"It's too salty..." Lin Chen frowned, shook his head and said, with disgust in his words.

"You mean it's not delicious?" Ouyang Chuying asked Lin Chen.

The next moment, Lin Chen spit the piece of tomato scrambled egg into the trash can, and corrected: "It's not bad, it's very bad."

Lin Chen said that the first dish was not delicious, which made Ouyang Chuying very unhappy.

She directly took the plate of tomato scrambled eggs away from Lin Chen, and threw it in front of Ouyang Jie with a ding clang, and said, "You eat it, and tell me if it's delicious."

"Ah?" Ouyang Jie grimaced, picked up chopsticks reluctantly, and took a bite of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. .

His expression was similar to Lin Chen's, he frowned at first, and then wanted to find a trash can to spit it out, but after being glared by Ouyang Chuying, Ouyang Jie could only eat it aggrieved.

"How is it? Lin Chen said that what I made was very bad, what do you think?" Ouyang Chuying asked Ouyang Jie.

"Cough cough..." Ouyang Jie coughed twice, licking his face and said, "Sister, the taste is not bad, not as bad as Mr. Lin said... so bad, it's... ok..."

When Ouyang Chuying heard what her brother said, her embarrassed expression improved a little.

"Fortunately, there are people who know the goods." What Ouyang Chuying meant in his words was that Lin Chen didn't know the goods, but her younger brother knew the goods.

After saying this, Ouyang Chuying ordered Ouyang Jie: "You can eat this scrambled egg with tomatoes, you are not allowed to leave the table until you finish it."

Ouyang Jie was dumbfounded, but he didn't dare to protest. He picked up the chopsticks, and with tears in his heart, he silently ate the second piece of scrambled egg with tomatoes.

When Xia Miaoyan saw Ouyang Jie's hard look, she felt that he was so pitiful.

But this is someone's younger brother, and he won't say anything.

Ouyang Chuying pushed another plate of braised pork in front of Lin Chen and said, "You can try this braised pork."

Lin Chen picked up his chopsticks and ate a piece of braised pork. The mouth of the braised pork was full of soy sauce flavor.

This woman, Ouyang Chuying, made this braised pork dish, I don't know how much soy sauce was put in 2.4.

Although this piece of meat is unpalatable, it is not as difficult to swallow as getting a scrambled egg with tomatoes.

After Lin Chen finished eating, he pushed the plate of braised pork to the front, and said, "This braised pork is okay, it's suitable for your brother to eat."

Ouyang Jie was eating the plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Lin Chen's words made him dumbfounded.

What?Haven't finished a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, yet another plate of braised pork?

Ouyang Chuying saw the look of disgust in Lin Chen's eyes, she bit her lip and threw the braised pork to Ouyang Jie: "You, eat."

"Sister, I..." Ouyang Jie wanted to refuse.

"Huh?" Ouyang Chuying glared at him.

Ouyang Jie pointed his head down and continued to eat.

Next, Ouyang Chuying let Lin Chen taste every dish, and finally most of the dishes were placed in front of Ouyang Jie. .


942 How is the craftsmanship 【Subscribe】

Facing Ouyang Chuying's plate of dishes, Ouyang Jie was about to collapse.

He wanted to escape, but a look from Ouyang Chuying made him dare not escape.

When Ouyang Chuying was at home, she seldom even went into the kitchen. Ouyang Jie never imagined that her own sister would cook at Lin Chen's house, and she was left to eat by her.

I also blame myself for being cheap. When is it bad to come, I choose to come at this time.

Well now, Lin Chen has to bear all the dishes that Lin Chen thinks are unpalatable.

"How is your sister's craftsmanship?" Ouyang Chuying was disgusted by Lin Chen, and she was very upset, so she had to come to her brother to find comfort.

Ouyang Jie lowered his head and responded bravely: "Delicious, sister, although you are a novice, these dishes are not as delicious as those cooked by the chefs in the restaurant, but what should I say, when I first started eating, I also felt the taste. Generally speaking, but the more you eat it, the better you feel, and it is very memorable.”

Hearing his brother's words, Ouyang Chuying's expression softened a lot.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he pushed the braised chicken feet in front of him to Ouyang Jie.

Lin Chen 11 said: "You can still taste the aftertaste of the dishes your sister made? Talent, here, this plate of sour and salty braised chicken feet is also for you."

When Ouyang Jie saw the oddly shaped plate of braised chicken feet, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

But for Lin Chen, he didn't dare to say refusal, he could only nod to Lin Chen with tears in his smile.

When Xia Miaoyan saw that Ouyang Jie was extremely hard, but she wanted to tell Ouyang Chuying how delicious it was, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

The master was also bad, and gave him the plate of sour and salty chicken feet. Xia Miaoyan also tasted one of this plate of chicken feet. How can I describe the taste... Anyway, after eating this chicken foot, you For the next month, I don't want to touch chicken feet anymore.

Ouyang Chuying looked at the only plate of green vegetables and fried pork slices left in front of Lin Chen. She asked Xia Miaoyan, "Miaoyan, is the food I cook really as bad as Lin Chen said?"

Xia Miaoyan looked embarrassed, how could such a thing be so straightforward.

So she smiled and said, "Oh, sister Ouyang, it's okay, you don't cook often, it's normal."

When Ouyang Chuying heard Xia Miaoyan's words, she wanted to ask Lin Chen.

Seeing how she was about to speak, Lin Chen said to her, "Don't ask me if it's delicious, my behavior has already been made obvious, you can taste it yourself."

Ouyang Chuying picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of the dishes in front of Ouyang Jie, put it in her mouth, and then her beautiful eyes slowly widened.

She wanted to vomit the dish, but vomited it in front of Lin Chen, wasn't she a joke to him.

So Ouyang Chuying had to bite the bullet and swallow it.

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