are you here?"

"I came to "Nine Thirty Zero" to talk to you about something. My mother said that you were with Mr. Lin, so I came here. You...Are you cooking?" Ouyang Jie was still in disbelief expression.

"Yes, cooking." Ouyang Chuying's answer was very succinct.

Ouyang Jie said, "Sister, don't be funny, cook. You rarely even go into the kitchen at home. What do you cook?"

As soon as Ouyang Jie finished speaking, Ouyang Chuying's sharp eyes immediately looked at him.

After Ouyang Jie felt Ouyang Chuying's eyes, he was too frightened to continue talking.

When Ouyang Chuying saw her brother coming, no matter what he wanted to say to her, she asked him to come to the kitchen to clean up the dishes and debris on the floor.

Ouyang Jie is also a big boy in the second-generation circle of Mohai, but at this moment, he is being yelled at by Ouyang Chuying, and he will do whatever he wants without daring to complain.

Ouyang Jie knew that Xia Miaoyan was Lin Chen's woman, so she was very polite to her and did not dare to neglect her.

Ouyang Jie was cleaning and throwing garbage again. By the time he was done, he was so tired that he was out of breath.

He looked at Ouyang Chuying and asked, "Sister, is there any reward for doing so much work? For example, go to our dad's place and ask for mercy."

As soon as Ouyang Chuying heard this, she knew that Ouyang Jie was in trouble and came to her to help him intercede.

She rolled her eyes at the younger brother and said, "There are rewards. You can stay at Lin Chen's house at noon today and eat the food I cook."

As soon as Ouyang Jie heard this, he wanted to run away, but after being glared by Ouyang Chuying, he stood there honestly, chattering endlessly.

Xia Miaoyan also began to dislike this Ouyang Jie, there was no way, a big man is too long-winded, he can talk about a little thing for a while, just like those women who like to be long-winded.

After more than half an hour, with Ouyang Chuying's efforts, all the lunch meals were finally prepared.

When Ouyang Chuying put the last dish on the dining table, she said to Lin Chen who was sitting on the sofa, "Okay, Lin Chen, you can come and eat."

Hearing this, Lin Chen just let out a faint sigh, then stood up, took Xiaohui, and walked towards the dining table.

When Lin Chen saw the plate of dishes on the table, he couldn't help but one head and two big ones.

Ouyang Chuying's fried dishes have to be good-looking but not good-looking, and have no fragrance, and some of them have been fried, making people feel that they have no appetite.

"How's it going?" Ouyang Chuying raised her eyebrows, as if my cooking was not bad.

"It doesn't look like much, let's try it out." Lin Chen said.

Immediately, Lin Chen and the others sat down one after another, and Ouyang Chuying's younger brother Ouyang Jie also sat down and had lunch together.

Ouyang Jie, who stayed to eat, had a bitter expression on his face. He didn't want to stay and eat his sister's cooking, but in the face of her sister's threat, he didn't dare to run. He could only sit in Ouyang like a good grandson. Next to Chu Ying.

Lin Chen picked up his chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of scrambled tomato scrambled egg. After eating it, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Seeing Lin Chen frowning, Ouyang Chuying hurriedly asked, "Why? Isn't it delicious?"

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